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John T

Roundtable--how far will you travel


I'm debating on doing this half crocked crazy traveling schedule for the week of February 5th. Follow this and tell me if I'm nuts..ah don't answer that I already know what most people think about me..yea he;s nuts.

February 4th-Superbowl party I was supposed to attend..I had to cancel to go into work so I can get some time off for..now follow this.

Feb 6th am get off work. sleep 3 hrs and catch noon 12:30pm flight to Texas.

Feb 7th am- Sit down with Robert and Michael Hindeliter and the PWNA managment team leader Michael Beaudry to try and reach some resolutions and understandings between the PWNA and *****. Then catch plane and arrive home near midnite.

Tentative Schedule:

Feb 8th- early am..drive 14 hrs to Goergia and try to make it there before midnite to get a hotel and sleep a few hours.

Feb 9th- Go to Sunbrite building and take the PWNA Environmental class and certification test. Finish that talk some shop with Pete Marentey if he has time then back on the road for a 5+ hr trip to NC.

Feb 10th- Attend Celeste and Roger's NC Roundtable meeting then hit the road aprox 4pm and travel 8 hrs to NJ and find another hotel and catch a few hours zzzzz's

Feb 11th- Attend Everett's PWNA sanctioned Roundtable open to all at 10:30am. Call one or two guys from my "Other" job and beg them to cover me untill 9pm that night to get in to work untill the next morning(7am).

Crazy---yes...why..well besides being passionate about this business and enjoying seeing everybody and networking and learning etc....Along comes Tuesday Feb 13th...........Florida bound jetwise with my wife and girls...and that my friends makes all the hard work worth it.

The drawback from feb 9th-11th is not getting anyone to cover me at my "Other" job because they are already covering me to go to texas. You can only ask for so many favors. I'm thinking I have a few left since I did tons for them over the years but there is no guarantee's there.

So how far will you travel to make these events??

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Last November we left Charleston SC on a Friday night, drove 6 hours to NC, unloaded the car from 10 days away working, slept a few hours, caught up on some deskwork & laundry, reloaded car to drive about 7 hours to MD on Saturday (with puppies!) Got to MD Sat night - up Sun am at 5:00 to ride 3 hours to PA for Tom's RT until late afternoon, rode 3.5 hours BACK to MD Sunday evening then rolled out 9:00 am on Monday 7 hours back to NC.

Round Table was worth it....hot tubbing is always worth it :)


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You are a maniac. Thats one heck of a itinerary!

Running 2 businesses, being employed and all the volunteer work must make you a pretty tired guy in my opinion. I hope it is all worth it to you and that you get what you deserve for all that hard work.

Glad to see you are putting in some vacation time after that...I just hope you are able to get enough rest on the flights to keep you awake to enjoy it.

We will travel somewhere around 325-350 miles to go to a RT. (figured @ 70mph X 5 hours drive time...oh!... and no heavy traffic!)

For other points beyond, that depends on the event and the airfare. We have flown to conventions in LV and Dallas/Ft.Worth and were looking forward to the AZ convention till that changed. No need to go back to LV as I used to live there and got burned out. Beth wanted to see AZ because I was born there and I too miss it.

So far, we are going to Celeste's RT in NC and Tom and Barbara's RT in PA. 5 & 3 hour drives respectively.


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