As a matter of housekeeping, we will be going through our database and clearing out any account that does not have a valid email address. For security purposes it is important that we are able to verify our users as real, rather than someone trying to gain access to our site for malicious purposes.
If you do not have valid information in your account and need to change it, go to the User CP to do this. If you need help, simply contact us directly. It is possible for you to have a valid email address and opt to not receive email from our BBS.
Attention members,
As a matter of housekeeping, we will be going through our database and clearing out any account that does not have a valid email address. For security purposes it is important that we are able to verify our users as real, rather than someone trying to gain access to our site for malicious purposes.
If you do not have valid information in your account and need to change it, go to the User CP to do this. If you need help, simply contact us directly. It is possible for you to have a valid email address and opt to not receive email from our BBS.
Thanks for your prompt attention in this matter.
Beth & Rod
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