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Just a good day


Got off the phone with a property services guy a friend of mine a few minutes ago. He is the guy from the very beginning of my company that has opened so many doors for me & my biz. He's somewhat responsible for about 40-50% of my work in one way or another, by the PM's he's sent my way

Well he was at a meeting with a HOA board , he is going to be taking the maint. over from another PM company the HOA is getting rid of. He had me do a proposal up for the 30 buildings and he was going to submit it to the HOA. He was in the meeting he got the property. As they were talking over maint stuff the HOA Prez brought up PWing and my guy said he has the best company on the beach (US) and the Prez stated that he has a company that he'd like to try. He got the company name from another HOA that we did their property. My guy just listened and then the HOA prez handed him a Newsletter from this PW company and my guy just laughed:lgsideway My guy handed him my proposal................................ He said everybody laughed The Newletter was MINE same as the proposal was MINE. My guy said the HOA said I guess we know who we are going to use. My guy told him he uses no one else but JL and its a done deal

Tell me life isnt good. Got to love it

Newsletters WORK!!!. The Newsletter came from a regular property of mine.

My guy said he is going to start a newsletter now ....cool


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Congratualations. Excellent idea of a newsletter. I have thought about one but do not know what to write about to keep it going all the time.

Do one every 3 -6 months. Mines not all that special. I put in one main thing every time . Like talk about roof clean and what the stain are, or concrete cleaning. I'll take something out of Cleaner Times or from here. I'll put jokes in. I put letters from customers, I'll put in what projects we did and whats coming up, its a lot of fluff stuff too. It doesnt have to be the Sunday Newpaper just a page or so. Its to inform a little and get your name out there to people. I've seen some a lot better than mine. But heck for the time it takes it pays off in cases like I just got this job and the newsletter helped

try it


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