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Beth n Rod

Chat transcript- Wood Care Chat, 12/3/03

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Firedkm Login:

Firedkm Logout:

Russell-Cissell Login:

Russell-Cissell Login:

JimCrossley Login:

: JimCrossley Msg: Good evening

Russell-Cissell Msg: how are you?

JimCrossley Msg: Doing fine, it just started to rain abt. 10 min ago here in Atlanta

Russell-Cissell Msg: It has been trying to sleet here all evening.

JimCrossley Msg: Any you?

JimCrossley Msg: Russ, where are you located?

Russell-Cissell Msg: I am just north of St Louis

Russell-Cissell Msg: Are you originally from Atlanta?

JimCrossley Msg: I was pw-ing a wooden retaining wall today. I guess I will have to wait until Monday to hit it with stain.

JimCrossley Msg: I have went to high school here and then was on the road with IBM for 20+ years.

Russell-Cissell Msg: What is your tep holding at?

Russell-Cissell Msg: sorry. . .temp

JimCrossley Msg: Russ it has been in the mid 50's for the past week in the pm.

Russell-Cissell Msg: What type of stain are you applying?

JimCrossley Msg: SW oil based Cupernoil. I needed a red cedar tint to go along with the redish pine stray next to a swimming pool

Russell-Cissell Msg: you will be fine if the temp holds in the 50s

Russell-Cissell Msg: Atlanta was a great market. We were able to book work about 10 months out of the year.

JimCrossley Msg: Oil base gets a little sluggish in the 40's.

JimCrossley Msg: Last year we only had 5 days where it was below 32.

Russell-Cissell Msg: I hope the roads were dry! I was there for the "great storm" of 93 when a little sleet and about 2 inches of snow shut the whole city down.

BethRod Login:

Russell-Cissell Msg: I miss the longer season here

Russell-Cissell Msg: How are you Beth?

JimCrossley Msg: Yes, they were dry. And I also remember the storm of 93. It was such fun watching the TV people here.

JimCrossley Msg: Hi Beth, many thanks for your help over the past 2 days.

BethRod Msg: Hi Russ and Jim

Russell-Cissell Msg: I felt like I owned the roads. It was the least traffic I remember seeing there.

BethRod Msg: No problems. Trust it is all sorted out.

JimCrossley Msg: Works great

JimCrossley Msg: By the way, I tried my surface cleaner on some of my wifes Japaneese walkway. It worked great. No marks.

BethRod Msg: that's great!

Russell-Cissell Msg: Jim how long have you been doing wood restoration?

JimCrossley Msg: I do it only when people twist my arm. About 2 years now. I hate California fences.

Russell-Cissell Msg: What type of work do you prefer?

JimCrossley Msg: Flat work and buildings under 4 storys.

JimCrossley Msg: We do about 1 residential per month.

Russell-Cissell Msg: We did a lot of condos there, working for property managers, but the wood was the most profitable

JimCrossley Msg: Russ, 80% of our work is for condo and homeowner associations.

Russell-Cissell Msg: that is by far the easiest way we found to keep steady work there

JimCrossley Msg: We work with about 10 property management companies here.

Russell-Cissell Msg: Do you do much work in Norcross?

JimCrossley Msg: Have done a little at St. Ives and on the other side of I85 past the mall.

Russell-Cissell Msg: I used to have a condo off Indian Trail.

JimCrossley Msg: Sorry for the delay, I had to get my gray matter going. Yes, I know where that is.

JimCrossley Msg: Russ, are you a member of the cai?

Russell-Cissell Msg: never heard of them unless you meant the CIA

JimCrossley Msg: No the cai. The Community Associations Institute.

Russell-Cissell Msg:No, Jim I havn't been in Atlanta for about 9 years

JimCrossley Msg:It is nation wide. There is more than likely a chapter for your state.

JimCrossley Msg:Shoot me your email address and I will get you some information.

Russell-Cissell Msg:There likely is, we focus more on residential work now.

Russell-Cissell Msg:I would appreciate that

Russell-Cissell Msg:imrcc1@aol.com

JimCrossley Msg:Done.

JimCrossley Msg:Say Russ, what would you recommed as a goo long lasting stain that is available in almost every large city.

JimCrossley Msg:That was good with a question mark.

Russell-Cissell Msg:Cuprinol

JimCrossley Msg:ooooooooooook. I thought I heard 2 weeks ago that the pigment could use some work.

Russell-Cissell Msg:If I was a traveling stainer and had no access to ESI products, that is what I would use

Russell-Cissell Msg:You said good with a question mark didn't you?

JimCrossley Msg:I will look into the ESI product line. Many thanks.

Russell-Cissell Msg:I can find weakness in any product (including our own) I analyze. Cuprinol has many strong points

JimCrossley Msg:Beth, smile

BethRod Msg::)

Russell-Cissell Msg:When you put availabilty as your parameter I look at what will be most consistantly available and highest quality for the dollar

JimCrossley Msg:Me to and my associations don't mind paying extra.

Russell-Cissell Msg:We used to use TWP and I swore by it. We would also use Cuprinol if we needed an off color

Russell-Cissell Msg:You have to conside a few things like how long you want the product to last, if you are going to do follow up care etc.

JimCrossley Msg:And the sun. Is it primarly from the south or the west and how much shade and how much yada, yada, yada

Russell-Cissell Msg:Cuprinol goes on failrly easily, lasts about two years and is very consistant in quality and availability.

JimCrossley Msg:Most of the wood walls I have done over the past four years are still in good shape.

JimCrossley Msg:I guess that is because they are vertical.

Russell-Cissell Msg:Yes, they last about twice as long, depending on sun, wind, rain, sprinkler systems and on and on

JimCrossley Msg:Tell me about sprinker systems. A board member went on and on today abt. they sprinklers hitting there walls.

Russell-Cissell Msg:I used to carry a key to adjust them

Russell-Cissell Msg:(that can lead to trouble though)

JimCrossley Msg:I leave that to the lawn maintenance people. I think that is there responsibility.

Russell-Cissell Msg:it is, but they never call the lawn guy when the new stain is fadded out after only about a month

JimCrossley Msg:I hear that.

JimCrossley Msg:Beth, quick question. How do we get a copy of the chats emailed to us?

BethRod Msg:I'll post it or email it....just let me know

JimCrossley Msg:If they are posted, then everyone would have access to a lot of good information.

James Login:

JimCrossley Msg:Good evening James

Russell-Cissell Msg:welcome James

JimCrossley Msg:Well James where are you located?

James Msg:Hi guys i had problems getting on

JimCrossley Msg:Talk to Beth, she is the Guru.

JimCrossley Msg:Or is that Guru-ette

James Msg:CTt Im having trouble

JimCrossley Msg:Move further south.

BethRod Msg:What kind of problems Jim?

James Logout:_

JimCrossley Msg:I guess not to basic.

JimCrossley Msg:Russ, I know you do residential, but is your primary focus on wood?

Russell-Cissell Msg:yes

JimCrossley Msg:Cedar siding included?

Russell-Cissell Msg:mostly siding

Russell-Cissell Msg:Personally I don't enjoy decks anymore

JimCrossley Msg:How do you remove the oil lines on old faded cedar siding?

Russell-Cissell Msg:oil lines?

Russell-Cissell Msg:Describe them more

Russell-Cissell Msg:around nails?

JimCrossley Msg:Well, they are dark lines that seem to travel down the grain. They are not around nails.

BethRod Logout:_

Russell-Cissell Msg:could it be that there is just more color in the grain then around it where it is more faded?

JimCrossley Msg:Thinking.

Russell-Cissell Msg:could it be water lines? is the siding warped?

JimCrossley Msg:I am not sure. I will try to find another one and shoot you a digital picture.

Russell-Cissell Msg:that would be great

Russell-Cissell Msg:most often a combination of a percarb. and an acid will do a great job

JimCrossley Msg:What is a good stripper to use when the wood under a less than simi-transparent stain is cedar?

Russell-Cissell Msg:what is available near you?

JimCrossley Msg:Almost everybody. Remember I am in HotLanta.

Russell-Cissell Msg:can you get Biowash StripXL?

Russell-Cissell Msg:It works pretty good, it is just very expensive

Russell-Cissell Msg:my honest opinion is nothing strips better than HD-80 for the dollar

JimCrossley Msg:I has got to be cheaper than residing an entire home. And the best place to get DS-80?

Russell-Cissell Msg:Beth sells HD-80

JimCrossley Msg:OK, that works.

Russell-Cissell Msg:it will strip twp, Cuprinol, cwf, Behr and most every other stain you will run into

Russell-Cissell Msg:your cost of use will be less than 2 cents per square foot

JimCrossley Msg:That sounds like a winner. What is the dwell time line?

Russell-Cissell Msg:about 15 min per coat of stain

Russell-Cissell Msg:you DO have to neutralize with an acid

JimCrossley Msg:That is painless until you said acid. What kind of acid?

Russell-Cissell Msg:oxallic works fastes, but will leave the wood with a whitish cast, a blend of oxallic and citric is best for the wood

Russell-Cissell Msg:Again, Beth can help you with that

JimCrossley Msg:Won't a light pw get rid of the whitish cast?

Russell-Cissell Msg:Paint stores sell Oxallic, however it is not priced bulk

Russell-Cissell Msg:it would only if you remove the damaged wood

Russell-Cissell Msg:it is the depleation of natural oils that causes the white caave to remove the "dead wood" layerst. you h

Russell-Cissell Msg:forgive my typing

Russell-Cissell Msg:to remove the white layer, you have to remove the "dead wood"

JimCrossley Msg:I know cedar is very tendar. My house is cedar and the bumble bees do enjoy eating it.

Russell-Cissell Msg:they can be a problem

JimCrossley Msg:This spring they were not a problem. But every couple of years. This place starts to look like a cheese factory.

Russell-Cissell Msg:How do you combat them?

JimCrossley Msg:Black flag wasp and hornet spray in a black can. Spray into a hole and listen to all of the hell that breaks loose.

Russell-Cissell Msg:what is your e-mail?

JimCrossley Msg:They crawl out of the hole like drunks and die. driveways@earthlink.net

JimCrossley Msg:Our web site is www.greatpressurewash.com

Russell-Cissell Msg:I sent you some information on Carpenter Bees

JimCrossley Msg:Russ thanks. I don't mind them at all except for the damage that they do to homes.

Russell-Cissell Msg:Right, you may be able to find information that you can pass on to your potential customers. Being informed will always give you an advantage.

Devis Login:

Russell-Cissell Msg:Welcome Devis, glad you could join

JimCrossley Msg:Got the email. Thanks. I will pass the information on as most of the homes in my neighborhood are cedar.

JimCrossley Msg:Evening Devis

Devis Msg:tahnks

JimCrossley Msg:Join the typing impared.

Russell-Cissell Msg:Jim, you can average $3000.00 per week restoring cedar homes in Atlanta

JimCrossley Msg:I am in the wrong line of work.

:Russell-Cissell Msg:That is a great market for wood restoration

Russell-Cissell Msg:Flat work is not bad either, you just have to maximise the profitability of the service you provide

Russell-Cissell Msg:Atlanta is a great market because there is a strong value placed on contractors who "know"

JimCrossley Msg:Let me change that. It will take me atleast 6 months of R&D to open up that segment of the market and to do it properly.

Russell-Cissell Msg:customers are open to the up sell because they appreciate quality

Russell-Cissell Msg:Well, the good news is that market isn't going any where

Devis Msg:Fellows I am new to this and would liike some advice on chemicals to use on a cedar siding home with a oil based stain finish. What would be safe to use removing algae Is this the wrong place to ask?

JimCrossley Msg:The other good news is that I have seen no compitetion in that arena.

JimCrossley Msg:Devis you are in the right place.

Russell-Cissell Msg:very few who "know" what they are doing

Russell-Cissell Msg:Is the stain semi-transparent?

JimCrossley Msg:That is what we have been talking about for the past 30 minutes.

JimCrossley Msg:Give me you email address and and I will make sure that you get a transcript for this evenings proceedings.

Devis Msg:mjoh9871@aol.com

Russell-Cissell Msg:Devis, if the stain is semi-transparent you can strip it with efc-38

JimCrossley Msg:I guess I can say that since Beth has left and she will have to do all of the work.

Russell-Cissell Msg:Beth rocks!

Russell-Cissell Msg:Devis, Depending on how old the wood is, you may want to brighten it as well.

Devis Msg:I was thinking of a 25% by volume mix of bleach and water and some dawn det.

Devis Msg:will it lighten the stain?

Russell-Cissell Msg:I am not saying that it will not work, but there is a chance that it will not and then you will be doing atleast twice the work. You are always better off in the long run starting with a solution that you know will work.

JimCrossley Msg:Amen from the bible belt.

Russell-Cissell Msg:Devis, it would likely remove the stain in some places and not in others, leaving the wood un eaven

Devis Msg:where can i get efc-38?

Russell-Cissell Msg:Contact Beth

JimCrossley Msg:Beth rocks!

Russell-Cissell Msg:1-877-426-9274

Russell-Cissell Msg:Beth does rock!

Devis Msg:Thanks fellows. Beth is a very generous person with information. I will call tommorrow

Devis Msg:Can someone explain an X-Jet

Russell-Cissell Msg:Do you know what a venturi-pump is?

Devis Msg:yes

Russell-Cissell Msg:ventui-pump=X-jet

JimCrossley Msg:A plume of water compared to a garden hose.

Russell-Cissell Msg:it passes 1/4 water line past 3/8 opening creating a vaccume

Russell-Cissell Msg:they are fantastic for applying cleaners to a large surface fast

Devis Msg:does beth sell these also?

Russell-Cissell Msg:No, I don't think so

Russell-Cissell Msg:Cat Pumps has one I think they call a power cat

Russell-Cissell Msg:it is listed under accessories

Devis Msg:Delco maybe?

JimCrossley Msg:Try www.envirospec.com and there are other.

Russell-Cissell Msg:delco yes

Devis Msg:I just ordered supplies yesterday. Too late!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JimCrossley Msg:Devis, where are you located?

Devis Msg:Southwest Louisiana

JimCrossley Msg:rain country

Russell-Cissell Msg:Well, I have to run for the night

Russell-Cissell Msg:I hope to see you both next week

JimCrossley Msg:Let you go Russ and thanks for all of the great input. Till next week.

Russell-Cissell Msg:Best of Luck!

Russell-Cissell Msg:bye

Devis Msg:Yes normally it is but has been pretty dry this year. Just now getting cool weather

Russell-Cissell Logout:_

JimCrossley Msg:We hit the low 50's today here in atlanta

Devis Msg:Jim thanks for the help. I will be looking for yall later

Devis Logout:_

JimCrossley Logout:_

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