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ron p

housewash chat


i want the most people to be able to take part in on this subject.

Im on the east coast and monday's and tue's are best for me.

What time[my time] would be best?

Anyone have some specific topic"s about housewashing?

Do we have any newbie's out their that want to chat?

I know most of you guy's that have been around are set in your way's but maybe we can learn something new.

Chat would cover

marketing [would you buy a marketing pkg if it was customised with your co name?]

How too


chem application


trouble shooting problem soil type's

Diffrent surface's

Pool apron's[flatwork]

setting up yearly account's

turning homeowner's into free salespeople for you[word of mouth refferal's]

How to price,why you price,justifying the price.

up-selling your service

How to combat the "beer washer's"


Im open to any other idea's. Post them if you have any.

[just the question's, not ans., that's the point of the chat]

Beth, maybe you can post a pic of a house/ house's that we can use to pick apart. This way we can all have the same thing in our mind.


I dont use spell check and sometime's dont convay what i mean very well and im a moderator here.

So COME ON you WATCHER"S. It's OK. Their are no stupid question's.

It's getting boreing without you.

You cant learn if you dont ask.

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Just a suggestion, keep it simple, pick a one of the two days at the 8pm time slot. You can always alternate to using the other week day the following week. I'll send the email once you choose. Personally, I would say take Monday since PWNA has a chat scheduled on Tuesday and some people might want to attend both and have to choose.

So I guess my vote is Monday, in which case let me know asap and I'll send the email.

Beth :coffee: :groovy:

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I would be very interested in a house wash marketing package if you were willing to customize it to my company. I currently only do decks and the occasional sidewalk or patio. Basically everything you mentioned in your post is what I have questions about. I will definitely check in on the chat tonight.

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