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Mountain View

House Wash


Need opinions folks. This customer asked me to provide a qoute for a house wash. What she said was,"go ahead and qoute for it if you think it needs it.". This is part of a larger quoute for flat surface, pool deck/ patio area, and a fence restoration. I will be breaking down the qoute into fence, flatwork, and housewash sub-sections.

I have a couple of questions. First, how would you guys qoute something like this. Eyeball it and estimate time or maybe the sq. ft. of house interior and go from that?? Another issue, it's just not that dirty. The gutters have some light runs on them, but the house itself is pretty clean. Now, I don't want the issue of cleaning gutters and then having streaks on the bricks from run-off and I am washing ceiling areas of patios in the back yard area. Do I just figure in a light soap on soap off and rinse scenario? Or do I just tell her, "It's just not that dirty and I'd hate to take your money for something that won't make an appreciable difference."? I don't like to leave money on the table any more than you guys, but I am thinking about the integrity and reputation of my business.

Opinions please.

I also have some pictures of the fence for the same customer that you'll love. More on that later......



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3 answers to this question

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These are what I consider cream of the crop customers. They have an expensive property and they have the money and desire to maintain it.

You have been around long enough to know that you cannot clean gutters without washing what's underneath them. This is one example where I would go heavy with a neutral cleaner (like carwash) and soap everything up. The windows will get clean, you'll wash any dirt/pollen that is sticking to the brick and the customer will be satisfied.

I would price it like I do any other job. There is no discount for "less dirty" as the procedure is the same. I'm not sure what you are saying when you mention worrying about the integrity and reputation of your business. The customer obviously called you to do the work. They want it done. The only issue is in your own hang up. Be up front with the customer, explain what you are going to do and why you have to charge her to wash the entire house even though the results may not be as dramatic as on some projects.

I think you'd be surprised at what you wash off. Pollen gets into mortar and then mold grows. What you are doing will save them expense in the long run.

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I don't know if I can help you with that, Pete. My area is different than most. With gutter brushing and that white brick that might require some special attention I'd be at least $600 depending upon the scope of additional work.

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