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Showing most liked content on 05/17/2011 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Beth n Rod

    PWNA Bulletin Board posts

    It should not have happened to begin with. Two BOD's told you NOT to post it and you did. Really? Why? What could you possibly hope to gain? What do you think should happen to you as a result of these actions? Do you realize the damage you have done to PWNA? The other day you and I spoke on the phone and you sounded so passionate, so determined to remove yourself from negativity and bashing. You wanted to take the high road and really help the PWNA. What happened to that? Years back there was another ED that did something very similar. The damage done by one particular incident was horrible. It has taken the PWNA YEARS to recover from it, and in one post you have dragged the PWNA back down into the mud. Do you know why? Because of perception. The PERCEPTION is that since you are the ED, you are a voice for PWNA, you have the blessing of the PWNA BOD,a nd lots of folks will not believe you acted on your own, because that's the way it is. People are dramatic. They speculate. You made a horrible decision and now PWNA will undoubtedly suffer for it. That's a shame. I am really glad I am not on the PWNA BOD right now but I can tell you that if I were, the discussions going on would be long and very thoughtful. They would not be easy ones to hold. As a former BOD and as a current member, I sincerely hope that the current PWNA BOD will think long and hard before taking this lightly and brushing it off. You actually traveled to Arizona and looked for him not just once....you STALKED him. If you were to ever do that to me, I would call the police. This is sad, and disgraceful. But the PWNA as an association is not to blame. YOU as an individual are, and if you really respect the PWNA then you need to make a tough decision of your own. Beth p.s. http://www.thepwna.org/aboutus.php