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Showing most liked content on 07/09/2008 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    What are you really paying for gas?

    Thanks for sharing that Beth. I use cash only because I don't pay attention to receipts like I should. Also, I have been noticing that when I'm pumping gas, the meter jumps from, say for instance, $49.90 straight to $50.00. Somebody got the LAW on it so maybe those roguish gas station managers might try something else to beat us out of our money. Yolanda
  2. 1 point

    Legacy wood...what is it?

    Rick, Looks like redwood to me. Thats all I see out here in No. Calif. All sorts of redwood out here, old and new. Surprised to see it out your way, but my .02 is redwood, Rick. It will look fabulous when you get through with it!
  3. -1 points
    In my opinion, the first thing you have to do is get the owner to understand that a spray down simply won't be good enough. You gotta at least soap it up and rinse. Imagine how many people will see you working there, and the buildings not actually being clean when you're done. Bad for business. I once had a guy in a nice gated neighborhood ask me to wash only the first story of his home. The second story was just as filthy as the first. I gave him a bid for the whole house, and didn't get the job. I just couldn't see washing half his house with all his neighbors driving by seeing my company name and a half clean house. No one else is gonna know that he only paid for the first story.