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Beth n Rod

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Everything posted by Beth n Rod

  1. You can use the Club House for that.... Beth
  2. Everyone should see this....

    http://www.supremecourtus.gov/opinions/09pdf/08-205.pdf Light reading.... Beth
  3. Everyone should see this....

    ...and WHO is going to pay for all of it? WE are. With every purchase you make, part of that revenue will go to a cause you might not be in favor of at all or that might even hurt you. And you all realize this will mean more inflation - right? Beth
  4. Video on our Log Home Care services

    If you are a home owner with a wood home that needs attention, give us a call. We can help. Beth
  5. Video on our Ipe Deck Care services

    If you own an Ipe, Mahogany or other exotic wood deck and need to get it taken care of properly, call us today. We specialize in high end wood care. Beth
  6. Yeah, and let's hope for a slightly drier season this year. Last year was too wet! Beth
  7. Everyone should see this....

    William, the LITTLE people like us are NOT the ones who will benefit. It is the multi million and billion and trillion dollar corporations that want laws to be a certain way with certain people in power....and THEN the jobs are sent OVERSEAS!!!!!! They get out of paying taxes that help us rebuild and start jobs here, and Americans get what exactly? SCREWED. I don't care who is in office, or how you vote, this is bad for Americans and small business! Beth
  8. Jeff, by all means please start a thread on politics, we welcome it here. It would just be nice to keep this thread about the coming work season. And actually, It was John T who took it off topic, not you. It's all good. You are fine. :) Beth
  9. Everyone should see this....

    This one ruling has effectively rendered democracy-ineffective! Democracy as we know it is about to change and not for the best interests of the citizens of this country. I don't care what rhetorical arguments anyone wants to post in response, this is a severe blow to all of us. you may not see it or want to, you may not agree with me and that is fine, but I will be here to say I told you so as slavery has just been reinstated! Think about it. If corporations have the power to influence government with their billions, what say do we have other than what shall become a mere formality of voting in the next puppet who will get rich from it as they succumb to the will of the $,$$$, or is it $$,$$$ or perhaps $$$,$$$, maybe even if necessary $,$$$,$$$ ! What's your price? Ever see the movie - Rollerball? not that far from fiction now. Rod!~
  10. You should!!! It's been too long girl! Beth
  11. Lets Talk PWNA

    I'm glad they are turning it around. Hopefully we see even more excitement from them this season. Beth
  12. This is not an OBAMA thread. Start a new one PLEASE and stay on topic here, this is a thread about 2010 and how we thing our biz will do..... Beth
  13. Exactly. I didn't notice the fence in the background, I was drawn to the dirty gate. Old wood can be restored to be beautiful again, the question is, is it worth the work to the owner? Also the species has something to do with it. We have a split rail fence that is about 12 1/2 years old. We are replacing the rails as needed. Many need it badly. Beth
  14. Well, personally I would not stain that wood looking like that, but that's me. It would be blond before we would stain it again. Beth
  15. ACR in PA for sure, other than that not sure yet, need to look at the calendar. Beth
  16. Hmmmm....wood looks...very silver.... Beth
  17. Winter AC Contest

    Cool! I love things like this. I'll find something to enter. Beth
  18. Thursday Nite Chat on FWA

    You guys are welcome to use the chat here too. ;) Beth
  19. How do you get referrals?

    Our referral business is huge. Ask for them. Happy people will be glad to do it, but they won't always think to do it if you don't ask them to. Beth
  20. Yellow Pages ad?

    Ours works for us, but then it's a tiny ad, and costs hardly anything a month..... It is in a specific area and we have gotten a good return with it. Beth
  21. How is everyone else feeling about the economy for 2010? We're feeling pretty good here, began to see an upswing in consumer confidence last summer. Beth
  22. Beth it looks Great, I like it!!!

    Thanks! We have taken TGS to the next level by adding a CMS. This new Content Management System has huge potential for our users.... Our users are made of both contractors and vendors here. This means that both contractors and vendors have the opportunity to create Articles and Blogs. Our site is heavily indexed by the search engines which means that this new content will be too. Our visitor numbers are HUGE. Many members have gotten work from being here. Adding Articles and Blogs is one more way to promote your business and to be found by others who need your products or services. Here is how to create an Article.... http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/club-house/18692-new-article-feature-coming-soon-4-0-a.html To add a Blog just click the BLOG button in the navigation bar and create your own blog post. Enjoy! Beth
  23. Welcome New Members! ..Introduce yourself

    Welcome to TGS! We're glad you found us! Any other new members out there? Don't be shy, say hello! :) Beth :cup: :groovy3:
  24. We're very excited about version 4.0, and hope to have the bugs work out soon and the rest of the features installed. Many of you in the past have shared videos on TGS. If you look back in your old posts these videos will now look broken to you. We are asking for our member's help to fix these. It is very easy. In Go Advance in compose mode.... go into the post where you now see a link where you you used to have a video. select JUST the URL text..... http:// www.myvideo.com/2342342whatever Copy it click the little video icon above the text box add the url in the pop up window remove the old broken one save and you are done. Beth