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Beth n Rod

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Everything posted by Beth n Rod

  1. ProStain on Cedar

    They are pretty! Want my address so you can ship them here? ;) Beth :cup:
  2. AFC Division Superbowl Hopefuls

    Cast your vote for the teams to make the Superbowl. Multiple choice is enabled and voter names are public. Miles' picks * = got a chance ** = possibly *** = Most likely Rod!~
  3. Insurance

    Joseph D. Walters Insurance Agency, Inc. - Insurance for Power Pressure Wash Contract Cleaners, 800-878-3808 Joe Walters. Beth
  4. I'm not up that early, it's 8:30 here. :) Must be late there.... can you guys get Ben & Jerry's down under? Love that ice cream. Have not coated a deck with it tho... Beth
  5. "Economic Recession" vs. Recession

    Sounds like the lesser is the recession, and the depression is worse... Beth
  6. "Economic Recession" vs. Recession

    Depression Main Entry: de·pres·sion Pronunciation: \di-ˈpre-shən, dē-\ Function: noun Date: 14th century 1 a: the angular distance of a celestial object below the horizon b: the size of an angle of depression 2: an act of depressing or a state of being depressed: as a: a pressing down : lowering b (1): a state of feeling sad : dejection (2): a psychoneurotic or psychotic disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal tendencies c (1): a reduction in activity, amount, quality, or force (2): a lowering of vitality or functional activity 3: a depressed place or part : hollow 4: low 1b 5: a period of low general economic activity marked especially by rising levels of unemployment
  7. I think this is the site you wanted :) Cabot Premium Woodcare Stains, Finishes, & Cleaners Beth :cup:
  8. NFC Division Superbowl Hopefuls

    Boy, did this one end up a surprise for many or what? Giants beat the Packers and are now in the bowl against the patriots...let the debate begin. Rod!~
  9. AFC Division Superbowl Hopefuls

    Patriots so far are undefeated. Now they go to the bowl against the Giants. Let the debate begin. Rod!~
  10. "Economic Recession" vs. Recession

    recession Pronunciation: \ri-ˈse-shən\ Function: noun Date: circa 1652 1 : the act or action of receding : withdrawal 2 : a departing procession (as of clergy and choir at the end of a church service) 3 : a period of reduced economic activity — re·ces·sion·ary Listen to the pronunciation of recessionary \-shə-ˌner-ē\ adjective Dictionary and Thesaurus - Merriam-Webster Online Seems straightforward to me.
  11. Cargo Van

    This will help... http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/tools-equipment-basic-maintenance/3054-what-s-you-vehicle-choice-why.html Rod!~
  12. Ken, My comments are directed to oils in general. See this article... Going, going, gone? Environmental restrictions are making oil-based paints and stains scarce in some areas | Building Products | Find Articles at BNET.com Good luck with Woodzotic. Hope it's a success for you. Beth
  13. Could Use Opinions on Commercial

    [ YT] letters and numbers after = sign in URL window in you tube go here[ /YT] also take out space in brackets I left there for demonstration purposes.... Beth
  14. Could Use Opinions on Commercial

    Ok Ken, Now I am going to be straight with you on all the points because you dared to ask for an opinion. Muuaaahahahahahaha:sinister: The music is kinda what you would expect in an action movie and in the commercial there is no real action, all snapshots with effects to move in and out of them and so on. Suggestion: use some music that caters to your name "woodzotic" Something tropical and more festive. The deck is where people have fun and your music needs to set that mood for the prospective buyer which I understand is targeted towards the homeowner. ??? Saw the lady in a blue dress in a web ad and wonder if you have the rights to use it in yours...just a legal question for your consideration. The shot with the guy in flip flops is not a good one in my opinion just because it shows someone applying it without adequate PPE. This comes from a liability standpoint. Your call. Overall, you show a very impressive slide show but not everyones deck is that easy to make look that good. Truth in advertising could bite you in the essence of someone looking at those pictures and having an expectation set for the best possible look every time and on every deck. That was my impression. Puts some of the less desirable decks (not the obviously crappy ones) in there as well to show some other results which help to enforce the point "Results may vary depending upon age, condition, species and previously existing conditions of the wood". Overall, you are on your way to a nice commercial and I wish you well in your endeavors. Rod!~
  15. Chem Container Shelf for 5ers

    Hey Ken, Will this work? Rack'Em Manufacturing Inc. Rod!~
  16. The Economy; how do you feel about it?

    Sorry to make a correction but that was Neal Pert-Drummer-lyrics writer-Rush. Still agree with it though as it is those choices that make us who we are. Rod!~
  17. The Economy; how do you feel about it?

    Boy isn't that the truth! Beth :cup:
  18. New Baby in the house..caption this

    Congratulations! She's a doll! Beth
  19. Ken, We learned this in a meeting recently, which products are what. As I understood it the wiping stain and WT are the same thing. The issues Jim has are the same issues others have had last year which are some of the same issues everyone has with just about any oil these days, which is that the performance of oils (alkyds specifically) is not what it used to be. If you add the other brand specific issues (that were very very real) to the mix, well, it is what it is. Beth :cup: it's grrreat! :cup:
  20. Could Use Opinions on Commercial

    I didn't get that feeling from the music, but then I don't watch those movies..... Maybe some new age or smooth jazz? Something that goes with say....sitting on an ipe deck with a glass of wine at sunset? Beth
  21. The Economy; how do you feel about it?

    I am hearing from lenders/mortgage folks that the people who bought a few years back with ARMs were house poor from the get go, no furniture, and the deck furniture is what wash in the house. These same folks are losing their homes. Very sad. Credit card debt is through the roof for many people, which is debt most people will carry around for the majority of their lives. Home improvement companies are competing for the same dollar. This means that you are competing with the flooring companies, interior painters, bathroom re-modelers, etc since disposable income has dropped, and people are making decisions and getting fewer things done. Not trying to be negative, not at all. I just think it is better to have your eyes open, and plan with contingencies so you WILL survive. Beth :cup:
  22. Anyone used deckstar sprayer from sunbrite?

    There are different ones you can buy (pump) - you can get "metal", or "plastic". No matter which you get, keep a rebuild kit on hand because they all need maintenance from time to time. Beth
  23. The Economy; how do you feel about it?

    Bump!! I started this thread almost a year ago when I saw the indicators and felt that further discussion may provide some more insight. Last August we saw a dramatic decline compared with previous years when we were booked clear into the end of September. We thought the market was soft then...I think it is absolutely soggy now. Rod!~
  24. Recession and Inflation????????

    That pretty much sums it up! Beth
  25. Anyone used deckstar sprayer from sunbrite?

    A deckster or decker should work for that purpose. The viscosity should be low enough. Beth