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Beth n Rod

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Everything posted by Beth n Rod

  1. Question for you Paul, if I may kind Blues Meister... :) How much sealer do you go through? How far out are you booked? Do you have decks as a minor part of your work or a major part? We just got in 34, 5ers, then another 9. We'll burn through it in two weeks. We sell the job, the customer picks the product and color, and we order in what we need for two weeks of work, based upon the square footage. We allow ourselves a little extra room. Rod figures out what we need, I get it in. This way we are not selling what is on hand, merely applying what has been preselected. Don't know if this helps or not. We also studied local buying habits to determine the most popular colors. We know our repeat customers will want the same thing, and we contact them in January/Feb to get them lined up and begin the process of collecting this data. Hope this helps.... For us, we are selling: Wood Tux (mainly) Sikkens Cetol Dek Cabot Menwood Wolman F&P and Ready Seal (on a few quotes from last season who held off due to drought) Beth
  2. Personally, I don't like anything on old wood, (I mean wood with grand canyon cracks and so gray it looks like charcoal ash since they never cared for it) but that's just me. To me, old wood always looks like old wood. I hate splintered boards with wide cracks. But I will say the Wood Tux has a rich color that holds up well on old wood. Just wish people spend to get the wood sanded smooth, except in some cases you really need to fip boards or take it down a gooooood ways. We did a deck that was about 10 years recently, was a Harry Homeowner specail, multi layer multi color multi product strip job. Sealed it in Western Cedar Wood Tux. Looked great. It's in another thread. Beth
  3. Deck lead in Baltimore MD.

    Have a deck lead in Baltimore Md. We're a little busy to get out that far. If interested, email me ASAP. Thanks! Beth
  4. Good morning everyone, In the past, you may recall that other BBS's there have been times when folks needed help, and the power washers out there have been fast to respond to a fellow washer and help him through tough times. It has come to our attention that a board member here, has recently had the misfortune of being laid off from his full time job. He no longer had health insurance, and is facing some pretty tough times. How many of you remember when you went into power washing full time? It was hard enough without having the addtitional stress and cost of medical expenses. Most of us, had the choice of when we went full time. Thankfully, Morgan Paradise has the skills he needs to go into this full time. He needs our help. Morgan is a hard working family man with three beautiful children who is faced with not being able to have their health cared for. He is working full time in a field he had been part time in, up until now. The Staff on this BBS feel very strongly about helping our members, and as a result we want to ask you all to help Morgan. He needs money, but we also suspect he needs supplies and equipment too. Anything you can do, will be appreciated. Morgan is aware of our efforts. We asked him if he would let us help him and his family. Here's his response. Reply here or email us. Both are fine. If you need to ask about supplies or equipment he might need, please feel free to post here. Thank you all for supporting Morgan as he gets back on his feet. Beth & Rod
  5. We get by with a little help from our friends...

    Morgan is in need of a suface cleaner if anyone can help there. Beth
  6. Daily Motivation

    DON'T BELIEVE IN MIRACLES, DEPEND ON THEM. ----------------------------------------------- You don't need an explanation for everything. There are such things as miracles, events for which there are no ready explanations. Future knowledge may explain these events quite simply. Any form of sufficiently advanced technology can be quite indistinguishable from magic when it's introduced for the first time. Seeing, hearing, feeling are all miracles as well as each part of you. Seeing is not always believing. You know much more than you understand. Have the vision to see invisible things. ----------------------------------------------- ©2003 Written by:MotivationMentor@aol.com
  7. Neutralize - HD-80

    ROFLMAO :) Tony.... chipmunks...shotgun...good analogy. Safety first for the property and the people. Beth
  8. Horror Pictures

    I know what you mean. It can be frustrating. But then we turn around and love it when they do it themselves, slop Behr or something onto the deck, chew it up with the wand, and have spent 3 or more weekends trying to do what pro's do in a few hours. They call, and your re-quote for a strip job to include sanding is higher, and they have learned the lesson. They won't go back to doing it themselves again. Happens every year. The stubborn ones always end up spending over twice as much money. Funny thing is, they don't always admit they made the mess until after you fix it. Beth
  9. Neutralize - HD-80

    Yes, you need to neutralize after using HD-80 unless you are applying a product that wants the pH to be more alkaline. I only know of one product like that to date, Spa N Deck.
  10. Daily Motivation

    Monday, April 28, 2003 YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK. ----------------------------------------------- Whatever you plant in your subconscious mind and nourish everyday with conviction and emotion will one day become a reality. Constant repetition carries conviction. Repeat something often enough and it will start to become you. A change in what you tell yourself will result in a change in your behavior. What you impress upon your mind, you'll inevitably become. Self suggestion will make you master of yourself. ----------------------------------------------- ©2003 Written by:MotivationMentor@aol.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Daily Motivation is presented to you by Jack Erwood.
  11. Daily Motivation

    "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." Chinese Proverb
  12. We get by with a little help from our friends...

    If someone with access to Steve's BBS would please copy and paste what I have posted on PWNABBS.org or on ***'s BBS I would appreciate it. I don't have access to post over there any more. I tried to post to help Morgan, and just found out, I can't. Beth
  13. We get by with a little help from our friends...

    Hi Joel, Here's Morgan's info. :) Beth Paradise Pro Wash Morgan T. Paradise 755 Donelson Dr Eads, TN 38028 901-465-9144 __________________ Morgan T. Paradise Eads, TN 38028 www.contractor.com/paradiseprowash morganparadise@msn.com
  14. Rich, That's an excellent point! You can only get so strong. My understanding of why, is simply this... Water has a saturation point. You'll end up with not all of the product disolving. Having said that, what Rich said is right on. You can have too much of another ingredient added to the formula. Take a plastic container. Stick it on a scale. make marks on it at every 2 oz. increment. Now you have a dry weight measurer. Liquid weight measuring cups do not work. Measure 8 oz. per gallon of water. Let dwell 15 to 20 minute per coat. Take a paint stirring stick and scratch the surface. Watch for darkening wood, watch for product running, depends on what you are stripping. Keep the surface wet with more HD-80. Never use water. It dilutes it. Remember, time is on your side. No joke, we went through 7 coats of sikkens cetol dek. It took a while. But it worked. You can charge 3 times what you do for a wash just to strip a deck if you are the only person who knows how to do it right. Hope this helps. ;) Beth
  15. V-Seal Concrete sealer.

    And we carry all of V-Seal's product on The Grime Scene. If the product isn't in the online store, give me a call or email me and I can get you pricing. Beth
  16. How's this for clean gutters?

    Tony, Looks like you installed new gutters! :) WOW! Beth
  17. Daily Motivation

    WANTING TO WIN IS EVERYTHING ----------------------------------------------- Winning isn't everything, but wanting to is. Success is connected with continuous action. It's largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go. You're not finished when you're defeated, you're only finished when you quit. The most important quality essential to success is perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature. You can have a fresh start any time you choose, for your "failure" is not in the falling down, but in the staying down. It's not over until it's over. If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again. If you've got the courage to stick it out, you can win. ----------------------------------------------- ©2003 Written by:MotivationMentor@aol.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Daily Motivation is presented to you by Jack Erwood.
  18. Daily Motivation

    A GOAL WILL LEAD YOU TO SUCCESS. ----------------------------------------------- If you do the right things right, you're going to succeed. If you have correct goals, and you keep pursuing them the best way you know how, everything else will fall into line. You are what and where you are today because you first imagined it. Knowing where you want to go is all you need to get there. Just return over and over to that picture in your mind of the place you are headed for. The first essential of success is to know what you want. ----------------------------------------------- ©2003 Written by:MotivationMentor@aol.com
  19. Daily Motivation

    YOU HAVE TO MAKE YOUR OWN OPPORTUNITIES. ----------------------------------------------- Success isn't going to come knocking on your door. You have to work for it. You have to find it. You don't need more strength or more ability or greater opportunity. What you need is to use what you have. The golden opportunity you're seeking lies in yourself. It's not in your environment. It's not in luck or chance or the help of others. It's in you. There will always be a new opportunity where there is an open mind and a willing hand. Open your own door to opportunity. ----------------------------------------------- ©2003 Written by:MotivationMentor@aol.com -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. Daily Motivation

    SUCCESS IS A MATTER OF EXPECTATION. ----------------------------------------------- You must first expect to succeed if you want to succeed. When you expect good things to happen, strangely enough, they will happen. Expectation energizes your goals and gives them momentum. Your life will always respond to your outlook, so set your goals high. The dreams you choose to believe in will come to be. You can't expect to succeed beyond your wildest expectations unless you begin with some pretty wild expectations. ----------------------------------------------- ©2003 Written by:MotivationMentor@aol.com -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. Daily Motivation

    BEING SUCCESSFUL IS A CHOICE YOU MAKE. ----------------------------------------------- Your success isn't a matter of luck, it's simply a matter of the choices that you make. Success isn't something you can wait for, it's something you'll achieve with effort over time. Things won't turn up in this world until you turn them up. You can choose to be lazy or ambitious. Stop and think about your choice again. You always do your own choosing. The great opportunity in your life is where you are right now. Every situation, properly perceived, is an opportunity for you. First, say to yourself what you would be, then, do what you have to do, to make things happen. Success is right in front of you. ----------------------------------------------- ©2003 Written by:MotivationMentor@aol.com -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. Daily Motivation

    Wednesday, April 23, 2003 IT'S POSSIBLE TO LIVE YOUR DREAMS. ----------------------------------------------- Your mind is your mental workshop. You can build anything you want in it. Visualize what you want in your mind. See it. Feel it. Taste it. Believe in it. Make your mental blue print and then begin to build. First, think about what you want out of life. The beginning always takes place in your imagination. Then organize your thoughts into definitive plans. Next, it's time to transform your thoughts into reality by taking some positive action. Visualize then actualize your success. ----------------------------------------------- ©2003 Written by:MotivationMentor@aol.com -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. Daily Motivation

    ACCEPT CHANGE WITH A SMILE. ----------------------------------------------- Sooner or later you'll experience a crisis in your life, and how you meet it will determine your future happiness and success. Since the beginning of time, everyone has been called upon to meet such a crisis. A closer look will show you that most "crisis situations" are opportunities to either advance or stay where you are. In fact, most changes in your life will take place out of either "inspiration" or "desperation." Whatever comes your way, give it meaning and transform it into something of value. Your personal growth is the process of responding positively to change. A precious stone cannot be polished without friction, nor humanity perfected without trials. ----------------------------------------------- ©2003 Written by:MotivationMentor@aol.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Daily Motivation is presented to you by Jack Erwood. "If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves." Thomas A. Edison To learn more ... http://www.mlmreporter.com/jackerwood ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be removed from the Daily Motivation list, send blank email to virtualmentor911@aol.com with REMOVE in the subject line.
  24. Story Time.

    Morgan, Check these links out. I did some surfing for you. Hope you don't mind. Hope it helps. :) http://www.insurekidsnow.gov/ http://www.urban.org/Template.cfm?NavMenuID=24&template=/TaggedContent/ViewPublication.cfm&PublicationID=5937 http://www-cpr.maxwell.syr.edu/seminar/spring02/schip5.pdf http://www.statecoverage.net/tn-fpl.htm http://www.healthinsurance.org/riskpoolinfo.html Hope they help you. Beth
  25. Story Time.

    Morgan, I can appreciate your dilema. Last June, my employer couldn't make payroll either. I started working my way towards being here full time. I was half time when the company I worked for went belly up. I didn't have Cobra either. I called the same insurance company and got a plan rolling and just had to bite the bullet. I have two children who require meds, and I do too. I will never be free from it and not taking them isn't an option for me. One thing to keep in mind, most pharmacys will help you in a pinch. If you are a few days or a week late getting a prescription due to switching insurance, a good pharmacy will give you the meds to cover you until then. Ours did for me. There are also what's called "open enrollment" periods twice a year, I think they are either June or July, then again in December, when no insurance company can turn you down. So you do have a time coming up when you should be able to get coverage. Talk to people in your area and see who the local insurance companies are there. Price them out. If I can be of any help, please let me know. Beth