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Beth n Rod

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Posts posted by Beth n Rod

  1. That is a new one Jim.


    Never heard of 'fatiguing' the wood. I would be curious to know what you consider that and what the signs of it would be.

    Over the years, I have found that it is not the gpm but the psi.

    But heck, we could run the gammot on the myriad of conditions one would find on a roof anyway and regardless of what we do, most are already in bad shape.



  2. Steven,

    What is the base of your stain? Is it an oil? Is it acrylic? What is it?

    If it is acrylic it will laught at that mix at that concentration without an added booster.

    If it is oil it would need to be a fairly weak oil ( less drying oils in the formula) to be removed with that concentration, and it's age and exposure factor into it too.

    Post a pic and tell us more about the coating.



    p.s. yes, I would boost the hydroxide first.....
