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Beth n Rod

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Posts posted by Beth n Rod

  1. Thanks for posting this Beth. While many industry members are aware of claims of a certain industry "leader" sending barrages of harrassing texts to people -- myself included -- until you're on the receiving end you don't understand the depth of the harassment. I let me my kids use my phone to watch YouTube (since our internet is limited but my phone is not). One day my son tried to watch a 5 minute video, but got interrupted SIXTEEN times by a batch of incoherent harassing texts accusing me of a bunch of lies --- all within 5 minutes. And I know from the DOZENS of people who've reached out to me, I'm not the only one who deals with this type of harassment. It's truly unprofessional, unethical, and now it sounds like it's also illegal. It truly saddens me that an elected industry leader who is supposed to be held to a written code of ethics is allowed to behave this way with zero consequences. 



    Your children should not have to be interrupted by or have to read that vile tripe.


    Bullying is not tolerated in schools, and there are laws for harassment and stalking etc., so it is good to see that there is now something with TEETH to protect us.



  2. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/03/03/stalkers-turn-to-cell-pho_n_171555.html


    Many of us have gotten UNWANTED and UNSOLICITED text that never end, text after text of hateful, unprofessional conduct and vile, viciously aimed content. This phone STALKING is being taken seriously.




    People violating these laws may receive fines, prison sentences or both.


    If someone harasses you, make sure to KEEP the messages.

    Your smart phone has setting to automatically delete messages after a certain number are reached. Turn the setting OFF.


    For your specific case, consult a lawyer.

    Of course you can also just block the caller.....



  3. Those are some very nebulous questions.

    The answers would be derived from a more specific set of questions.


    As far as PPE (personal protective equipment) It depends on what you are doing at the time.

    Gloves are typical, respiratory protection is common andrain gear depends on if you are operating on standing structures vs flatwork.



  4. Looking at the area the steps are installed on and the algae around them, made me think the climate is better for the acrylic. If you are a painting contractor, you understand the why of that. You would also get why the oil might be less favorable. As for brand, well, do you have a professional preference? Go with what you know.




    p.s. stringers are a pin in the butt. if you have to replace a step there is a good likelihood they crack and break if they are older......
