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Beth n Rod

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Posts posted by Beth n Rod

  1. In today's mail, a wonderful testimonial....and a bit about how we compare to other companies who have come before us. Thank you! We look forward to servicing your property again.

    "I have had my house washed two times before See Dirt Run! Inc., and both times were mini-disasters in that the first time I had water rushing in my front door and oozing three feet onto my hallway's hardwood floor, and both times afterwards there was no electricity in the bathrooms (all on the same circuit) for weeks, presumably because the pressure was so high the water got inside outdoor covered plugs. In addition, the pressure was high enough to one time "chip" the paint off the wooden window frames. I mentioned my bad experiences to friends, saying I dreaded it but the house was green with algae and had to be washed, and my friend Barbara H. immediately told me to call See Dirt Run, for she had been very pleased with her house washing, and even her neighbors commented favorably. The point is that out of casual conversation can come great advice, word-of-mouth being the best advertising. See Dirt Run's Rod and Clifton were very personable and efficient, cleaning my house perfectly without any adverse effects or damage. While they worked, I visited See Dirt Run's excellent website and learned more about their expertise, especially admiring their stunning work on log cabins and decks. As a result I will ask See Dirt Run to wash and stain my extended deck. To that end I questioned Rod, who proved himself to be a teacher, for he patiently explained and made suggestions, clearly well versed in the technicalities of his work. In short, I was most pleased to have a non-stressful, perfect house washing; and I highly recommend See Dirt Run, which is so superior to others. In fact, all house washings in my neighborhood have been inferior to my house washing by See Dirt Run!" Mrs. J.O., Germantown


    Such a good feeling to do an excellent job.



  2. If I am not there participating, they can't use my name and say I was. It's that simple. And really, who really cares about it? It's a pressure washing org, and in my opinion not a good one. There are so many better ways to promote and grow a business. I do not regret one bit not renewing, and until the current President is gone I will not consider joining. It is JUST...THAT...SIMPLE.


    I probably won't go unless my friends are going, then I might swing up to say hi but not to attend.



  3. I thought about that to Beth until I was told by a mutual friend that whoever appears there will be counted as a "free" member to that org. They will use your name as part of there membership totals.

    Since I do not want any affiliations with them free or otherwise at this time with their current leadership in place its not worth it for me to take that risk.

    If you have any questions about this you may want to call Billy Booze to get some clarification.

    Besides the above it looks like Jay is putting together a good event.


    I do not believe they can use either your name, or your likeness without written consent. In fact, I know they can't.  So if you want to go to an open, free event, you have every right to go. And if the event is not specifically an org event your name and any photos of you, should be of no concern.



  4. NO one is going to put texts from anyone else's conversations on this forum. I will NOT allow it. This is not that other forum where people **** all over one another. There is nothing wrong with the questions John T has raised. NOTHING. I followed the antics of the Vegas event. It is a shame that people who are supposed to be mature adults had to resort to the things they did to ruin something for someone else. Well, guess what. the members of this forum who have questions about this upcoming event in Maryland have every right to inquire. Guy, you are speaking there, correct? You say you have no idea what is going on with other speakers? Well, that is possible. Many of these events are like that, with volunteers going and offering their time, and sharing their knowledge. But volunteers get questioned all the time. You should know this already, from your prior time on the BOD. Of course you could have taken the high road and asked what that individual was speaking about, and then shared it.



