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Beth n Rod

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Posts posted by Beth n Rod

  1. I was working for a software company, and was at my desk when it happened and the radio announced it.  Several people in our office had loved ones in the Pentagon that day, thankfully not in the area the plane struck. I knew two others who had friends and family respectively who were supposed to be in the twin towers but were not. Sheer luck. One was called to go to another building and had been out about 30 minutes, the other overslept and was late for work.


    Rod was at the chiropractor, and I texted him while he was on the table. The schools here sent out three messages with different closing times for schools, and no one knew what was accurate. Everyone went home to get their children, be with family and watch the news unfold. I'll never forget the horror of that day.



  2. From the website....


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