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Beth n Rod

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Posts posted by Beth n Rod

  1. Rod,

    Ouch! The EPA is now shoving E15 down our throats? Hope NJ has the cahones to tell 'em to take a hike. Corn production taken out of the world market for ethanol is spiking food prices around the world.

    E10 has been known to cause some problems, particularly in small and older gasoline engines. E15 use problems would be more pervasive. From what little I know, relatively fresh gasoline is recommended if used within a few months time.

    There are stabilizers on the market that help with stored E10 gas in containers or fuel tanks. Sta-Bil is a less expensive, popular brand. Star Tron Enzyme Fuel Treatment is a bit more expensive, but probably worth it for high performance engines.

    For better info, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_ethanol_fuel_mixtures Note the graphic posted here in the link provided.

    I know. Just like the EPA VOC limit change in 2005 with oil based sealers.

    Screwing with things and never considering the damage. Of course, we know there is some company behind the push as usual just to get better sales because they want in the game.


  2. If your machines are sitting long enough for varnish to build in the tank you need to up your marketing game.

    Ethanol is utter garbage in fuel systems. Cars made for ethanol fuel systems can use it but many older vehicles and almost all small engines still do not readily use the fuel without damage. BTW if you fuel system has any rubber ( lines hoses and gaskets) Aluminum,Or magnesium ( many jets on khein carbs) Ethanol will damge them over time. Switch the rubber to EPDM and keep the other components checked regularlyand switch to stainless steel jets.

    Honda, Kholer, and B&S have all issued service advisories in the last 3 years to service shops for them to replace bowl gaskets due to failure and resulting fire from ethanol eating the gaskets up.

    Also one thing to be very aware of is that ethanol fuels unlike pure gas is CONDUCTIVE, if you use a electric pump to transfer fuel make sure it is a correct type for ethanol fuel.

    This is what I was afraid of.

    My skid unit has a Kohler, the other is a Vangaurd. but both have been having problems lately with starting.

    Difficult starting or not wanting to stay running.

    My Kohler unit smells like gas when this happens, sort of like the old carburetors used to do when flooded.

    I haven't found any leaks but I have noticed a lot of gas odor in the van yet none of the tanks are leaking.

    Looks like I may have to get them both in for preventative service.

    Thanks Alexy.


  3. Where is the data that supports the numbers Beth? Somebody throws poll numbers out and you just blindly accept them? Poll numbers are the certified "Pulse" of the people not to be questioned? Well there's a "Bat Baby Extraterrestrial" in New Mexico because the National Enquirer said so, right?

    To blindly follow unverifiable (data) numbers and to form opinions from raw emotion while ignoring the facts....is Ignorance.

    Not following blindly, but anyone who studies data, should have an understanding of it.


  4. I agree John....

    It's really simple....

    Remorse is a normal human response to an event such as this. One would think it would hit him that what was done can't be undone and there is a loss of life, the life of an unarmed child, whose parent are grieving and trying to move one.

    A lack of remorse could be perceived several ways....

    1. disrespectful

    2. discriminatory

    3. uncaring

    4. guilt

    I could go in.... fast forward to today's news of this rescue of four people form a flipped over car. He's loving the limelight. And, he did a good thing provided he did not further anyone's spinal injuries for example by removing them from a car prematurely, after all, he's NOT an EMT. If he loved his community, one would think he loved the people in it, and logically, one could expect to see remorse.



  5. Sorry Rod it don't wash (Again Friendly Debate) that's not regurgitated N.R.A. hype that was written by the people that founded this Country.

    You are talking centuries ago and none of that is prevalent today.

    That is my point.

    There is NO talk in government about taking away guns, repealing the 2nd amendment or anything of the sort.

    Yes, government does overstep but the point is: guns are not on the table.


  6. The poll numbers disgust me; they are not bull crap. By your own statement I would surmise that you find them to be inaccurate, while I do not. Allison explained it quite well, as did I. The numbers support the hypothesis suggesting that racial points of view are dramatically different regarding the outcome of this case, because of social, educational and economic backgrounds. The reason the numbers disgust me, is that discrimination disgusts me. I grew up with it, a victim of it, surrounded by it. I am perhaps overly sensitive to it. I do my very best to not let it into my life. Having said that, it saddens me greatly to see hatred in our society, displayed by any person or persons towards another person or persons. I look at the poll number and I remember my history lessons. I remember the Civil War. I remember the Civil Rights Acts. I remember other times too, some from history and some from my personal life. I look at those numbers as they are, a reflection of raw human emotion touched by personal experience, knowing that each person who answered that poll had a frame of reference that in that moment touched them emotionally with the result being their polling vote. To me, the numbers are not just numbers, they are an outcry, a scream of pain and anguish, a statement that many will choose to ignore because they are ....just numbers. And sadly, that these numbers are ignored, discounted and cast off as "BS" is disgusting.


  7. It's not all the media John. not by a long shot. Saying it is all the media's fault is just shooting the messenger.

    Are you trying to say we need to stop helping others first and help ourselves, because as a nation we are behind others as a result of the help we have given? That our GDP is reduced because of the outsourcing of jobs and the increase of imports with a severe reduction of exports?

    Because if you are saying that, I not only agree but have been saying that for years. I argued with a college professor about it many years ago......

    We all want to believe we live in the greatest country in the world, each citizen of each country wants in their hearts to feel an allegiance to their homeland that makes them proud. No one would deny that. Just look at the Olympic athletes who go to the games, setting politics aside, to play for their homeland. They have a fierce pride and connection to the land they pledge their allegiance to.

    We are a nation in trouble. We have been broken for decades, but have been too busy pointing fingers back and forth to grab each other squarely by the shoulders and look each other in the eyes saying you are my brother, you are my sister, and while we disagree I love you but we all have to wake up and fix this together.

    I have not seen so much discrimination (of many kinds) in this country for decades. It lay like a sleeping dragon, and we all tiptoed around it and past it, knowing it was there and just quietly ignoring it. But it is not gone. It has awakened.


  8. If you were born here, it already is your nationality.....

    I know what my heritage is, I know where all of my ancestors came from, but I have never, ever thought of myself as anything other than American. I was born and raised here.

    I think you are trying to make another point in your post, a more socioeconomic one, but it is not clear enough for me to respond.


  9. Discrimination is not just a race issue. It can be a gender issue, it can be a disability issue, it can be an issue surrounding religion. We are raised, all of us, by imperfect people who we idolize and look up to. We see discrimination, joke about it, turn a blind eye to it; we are socialized into a society that expects a certain amount of tolerable discrimination as a part of society. Shame on us all.

    What I find disgusting are the poll numbers. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2373773/More-Americans-disapprove-Barack-Obama-George-Zimmerman-new-polls-presidents-job-approval-rating-nosing-downward.html


  10. Take away the guns there is no "Self Defense" and the people would be defenseless. Which seems to be the direction of the present administration.

    I can never understand where people get this idea when it is the N.R.A. that has been the sole progenitor of this propaganda.

    No one in congress has made any law, passed any legislation or bill rescinding the right of the people to bear arms.

    Nor has any congressman/woman made any noise about repealing the 2nd amendment.

    Limiting the number of rounds in a magazine has been the only thing and that was already in a bill that was law which had expired.


    anyway, back to the topic.


  11. This is a general notice that I received and seeing as it was not a current topic, decided to post it for others.

    It is an email from a local distributor:

    Be aware of E15 ethanol gas causing problems in small engines

    If you are not aware, EPA has approved the release and use of E15 gasoline. This opens the door for the selling of gasoline with up to 15% ethanol content. We are very concerned about this and feel our customers should be as well. Currently most pump gas is E10 (10% ethanol). Putting aside any environmental advantages of ethanol, we have been seeing problems even at 10% ethanol because it is an alcohol, draws moisture, is corrosive and also evaporates quickly. Of course, water is and will always be an enemy to small engines but also, when ethanol evaporates it leaves a sludge material that causes clogging of lines, carburetors, etc.. All of these problems and effects are more prevalent in our equipment because we have periods of storage and/or inconsistent use. An increase to E15 will only intensify these problems.

    What can we do?

      [*=left]Support and back political influence to get the E15 law repealed.
      [*=left]There are additives available to combat the effects of ethanol. We are stocking and using one and it is available through our parts department.
      [*=left]Be aware of, and only purchase E10 ethanol or a lower % gasoline for use in your equipment.

    Please be aware that damage caused by ethanol is not covered under any engine warranty. Please contact us with questions or ways we can assist you.


    Dennis Black

    McHenry Pressure Cleaning Systems[/Quote]

    Any discussion regarding this and information on local regulations or implementations would be helpful.


  12. Okay....let's all just breath.

    None of us are going to agree all of the time on methods or products. That's the life of a Woodie. At the end of it all when we post photos, we all admire each others work regardless of the finish.

    Now then.....Cabot's Mahogany Flame color, AC has a Mahogany color, and Sikkens SRD has one too.

    One last thing, all of our forum leaders are expected to uphold the desired professionalism here on TGS. We strive to be a forum that doesn't tolerate or allow locker room/ bar style behavior. Our goal has always been and will always be to provide a professional forum for all to exchange in business dialog.

    Have a great day. Oh, and if the wood is clean and bare, seal it up! :-)


  13. Certainly not a direct correlation, but consider Switzerland. In WW1 and WW2, the country was able to remain neutral, and out of action. Much may be due to topography and bankers to the warring powers, but compared to the rest of Europe through two continental wars, Switzerland remained an island of serenity in the mist of horrendous carnage and destruction.

    Consider the fact that the country is armed to the teeth. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_politics_in_Switzerland

    Even though fully armed with fire power, the Swiss are able to keep gun related crime and violence to a minimum.

    A quote from the above link. "The annual rate of homicide by any means per 100,000 population was 0.70, which is one of the lowest in the world.[16] The annual rate of homicide by guns per 100,000 population was 0.52."

    The U.S. does not have a "gun" problem. We have a social problem.

    Thank you Rick!


  14. Yes Beth Constant contact is great. The majority of our Vegas event members came from a few solid people's constant contact list that they sent out our info for us.

    On this one particular company that's in discussion here, there last response was not a standard response. Resilience can crack right thru some of these companies especially when they go overboard with garbage. When your getting fax's, info voice mail advertisements and continuous ridiculous emails from them and even there information makes no sense... Then it's time to knock them down and out.

    I would love to put their response I got yesterday on the net so people can see how stupid they were. Maybe this time they finally figured it out because there responses are now apologetic.

    Let's see if they do what's right now instead of still acting like Morons.


    Take your battle OFF OF THIS FORUM.

    I won't have it.

    If you want to talk about email, fine. Be professional. But STOP jabbing.

    Keep the battle OFF of TGS.

    I welcome NO BATTLES HERE!


  15. I have been using Constant Contact for years and years. Never tried Mail Chimp, but I hear it is similar.

    Chapter six part 1 (I think) of the marketing book I am writing on behalf of Cleaner Times has a large focus on email marketing.

    Chapters 5 and 6 are both about internet marketing. Both chapters were substantial and had to be split into two sections.

    I highly recommend them to all of our users. I have tried very hard to pack them with TONS of helpful information.

    Happy reading, and happy marketing!

