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Russ Johnson

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Everything posted by Russ Johnson

  1. Stupidity

    I think a lot of it started about the time they decided you couldn't spank your kids or stifle their individualism. Bring back corporal punishment and they'll start turning out to be decent citizens like us...well most of us anyway.
  2. Burning Kerosene

    You can buy soot remover to add to your fuel. It turns the black soot to white ash, then it blows away. It will not do any good for an already choked coil. That has to be manually cleaned.
  3. Stupidity

    These are the same jerk offs that will knock an old lady down for $20.00 or shoot someone for a pair of tennis shoes. Freakin' idiots can't be bothered working for what they want.
  4. You're gonna love this

    That's great! That'll teach 'em.
  5. Funny link

    Real funny especially coming from a guy who lives in "Sylvester".Thufferin' Thucotash!
  6. 2 gun powerwashers.

    A 2 gun system must have a regulating unloader on it. These are different from a trapped pressure or flow controlled unloader. With a flow controlled, 1/2 the water coming through freaks it out and it will cycle, jump, and carry on. A trapped pressure unloader will work for a while, although using it as a regulator will wear it prematurely. A 2 gun system must also have a thermostat on it or it will overheat with 1/2 water flow coming through. Other than that, all you need is a tee at the outlet.
  7. Is there a delay between the time you squeeze the trigger and the burner firing? When was the last tune up? A partially clogged nozzle or misaligned electrodes can cause what you describe. If you are spraying fuel without ignition, then get a spark, the residual fuel burns off as white smoke. Once the combustion catches up to the overload, the stack smoke will clear up while still getting smoke out of the wrap where the pipes come through.
  8. Bravo makes a product called 20/20. It's an aerosol and works great. It's only available through janitorial supply companies, probably a case of 12 at a time. Not cheap. $4.00 / can...$40.00 / case.
  9. Door to door

    Two church members were going door to door, and knocked on Vickie’s door who was not happy to see them. She told them in no uncertain terms that she did not want to hear their message, and slammed the door in their faces. To Vickies’ surprise, however, the door did not close and, in fact, bounced back open. She tried again, really put her back into it, and slammed the door again with the same result the door bounced back open. Convinced these rude young people were sticking their foot in the door, she reared back to give it a slam that would teach them a lesson, when one of them said, "Ma'am, before you do that again you need to move your cat."
  10. Honda is tearing me up

    Gotta love a warranty. Hondas rarely screw up, but when they do, there's usually a no questions asked, get it fixed mentality.
  11. electricity?

    There is nothing to fear around electricity but carelessness.
  12. Creation Story

    :lol:Funny. So very true, but funny.:lol:
  13. leaking chem injector

    A 1/8" pipe plug will screw into the hole on some injectors. You may try that to stop the flow.
  14. leaking chem injector

    Are you downstreaming bleach or acid with it? Standard unloaders have a steel ball that these chemicals will corrode. The ball is either pitted or something is jamming it open. If you use aggressive chemicals and the ball is damaged, you can get a kit with a ceramic ball in it. It won't corrode. Be sure the ball is the same size as the one that comes out.
  15. two stepping with wax

    That's kind of my thought, too. The wax is made to wash off with the next cleaning, so it doesn't build up and yellow. I'll talk to my supplier tomorrow and see what he says.
  16. surface cleaner pressure?

    Nozzle it for maximum pressure and flow. You've got it, use it.
  17. Set Screw Needed

    Tony, I deleted the pm with your address. Pease do it again and I'll have the screws on the way.
  18. Oxalic Acid

    2# per 5 gallons, then directly applied or downstreamed or x jetted or what?
  19. 2500 PSI / 3.5 GPM Machine

    1. Is the machine a good machine for someone starting parttime to do residential work? Yes, it's a very nice machine compared to what you may have purchased from a big box store. Simpson is a high quality name with excellent components. 2. Will this work with a small surface cleaner... such as a 20" whirlaway? It may be a little slower than a 5 @ 3,000, but should be adequate for a start. 3. Is 2500 PSI enough pressure for concrete cleaning? Yes 4. Will an xjet still work properly with this machine (shoot 30+ feet)?? Make sure you get the proper size X Jet. 5. Should I skip this machine and just get a used older hot water machine? About the only thing I see you having trouble with would be degreasing a driveway. Other than that, I think it fits the application well. With the correct chemicals, 2,500 PSI is more than enough for house washing and too much for a deck. Get a large nozzle for it for your wood applications.
  20. Honda 13hp

    A 13 hp engine will not "officially" do 5 gpm @ 3,000 psi. You need closer to 16 hp to actually produce that output. Honda & Cat is a good combination, though.
  21. Briggs and Stratton Warranty issue

    Depending on how steep of an angle the machine was sitting, the engine may have starved for oil even though there was plenty in it. If the oil was way over to one side, the dipper on the connecting rod may not have been able to reach it. You may be able to take the issue to the distributor from whom you bought the unit, as the mounts breaking may have caused your problem. AND for $900.00 you can get a Honda 13 hp, and have money left for lunch and beer.
  22. I think I may be experiencing some very rapid, almost undetectable pulsing when spraying the wand. Its very fast and mostly noticable when spraying the wand directly at concrete or another hard surface. What could be causing this? Or is this normal? A noticeable pulsation could be a foreign object in one of the valves. Is this a new plastic tank? Do you have a strainer on the inlet plumbing? I have seen small shards of plastic in new tanks caused by the hole cutting process. Check for air leaks, too. A very small amount of air can throw a pump way off. Do you have a straight shot from the tank to the pump, or do you have elbows in the line? Elbows create restriction and turbulence because they require the water to change directions. Second question: The pump seems to be getting very hot. I'm not sure if its just me noticing it out of worry becasue of the new machine and plumbing or if its building much more heat than it should. I never really paid much attention to how hot the pump was on my other machine so I nothing to judge it buy. Also this pump is a bit bigger than the other, don't know if that makes a difference. The pump may get warm, after all, it's doing "work", and the energy will be expended as heat. A pump that is hot to the touch may have a problem. The belts may be too tight, it may be low on oil, or, when assembled, the bearings may not have been given the proper clearance if they're tapered roller bearings. Generals have tapered roller bearings, Cat uses ball bearings (no clearance adjustment). Are there any external heat sources close to the pump (engine exhaust, etc.)? BTW, if it's a General and it's getting HOT, watch the sight glass on the back cover. The plastic shrinks when it gets hot and falls out. A hot pump, an oil leak, or defective sight glass will, in all probability, be a warranty issue. Blowing the pump up due to a lack of oil is not. Third question: With my old machine (4gpm) I didn't use a back up water tank, I ran straight from the spigot. I would always turn the water on let the water pressure flow through the line for a minute than start it up. With the new set up (water source coming from the 20g tank) There is no flow going through the pump and hose until I start the PW. The question is: if I fill the tank and there is a little air block in the hose between the tank and the washer (no flow going into pump) is this normal? and when I start the machine will that second or two of no water in pump damage the pump? It should not take a second or two for that pump to purge air. The air should instantly clear the line. Start the machine with the gun held open, as a cushion of air in the lines, pump head, etc. may slow this process.
  23. Set Screw Needed

    Consider it done. I'll send them to you when they come in.
  24. Set Screw Needed

    Tony, I don't have any more, but I need to place an AR order tomorrow. I'll get you one if you'd like.
  25. Burner problem

    Call the people to which Alan referred. Surely they'll have one on the shelf. If not, maybe someone else does. (hint, hint)