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Russ Johnson

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Posts posted by Russ Johnson

  1. DI tanks will treat quite a few gallons of water before regeneration is required. ( I forget how many, call Culligan) Get a smaller tank to dedicate to window rinse and fill it with DI water. Ball valve it into your pump inlet, wash as normal, flip the ball valves, and rinse only the windows with DI water. RO is actually even better, but hugely expensive. Not only in equipment and a holding tank, but water wasted creating the pure water. If I recall, it'll make 3 and discharge 2 to waste.

  2. I made a bit of a mistake. It's a Reelcraft reel and it specs at 1000 psi max with 1/2 inch inlet/outlet and fluid path. Unfortunately, the manufacturer doesnt make much above a 3000psi swivel...

    I dont have the reel in front of me to answer the question about the swivel but I'll see take a look at it in the next few days.

    Not true...they can be ordered with Super Swivels (5,000 psi), or retrofitted with them. I sell Reelcraft.

  3. I have a 16hp Vanguard v-twin belt drive, cold water unit. 4000psi, 4.5 gal. My question is: what is the likely charging circuit amperage? I've looked through various web sites, including Briggs and S but haven't been able to find out. I will more than likely be adding a hot box at some time and want to make sure things will be ok. This is probably a question Russ can answer. Thanks.

    With the regulator mounted just over the starter, your charge rate is 20 amps max.

  4. One sunny day in 2009, an old man approached the White House from across Pennsylvania Avenue , where he'd been sitting on a park bench. He spoke to the Marine standing guard and said, "I would like to go in and meet with President Barack Obama."

    The Marine replied, "Sir, Mr. Obama is not President and doesn't reside here." The old man said, "Okay," and walked away.

    The following day, the same man approached the White House and said to the same Marine, "I would like to go in and meet with President Barack Obama".

    The Marine again told the man, "Sir, as I said yesterday, Mr. Obama is not President and doesn't reside here." The man thanked him and again walked away.

    The third day, the same man approached the White House and spoke to the very same Marine, saying "I would like to go in and meet with President Barack Obama"

    The Marine, understandably agitated at this point, looked at the man and said, "Sir, this is the third day in a row you have been here asking to speak to Mr. Obama.

    I've told you already several times that Mr. Obama is not the President and doesn't reside here. Don't you understand?

    The old man answered, "Oh, I understand you fine, I just love hearing your answer!" The Marine snapped to attention, saluted, and said, "See you tomorrow."

  5. From Craigslist, Louisville, Ky...

    I Was at the Fairgrounds for 8 days...

    so I do think I am more than able to relay what actually went on with the community of 1,500 evacuees.

    Friday 29 August - the Fairgrounds South Wing was set with cots, Medical Intake, Hospital, Kitchen, bottled water/gatorade stations, baby food, formula, diapers were provided for infants...we were ready to provide anything necessary to make their stay comfortable

    Saturday 30 August - Over 450 evacuees were flown in and processed; they received a cot, blanket, towels and a personal needs kit; a play area for children was set up which included a tv/dvd; they were fed pizza provided by Papa John's and snacks were available until 11pm (which was curfew)

    Sunday 31 August - They were provided three meals a day and the water/gatorade stations were available as were the snacks; breakfast was cereal, milk, cereal bars, fruit, coffee, donuts; lunch was pizza provided by Pizza Hut along with their new pasta dishes; dinner was snack boxes provided by KFC; between 3pm and 9pm the remaining 900 evacuees arrived and were processed AND that is when the "FUN" began...these were the younger groups of crackheads, pimps and ho's, dirty, smelling, ill-mannered bunch that thought they were coming to Louisville to get a debt card as they were given during Katrina - did not happen because Louisville was a food and sleeping shelter only and Gustav WAS NOT a Katrina; showers have been set up for them to schedule a time to use

    Monday 1 September - Tensions began to run high between the masses because of that many people being housed in one area with the good, the bad, and the ugly attitudes; breakfast was the usual, lunch was a nice size sirloin hamburger with a variety of other sides; dinner was chicken and rice but that did not matter - they still wanted those debit cards; we have now set up 3 large screen plasma tv's, computers so they can notify family; the smell is horrid in the sleeping area

    Tuesday 2 September - By this time, I cannot remember what the lunch and dinner menu was but they were provided nice meals; they were given the option of going to the Slugger Museum and given the small bats you receive there when visiting (which turned out to be a BAD idea! By now they have found there is a Liquor Store located on Preston Highway within walking distance and have located OUR local Crack dealers; telephones are set up for them to call home to family and friends; they are stealing from each other and just about anything else they can get ahold of that is not tied, glued, or concreted down (which includes food);they have been provided clothing by the Salvation Army in hopes some will take a shower and change into fresh clothes

    Wednesday 3 September - They are still eating well but it does not seem enough to to some of them; they are given the opportunity to go to the Zoo; the YMCA has come in to provide a bigger paly area for the children with inflatables; arrests are starting to be made by LMPD over fighting, drunken individuals getting out of hand...this was the most disturbing night of all - they are restless, WANTING TO GO HOME (because they did not get those debit cards) and now have wasted any money they might have had; calling family and friends who are telling them Gustav was not that big and there is no damage to some of the homes

    Thursday 4 September - They are given the opportunity to go to the Frazier History Museum and/or the Science and History Museum; still eating well and most all their needs are being met but that is not enough - they WANT TO GO HOME

    Friday 5 September - They are hearing rumors they are letting people back into the area - they WANT TO GO HOME and are extremely restless with the system; unfounded rumors are flying around and the Red Cross volunteers are the enemy; FEMA has finally showed to try to appease them about their wanting to go home; Trolleys are provided every 20 minutes so they can go downtown; a little ice cream shop is set up and they are still eating well, provided snacks, water, coffe, lemonade, gatorade...I am now sorta losing count of all they have provided because I have already volunteered almost 100 hours since last Friday!

    Saturday 6 September - Now FEMA has finally told them they are going home (or at least most of them are going home; they are packing and throughout the day 900 are processed to out to flights...thank God they had the sense to get the "bad" ones out first and airport security confiscated any of the Slugger Museum bats that were left; 450 are going home tomorrow

    Sunday 7 September - Beginning at 6:30am they are being processed out to go home and by 2pm the good, the bad, and the ugly attitudes HAVE ALL GONE HOME...

    Stories have run rampand throughout the Louisville area about these people - some may be true but most are not. There was no robbing throughout the City of Louisville (just inside the Fairgrounds from one another) There was no raping of children! They were not mistreated, they mistreated one another! There was arguing, fighting and general havoc which will happen when you try to contain that many people of different backgrounds in one area. I feel the City of Louisville, the Red Cross, our state government and FEMA did all that could be done to accomodate them...and most were grateful! Just keep in mind the old saying...one bad apple can spoil the crate.

    Now for all you spelling and grammar police sorry if there are typos, etc. I am still trying to recover from doing all I thought I could do to accomodate these people ;)

  6. Don...I meant the ones that proved themselves to be low-lifes. I'm not talking about the actual hard working people that just choose not to better themselves. I'm talking about the ones that go to another city and destroy that city. The ones that are so un-grateful that they wouldn't know courtesy if it slapped them in the face. Those are the people that I'm talking about.

    Louisville hosted about 1800 refugees. There were numerous arrests...fighting, strongarm robbery, drunk & disorderly, locked one guy up for propositioning a young boy in a public restroom.
