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Russ Johnson

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Posts posted by Russ Johnson

  1. Yours is a vertical coil? Sorry..assumed it was horizontal. The front and back discs would be at the burner head and the end at the stack. Fuel squirting out can also be due to inadequate fuel pressure. If you can run the burner before you put the coil in, check the shape of your flame and notice if there are any "spatters" around the flame front. Large droplets won't light like the mist, and will usually hit the coil before they burn completely. Give me a call if you have any questions, I'll try to help.

  2. Alan, It seems that we are in the same boat, sort of. Hope you don't mind if I tag along on this thread. I just bought a used Landa rig and I'm trying to figure out why it's smoking. When I turn the burner on, if I'm shooting water, everything's pretty much OK. Just a little smoke but continuous. When I stop washing, white smoke comes billowing out of the top of the burner and around the bottom of the coil unit where it meets the deck of my skid. Even after I shut off the machine, wisps of white smoke still come out of the burner for hours. I shut it off at about 10am this morning and as of 4pm I can still see faint wisps of white smoke curling around the coils. I'm thinking that I need to replace the fuel solenoid, at least as a first step. Too much fuel in the burner and it's not being burned, right? Speaking of fuel solenoids, do I need to replace the whole thing, wires and all or can I just replace the coil part? It's a 12V burner if that has any bearing. Mine definately has a diesel smell. Thanks,

    Joel, what it sounds like to me is the burner was mis-firing, some one fixed it, and now the residual fuel has to evaporate away. The only way to cure it is to pull and wash the coil, and replace all the insulation including the front and back discs. You say "continuous smoke" above...white or black?

  3. Does anyone know how to tap into a truck fuel tank to feed my diesel powerwasher?? Also do I need a pump to make this work since the fuel tank is lower then the Powerwasher so gravity fed is not an option.


    Diesel engine and burner, or just the burner? If just the burner, find the line coming out of the tank for the truck engine and tee it off. Run the line to the inlet of your fuel pump. You will have to make your fuel pump a single line system and eliminate the return. Remove the hose barb on the return port. There is a set screw inside the port you need to remove, too. Use a 1/4" pipe plug and cap the return port. The only problem this will cause is the pump will not self bleed. You'll have to crack the bleeder screw to purge the pump of air.

  4. The first thing you should know is the formula for figuring out what horsepower is required to run the specs your looking for. gpm x p.s.i. divided by 1100 for gas 1400 for electric motor.that will tell you the horepower you will need to run your desired gpm and pressure. Imo I would go with higher gpm unless your stripping paint you won't need pressures higher than 3000. I run a 10 gpm hot water and a 8.5 cold water.They run anywhere from 2800 to 3200 psi.The majority of the time I clean with less than 1500 psi.

    Heck, Mel, they should have hired you to help pump out New Orleans. You go through some water.

  5. When I spoke with Fema, they told me to go to a website that then refers you to Dun & Bradstreet to get vendor I.D. # or DUN # and move from there.?????????? That is why I want to stay out of N.O. Too much government control.

    A DUNS number is important to many large corporations and the government. It tells them your business track record, and basically makes you worthy to be hired by them. I have had one for years, but never needed it until Fort Knox called looking to buy a good sized skid unit. Had that number, had to get a CCR number, etc. but they pay well.

  6. I will be racing on line this Sat. evening to do what I can to help...

    The Pits is going to host a charity event to raise money for the victims of Hurricane Katrina...the Hurricane 500. This will be run on Wrangler & Rioux's new Daytona 1970 v2 using the Aerowar 88 mod. It will be run on Saturday, September 10th, 2005.

    You can enter a car for $20, or if you can't or won't be able to race, you can sponsor a driver a certain amount per-mile (suggested is 5c per mile). ALL proceeds will be given to the Red Cross. The Pits will donate a Revell 1/24th scale diecast of Dale Earnhardt's 1996 Olympics special paintscheme to the winner, and The Pits will be hosting the race on our TPTCC server.

    The race settings will be as follows:

    Race Date: Saturday, September 10th 2005

    Practice: 5:00 PM EDT

    Qual: 6:30 PM EDT

    Race length: 500 miles

    Drivers: 40 (7 backup drivers)

    I am looking for sponsor pledges. At 1 cent per mile, the maximum would be a $5 bill. All you have to do for now is post your pledge. I will get a screenshot after the race with my laps completed, and contact pledgers to collect.

  7. AR:

    Good - XMV4G32D-F24, 4 @ 3,200 No unl & inj


    Better - RKV4G32D-F24, 4 @ 3,200 No unl & inj



    EZ3040G, 4 @ 3,200, No unl & inj


    EZ3040GUI, 4 @ 3,200, Unloader & injector



    4SF40GSI, 4 @ 4,000 No unl & inj


    66DX35G11, 4 @ 3,500 No unl & inj



    ML40/30W, 4 @ 3,200 No unl & inj



    Good - ZWD4030G, 4 @ 3,200 No inj & unl


    Better - FWD4030G, 4 @ 3,200 No unl & inj


    All should be readily available. I'll have to call tomorrow to check stock status. Your unloader assembly will fit either AR pump, but not any of the others. Delivery to you will be 2 -3 days depending on your choice of manufacturer.



    PHILADELPHIA - Just days before "Southern Decadence", an annual homosexual celebration attracting tens of thousands of people to the French Quarters section of New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina destroys the city.

    "Southern Decadence" has a history of filling the French Quarters section of the city with drunken homosexuals engaging in *** acts in the public streets and bars. Last year, a local pastor sent video footage of *** acts being performed in front of police to the mayor, city council, and the media. City officials simply ignored the footage and continued to welcome and praise the weeklong celebration as being an "exciting event". However, Hurricane Katrina has put an end to the annual celebration of sin.

    On the official "Southern Decadence" website (www.SouthernDecadence.com) , it states that the annual event brought in "125,000 revelers" to New Orleans last year, increasing by thousands each year, and up from "over 50,000 revelers" in 1997. This year?s 34th annual "Southern Decadence" was set for Wednesday, August 31, 2005 through Monday, September 5, 2005, but due to massive flooding and the damage left by the hurricane, Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco has ordered everyone to evacuate the city.

    The past three mayors of New Orleans, including Sidney Barthelomew, Marc H. Morial, and C. Ray Nagin, issued official proclamations welcoming visitors to "Southern Decadence". Additionally, New Orleans City Council made other proclamations recognizing the annual homosexual celebration.

    "Although the loss of lives is deeply saddening, this act of God destroyed a wicked city," stated Repent America director Michael Marcavage. "From 'Girls Gone Wild' to 'Southern Decadence,' New Orleans was a city that had its doors wide open to the public celebration of sin. From the devastation may a city full of righteousness emerge," he continued.

    New Orleans is also known for its Mardi Gras parties where thousands of drunken men revel in the streets to exchange plastic jewelry for drunken women to expose their breasts. This annual event sparked the creation of the "Girls Gone Wild" video series. In addition, Louisiana had a total of ten abortion clinics with half of them making their home in New Orleans. At these five abortion clinics in the city, countless numbers of children were murdered at the hands of abortionists.

    "We must help and pray for those ravaged by this disaster, but let us not forget that the citizens of New Orleans tolerated and welcomed the wickedness in their city for so long," Marcavage said. "May this act of God cause us all to think about what we tolerate in our city limits, and bring us trembling before the throne of Almighty God," Marcavage concluded.

    "[God] sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." (Matthew 5:45)

  9. Someone doing research before their first job.. awesome! Welcome to the board, Trent..What area are you specializing in?

    Someone researching before asking a bunch of redundant questions.......Kudos to ya, man! Welcome. Use that search button...this place is like a library.

  10. For most of these people, the trouble started when the government stepped in and began providing free housing, money, and food for the "poor". It has, over the past 60+ years, created an entitlement class who sees no need to work for what they want. We now have entire families, from the grandparents down to the children, who have never known anything but having what they need and want handed to them. They have no respect for themselves or others, so when the opportunity comes to get more free stuff, they have no problem filling up a shopping cart with shoes or electronics or jewelery or whatever.

    Good point, Mike. There was a huge outcry when they decided to start trimming back the welfare..."What we gonna do? How we gonna feed our 12 kids?"...GO FIND A JOB!

  11. What has happened to the U.S.A.???? This is not right!!!!!

    I think a lot of it started about the time they decided you couldn't spank your kids or stifle their individualism. Bring back corporal punishment and they'll start turning out to be decent citizens like us...well most of us anyway.
