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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. you can see in this picture the furries. I was really emberassed by it but I really thought we had gotten them all before we stained. Actually the customer insists it is just the old stain. But either way it has to be fixed.
  2. wood tux WHG. The steps and last three boards are Camuru. just under 3000 sf total.
  3. Thanks Beth. Cleaning out the cookies should have been the first thing I thought of. Anyway. Yes, I did go across the grain. Actually my helper, as I cant use the makita on floors anymore. Too hard on the back.
  4. actually there is. When buffing out the furries I used a makita with the osborn brush and the defurring pads. After staining, it looked very splotchy. I have read about heating the wood too much when buffing. Do you think this was the problem? Example below, See by the door? There are other areas where it was too heavily furred and I Thought I had them all but when I applied stain they really stood out. So I have to go back and do some more work to remove the rest of the furries and try to fix the blotchiness. Ideas?
  5. I was unhappy with the way the pins on the Gorilla rusted. When that ladder was stolen, I bought a costco at Sams club. Great price and lighter than the gorilla, but it is also starting to show rust on the pins. Guess no ladder can handle Florida.
  6. hey rick, Since your on line I wanted to ask your opinion of Sikkens DEK in IPE. Have a cust. with 2500sf in Bahamas that wants it. Any thoughts?

  7. SUNSET St. Pete

    Ron, Im staying in a condo on Indian shores and took these pics the same night. One of the most spectacular sunsets Ive ever witnessed.
  8. why never twice on one property? Are you having to strip it off and go with something else when you go to do maintenance?
  9. I havnt been watching the debates 'cause I get incensed by the stupidity I hear. last night I turned the debate on against my better judgement and the very first statement out of John McCain (Whom I support, begrudgingly,) is: "As president I will order the secretary of the Treasury to buy up these bad mortgages and demand banks renegotiate the loans to reflect current values." or some such nonsensical crap! I couldnt beleive my ears. Thats democrat talk! My wife and I have worked years to afford what we have. We have never bought over our means and have never used our home equity except as a down payment on the next house. I agree that something had to be done and the bailout was a necessary evil, although I'm angry as hell that they loaded it with more spending. But now I have to pay for the idiot who signed a loan for more than what they could afford. And dont you dare try to blame 'predatory lenders' If the people who signed the papers couldnt read or refused to read the fine print, then they shouldnt own a house! and they deserve to loose thier home. I'm friggin mad! and my only hope is that Obama wins, does every thing he says he will do and the country goes to hell whis is where Obama will take us and unfortunaly so will McCain. Then finally these Idiots in congress will hold down spending, the public will remember personal responsibility and we can get back to where this country should be. I really wish I supported Ron Paul when he could have made a difference!!!
  10. This deck had flood spa'nDeck acrylic. It was in good shap on the rails and some of the spindles. But the floor was in bad shape. I originally planned a clean and re use of the flood, but the lady really wanted Wood Tux. So I figured the sanding time would take the place of the second coat time and went at it. What a mistake. I soaked it with straight heavy duty stripper, several coats and followed with downstreamed power solve.
  11. that was the heavy duty stripper I used. I spot tested it on the shadiest stair rail and post first and it worked pretty good, but when it just wasnt enough for the worst parts. Maybe next time I'll add more nonophenal. actually now that I think about it, the butyl was different in the test than the full mix. the first had surfactants listed on the bottle, the second didnt. I'll bet that was what the difference was.
  12. last comment. I went back down one day last week hoping for no wind but to no avail. while there I did her driveway and washed the house again to remove the old acrylic buggers that stick like glue to the siding and paint. (did I mention I hate Flood SpaNDeck?) Someone please ban acrylics! I hit some spots on the stair supports with hot water and it took the acrylic off like butter. didnt really furr any more than the hot stripper. Next time I will most definately use hot water. Id rather spend hours de-furring than sanding almost every spindle. It was still a nice payday for 4.5 days work.
  13. 16 hours of sanding later, we were held up by the threat of a hurricane, so waited until yesterday to finish. ended up having my helper sand some more as I set up and sprayed. So now Ive got 24 hours of sanding in this deck. you can see where some shiny spots where the old sacrylic is left, and some spots where the WT didnt penetrate from over sanding, But it came out nice in the end and she's thrilled and will definately have me for maintenance. by far the biggest deck Ive done. Man do I love ground floor decks with no railings!!!
  14. You can see the stair rails were in pretty good shape before starting. and it looks like the stuff is coming off pretty good. But when done and dry this is what was left.
  15. soak a rag in mineral spirits and stuff it in my pocket? That hurts, Man!
  16. I was cutting trees down at my dads house in NC and cut a rather large lightning damaged tree that was right next to the house. I tied a rope to the tree and cinched it tight to a tree so it would fall in the opposite direction of the house. I didnt get it quite tight enough and when I cut through it started toward the house! I got behind it and was pushing against it when my 75 year old dad came around the corner. he took my place while I cinched the rope tighter and got it to pull the correct direction till it fell. Whew! I was lucky that day.
  17. You win the prize rick. Thats hillarious.
  18. So what was your first car?

    67 lincoln continental with suicide doors. I think I fit 9 guys in it once. 2nd car was my fave though. 73 Truimph TR6, British Racing Green. Drove that all over the country and most of western Europe. Had to get rid of it when I got married. Just too expensive to keep up with the smoking Lucas electronics and the rust.
  19. Does Penofin give Kickbacks?

    A deck builder friend of mine told me the other day that Penofin was the only thing recommended for IPE. I didnt get a chance to ask him Who recommended it before he changed the subject. I'll have to remember to ask next time.
  20. For a better world

    If this passes and stands muster with the courts it could revolutionize the way we treat scumbag child molesters! [/url] Is Gov Jindal the toughest politician in America on child molesters? >>Signed a Chemical Castration Bill, Authorizing the Castration of *** Offenders in Louisiana >>1st conviction: the court may sentence the offender to undergo chemical castration. >>2nd conviction, the court is required to sentence the offender to undergo chemical castration. >>This bill also provides that a court may instead order a physical castration instead of the chemical castration. >>Convicted *** offenders who undergo castration must still serve their full sentence, as their treatment will not affect their sentencing. >>Under the bill, if a convicted *** offender fails to appear for their chemical castration, they will serve an additional sentence of three to five years. >>But that’s not all... >>Governor Jindal also supported the passage of SB 143 to prohibit a *** offender from wearing a mask, hood or disguise during holiday events and from distributing candy or other gifts on Halloween to persons under eighteen years of age; >>AND... SB 517 which provides for the lifetime registration of *** offenders; >>AND... SB 510 to double the minimum sentence for computer-aided solicitation of a minor; >>AND... HB 770 to prohibit the use text messaging by *** offenders; >>AND... SB 514 to increase the minimum sentence for the molestation of a juvenile by five-fold. >>The obvious lesson here is---if you’re going to molest a child---DON’T DO IT IN LOUISIANA. (which is exactly the intended message)
  21. Nasa Discovers Water on Mars

    How cool is that?
  22. After you remove the spindles i assume you strip and sand the underside of the rail? do you stain the rail and fascia after re-attaching spindles or before? Also how do you handle the hot tub? Move to onw side or remove entirely.
  23. Nasa Discovers Water on Mars

    That couple billion was well worth it. The found the soil was well suited for growing asperagus. YUM!!!!!
  24. A Midnight Dip

    every year you have one idiot that gets their poodle eaten. Almost always the person is quoted as saying somthing like " Why didnt anyone warn us there were alligators in florida?"