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John T

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Posts posted by John T

  1. Today was a good day so I broke out my secret Stash of Louis X111 and was sipping it in my office(Benefits of having a home office) While checking out some of the bb's.


    TGS has always been a classy and professional Powerwashing bulletin board so here's to Beth and Rod for helping my business benefit because of all the years of coming to TGS and learning and sharing with all of you guys:)


    For you other guys and gals how did coming here to TGS help with your business?

  2. And if the event is not specifically an org event your name and any photos of you, should be of no concern.



    Then what if it is an org event? Do they have the right to link you to it? Rob would post here but he's taking care of some business that needs to be taken care of but basically what happened to Rob Last year was that he was told by Billy Booze that all attendees are now considered org members. This pissed a few guys off as you can imagined. Then the hammer was dropped on Rob. They asked him to speek to the crowd because a certain no show didn't make it so Rob did this to help out Jay. For the next bunch of weeks maybe even months the president of that org told anyone who would listened that Rob spoke for him since he couldn't make it. He said Rob represented him. If that isn't underhanded then I don't know what is.

    Lastly this event is being ran by the pres. who's flying in his crew to speak about Enviro in Robs home state(they accused us of dong this in the enviro's home state) and there's org. stuff everywhere. Billy Booze a BOD is there to recruit.

    If this isn't an org event then how do they explain their President running the show, his enviro guy preaching his beliefs and his main BOD guy recruiting members there? It sure looks like an org show and if they would just be honest about it then all is OK and people will know exactly what their getting themselves into.

    Just be aware Beth when your name gets linked in thru their org by their President afterwords you can't say you weren't told so. If you don't believe this then all you have to do is call Rob and let him tell you how wrong it was for them to say he's now a "free" org member that counts on there org total list and also how their Pres. not only posted that rob represented him but how he text many people just that.

  3. I thought about that to Beth until I was told by a mutual friend that whoever appears there will be counted as a "free" member to that org. They will use your name as part of there membership totals.

    Since I do not want any affiliations with them free or otherwise at this time with their current leadership in place its not worth it for me to take that risk.

    If you have any questions about this you may want to call Billy Booze to get some clarification.

    Besides the above it looks like Jay is putting together a good event.

  4. Guy stop it already!!

    You clearly hijacked this thread and now your threatening to show my private text. Frankly I don't care what you do with my private text. To me there private, to you it's everyone else's business which someone obviously taught you that and it's wrong.

    Just keep that nonsense off of here and take your threats to where they belong on that drama bb. PWRA bb doesn't allow that either so at least respect the owners of these sites wishes.

    As for who's right and who's wrong about the Vegas event you weren't apart of that either except for being a parrot to the ones who are telling you tall tales.

    You have issues about it then take it up with me via phone call, text, email, YouTube or whatever floats your boat but not on these sites.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

  5. Thanks Beth.

    For any people who have it in their heart to volunteer for any industry org's and to be potentially a BOD one day, all you have to look at is the way Beth responds to post here. She's smart, level headed and always post with the intention to give out excellent advice everytime.

    It's reasons like this that Beth became an executive PWNA Bod who would've been most likely the first industry President if she wasn't over inundated back then running multiple businesses such as her contractor business,selling industry products and running the most professional industry bulletin board all these years.... Oh and let's not leave out her raising a family to.

    As it stands, Beth may have been the highest ranked female BOD in the Powerwashing Industry when she attained the position of the PWNA Secretary. At that time the PWNA had around 400 real memberships which to this day still is their peek.

  6. The first statement has already been answered by what you guys pulled in Vegas, and the results......Second statement is about the funniest thing I've ever seen....why does anyone need an explaination to talk "About" the EPA?


    Sorry Big-A I'm done here....I'll turn it back over to the ever level headed and completely sane John T.


    You guys have a great one!

    Guy respect this bb and stop hijacking threads which you did here on this eClean thread. There's nothing to read between the lines here.

  7. You feel the need to post private text it will only ruin your credibility that will put you in the class of others posting private text.

    Oh John you were doing so good up until that post........
    No worries I won't bust you a new one for that BS post. You (Or anyone else) has no idea what  will speak on, you're just stirring the pot, which of course is your MO here on TGS but not on other forums.......HhhMmmm Interesting.....Just Saying.
    So you wouldn't be happy with someone going into "Your" State discussing "Enviro Anything" but it's ok for you, Moe & Curly to go into another State and contact State Enviro Reps telling them their BMPs could be illegal but you're avalible as a "Consultant" to fix them? And because of your interference in Vegas they're now going back to "Re-Visit" their BMPs possibly making them more restrictive.......Really??? How many Vegas Contractors were at the Vegas event?.......Answer? None?
    Please John, don't turn TGS into the insane rommper room as you have done before.

    Guy if You feel the need to post private text it will only ruin your credibility that will put you in the class of others who post private text. Your decision.

    They accuse others of doing exactly what they are doing themselves which I'm sure you see that and in our case we weren't even promoting any equipment in our EPA discussion.

    Have to say I'm still glad you resigned your position there because who can blame you, I wouldn't want them to represent me anytime either.

  8. You mean like United Way.... bunch of !/ing scumbags

     We used to have a supervisor who "wanted 100% donations from people in his unit" when they payroll deduction came around for the once a year donation. It went on for years until one guy adamantly refused to give a dime to them and stood up and said his wife used to work for them and left in disgust over how they wasted money on themsleves. They had a closed door "talk." about it and they agreed to not talk about it anymore.

    Just over a year later the president of United Way was fired and indited for his thivery the guy who  refused to pay's wife testified against him




    Yes Exactly!!

    So many people will not donate to charities because of horror stories like this. It's the damn shame of it all because the ones in need get screwed here that's why personally I don't care why people donate and what their reasons are as long as the ones in need get something.

    Because of these ripoff stories I now check on any charity we may donate to. I've been burned in the past on certain charities. One of the bigger scams for years was the Girl Scout cookies. My girls sold tons of cookies when they were in the scouts and when the story broke here about how much actually goes back to them...was a scam that prayed on these little kids.

  9. Hey Rob I just read their flyer and it looks good.

    The only question concerns Tony S? Since he went ballistic that we did an event in Vegas which happens to be where he lives and from there he sent out a very bazaar 430 page rambling manuscript to many as to us coming into "his area" like he owns Vegas-- This is my question. What the heck is he doing in your home state discussing Enviro anything? His only contribution to your area(personally I wouldn't be happy about this in my state which is probably why they don't have NY on there hit list) was to call the EPA in your area to discuss contactors in your state who post on the net.

    So since Tony said (totally bizaar) that we had no right to talk in Vegas with other contractors about how to deal with the EPA, since this is his bazaar thought pattern than why is it OK for him plus his orgs blessing to go to your home state of MD to discuss issues that he is clueless on since MD is not Vegas?

  10. They both in deceit condition and the smaller is an image 16ix-120v. The big one is an image 26e w/r. Not sure if this helps but if yur interested send me a pm and we can text an ill sho pics

    Chris show the pics here if you can. You never know, someone here could direct others to take a look at the pics if you post them.

  11. The 5 hr drive aside, I would look to hear what Guy has to say since he does have a ton of knowledge on many aspects within this Industry. Could definitely learn some things from him.

    The personal concern I have is if I'm going to get thrown under the bus by the usual few who will email another 430 page manuscript saying this time I was in cahoots with this org so they can sign up people. The manuscript that was sent out after the Vegas Parking garage event we did was crazy.

    Guy if I don't go to this event will definitely hook up somewhere such as maybe a PWRA Convention or something of that nature we both believe in and don't have to read between any lines with all this.....stuff.

  12. Personally I don't care as to why people donate. Some may be doing it to impress their girlfriends, some maybe doing it because their self esteem may be low or some may just do charity work because they have a "Giving heart".

    It's the ones who are on the recieving end of the charitable work that matters.

    There is one thing that burns me up when it comes to charitable work. It's when you find out a certain charity raises money for a cause so you donate to that cause and then years later you find out that just about all the money that anyone ever donated pretty much went to pay for these conniving sneaks salary. There's tons of stories about these corrupted charities which because of what they do they damage the field where some rock solid charity groups are in.

  13. It's a hobby of mine to read between the lines, but I wasn't trying to negitve in any way....just an observation. Sometimes meanings are blurred on the net.

    Guy -I re-read the above a couple of times and it got me thinking that you would probably be the best person to answer this. When someone advertises "Free free free" in there way of promoting an event all the time.... What's the catch? Wants going in between those lines? If we go to an event like that are they really just trying to sell us something?

    Personally I am always Leary when someone says something is "Free free free". I'm sure you can understand that. It almost like saying "Call our company and we'll give you a free, yes that's right a free house wash"-- that says that there going to upsell everything to you & with that your going to get a free house wash. Just like the guys who sell $99 house washes.

    So what's the deal?

  14. Yup I remember Ratt. I was more of an ACDC Van Halen type fan then heading towards New Wave music such as Generation X(Billy Idol fronted this band),Police,Clash and U2 to name a few.

    They were having a tribute to Lou Reed today @12:30 but I couldn't convince Kathy to go with me so we missed out. As for Patty Smith & her hairy armpits, the way she sang hers and Bruce Springsteen's song "Because the Night" is one of my all-time fav's.

  15. Great tune Adrian. I dig the music. "I dig you" brother. Which instrument were you playing in there?

    You guys would have done well here if it was 30 yrs ago when the bars had bands jamming. In my area I seen these bands at some of my local bars and they were great to see up close and personal and to even drink with some of these cats back then was totally cool. The bands were Zebra, Twisted Sister, Rainbow w/deep purple guitarist Richie Blacmore(I went to school with the Drummer Rondinelli),The Ramones just to name a few.

    Heck me and my friends use to follow a band here called Vixen because the girls who followed that ban...... Well it was fun:)

  16. Interesting Choice Of Words John, some could draw the impression that if an event is not listed.......it's not worth attending......which I'm sure is not the case. There's gonna one North of Bailtimore in Dec. I'm going to but I don't see it listed...I think it will be worth it.

    Your looking to far into it. I'm sure there are plenty of events around that no one knows about or just aren't to public and they maybe excellent or flat out suck. I've been to plenty that weren't written up anywhere in the Industry mags and they were great.

  17. The PWNA Convention was a success with over 150 signed up attendees from what I heard. There has been nothing but positive news coming out about this Convention which is always a good thing. One of the more amazing stories that happened there is about how a contractor for the first time in this Industry's history at any of these events had the extraordinarily great luck of receiving 2 free hot water skids. http://community.thegrimescene.com/topic/23745-2013-pwna-convention-history-was-made-read-below/

    Now the PWNA has a job to do which is to try and top this yrs Convention which is going to take a strong commitment from their BOD's and committee personal to succeed in doing that with the guess being-- they will.

    Can't wait to read about what's in store for the 2014 PWNA Convention :)

  18. This was written by Dan Galvin a past PWNA President and the writer of the "Success in Powerwashing" monthly articles.

    Two Free Hot Water Skids!!!!

    I just have to share this with you, it's one of those really cool stories.

    I wrote an article and sent it out back on September 20, 2013 titled, "Yes, It's Life Changing". Some of you looked at it and some may have just deleted it. I used the same article and re-purposed it for the PWNA to send out for the 2013 convention. (Which was awesome) The two articles are below for you to read, but fist I want to tell you what happened at the PWNA convention.

    Saturday, October 19, 2013 is a day he will never forget. Jared Greene is one of those people that was "NOT" going to come to the PWNA convention. He was fresh out of the US Army and new to the power washing industry. He didn't have the time, money, his wife was on duty (US Army) and no one was there to take care of their dog. There was one excuse after the other, but I finally talked him into coming and boy was he glad I did.

    Just remember - he was not going to come to the convention.

    On Saturday morning at the PWNA convention, John & Shelley Allison from Envirospec gave me the honor of introducing the First "Washin Warrior" - Staff Sargent Jared Greene. John & Shelley donated $1,000 in chemical plus some*supplies. To ensure his success in the industry, I donated my Success In House Washing manual, but the best thing was from John & Shelly and Steve & Lisa Tolley from Lorgo industries, they gave Jared a brand new Hot Water skid mounted pressure washer. WOW! This Hot Water Skid carries a retail sticker price of $9,000.00. It develops 4,100 PSI at 5.5 gallons of super hot water per minute. The total retail value of everything he received was around $20,000 plus.

    Talk about a day that change his life! But wait, there's more!

    Again, just remember - he was not going to come to the convention.

    I don't know what the odds are but I know Jared only had a couple of tickets to the PWNA skid giveaway. YES! He won the PWNA skid giveaway!!!

    He was leaving the PWNA convention with two hot water skids, chemicals, supplies and my marketing course with a total retail value of over $30,000 - Talk about a life changing!

    I received this text from Jared "My family's lives are literally changed forever."

    Now, imagine if Jared never came to the convention!!!

    all I can say is wow!

    Dan Galvin

    Success in Power Washing

  19. I love Lou Reed and thats the reason i bought tickets to see him i think in the 70's? Absolute worst concert ever but it was fun throwing bottles at the stage . He had  100 tv's with static in the back ground  and came out playing the sax's ( brutally terrible). I saw him earlier and he  was great . Was at CBGB's  many times  ............................

    You dawg Diamond Jim:) I never went to CBGB's but been to the Ritz back then a few times and seen some phenomenal bands like the Ramones, Talking Heads among others.. CBGB's was legendary but just never got around to going there. Now they've been closed for a few years and some of the legends that played there are dead and buried such as The Ramones and Lou Reed-- time flies.