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Ron Musgraves

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Everything posted by Ron Musgraves

  1. Rating bulletin boards and other sites

    Whats the New feature?
  2. Another thief,

    Another thief, Someone tried to steal my logo; I first thought it was a joke. http://farrishpressurewashing.com/default.aspx http://farrishpressurewashing.com/images/logo.jpg I seem to recognize some of the other photos as well. None are mine but I thought you might want to look. The house photo I did see, I’m certain it’s someone else. FYI
  3. Lights(Halogen) on rigs

    mine are hooked to pw, no worries
  4. Another thief,

    Mine are down already, thank guys
  5. Rating bulletin boards and other sites

    More posts have nothing to do with more people hitting the site. *** is flat busier in the last weeks. That numbers based on traffic. participation is better on tgs, *** has more people visiting. Why people dont particpate is that they dont have to be members to view all areas and read posts. Some BBS cannot even be view unless your a member. Another reason is *** requires you to be verified as a real person. telephone, name and web site address. TGS unless i'm not aware of has no policy therefore many people preffer to be anonymous and will not post on *** because all are required to be real and not anonymous. (certain thats the largest factor) Distributors will be reluctant to post as well, no protection from poor product evaluation. (no Paid bbs Sponsors) TGS asked for support and this is a good thing because it gives a sense of ownership. (all contractors own ***) its free. This feature on tgs makes people who invest post and feel more at home.
  6. Rating bulletin boards and other sites

    yeah, i was saying it may change tomorrow. Its still amazing, i would have never thought.
  7. Rating bulletin boards and other sites

    811,945 isnt that number lower than TGS? Thats *** number. That chart shows the blue is just barely higher today. we know tomorrow it can change. never disputed that TGS is better, Just isnt winning the traffic in the past weeks. As i said over all if you look at the chart TGS has been on top for a long while. traffic doesnt really mean your better, although *** does have the best hood section undisputed. In my opionion TGS has the best residential and wood forums for sure. *** has to have the best commercial and industrial assistance just base on the experience of the members. TGS & *** will remain the leaders. *** because of format & TGS because of your hard work to make it a great place. I have said many times i find myself posting here often more than ***. (that should say it all)
  8. Rating bulletin boards and other sites

    If you look the traffic is very close and in the last weeks *** is ahead by a small margin. that could change tomorrow. Over all TGS has been more successful primarly do to being a free site with no outside vendors or donations. Hats off to the new admin for bringing life back to the site. The only site on the web owned and operated solely by Pressure cleaners. www.pressurewashinginstitute.com
  9. Rating bulletin boards and other sites

    This is a fun chart. This is *** BBS On propowerwash platform 811,945 Does that mean *** is number 1
  10. Commercial Tile Cleaning

    How do you feel about the installation of the urethane grout versus standard black sanded grout? I am referring to dry time, clean up and how well it blends with the existing grout. Funny thing, I first cleaned this urethane mess up and after a few years I ran into a contractor that had a nifty little trick. I went and looked at the job and the grout was all over the tile. Sand grout it doesn’t mater because the grout doesn’t adhere to the ceramic that easily. This urethane is ridiculous. He spread this stuff all over the tile. I couldn’t even see the tile, I thought big dollars and what a mess. He had used a candle wax on the tiles first. This job came clean ten times faster and looked 300% better than any other I had done. Urethane is rated 4000 to 6000 PSi regular sand is 2000psi Acid is the bets thing to clean grout. Caustic will also be a safer choice in side and area that’s not ventilated. Grout will be missing in the dish rooms and near milk machines. Lactose is deadly on grout. Grease is the third reason grout repair guys stay in business.
  11. strange encounter with competition

    Bruno, thats the best post i have ever seen, hats off
  12. 1st Day of School

    I can remember way back when, Nice family.
  13. Getting Shot Down!

    I recommend that if you can take a personal selling class at the local university or community college.
  14. Getting Shot Down!

    In marketing 079 it’s qualifying not profiling. This is a fundamental strategy in almost any sales strategy. When we are talking about a store front people usually qualify themselves. Outside sales things get a little different. Funny you guys mention a car dealer. They usually want to see a credit report to find out if they are wasting time looking at something you cannot afford. I pre-qualify most customers; I think this is smart business. You should choose who you want to do business with and those you do not. I myself stay away from mom and pops and franchisees. I do make exceptions is the payment and profit margins are better. Often franchise operations get upset because I have different pricing for them. Sorry, they have proven over time to be high maint. And don’t pay on time. In the PM world qualifying is a large part of the success. Choosing company and operations that run poorly can affect your business. Dunn numbers are very helpful and often can give you a fundamental insight. How large the portfolio is and how much money they make. Qualifying home owners would be a lot more difficult. I have friends that live in shacks that have more money than GOD. I have a friend that lives in a palace without furniture and drives 200 G cars. (Broke always) Telephone quotes can be given, many companies give telephone quotes. That’s why we call them quotes. It’s merrily a ball park figure depending on the shape of your job and type. A visual for a solid proposal is required in most circumstance. I have to give tele quotes and this all comes back down too qualifying the customers. Reality is that as a smaller or one man show you can only visit so many locations. If as and individual you get 16 calls in one day and you cannot possibly get to all getting one the phone and qualifying by giving a ball park figure and then determining the ones you want to visit first. Feeling out the customer or choosing the easier jobs always means you’re happier and the customer will most likely be also. I often get call for things I do not even want to do. I also like to know the customers reasons for wanting my service and what they expect. If they want to pay cash or they expect 30 day terms. All these things affect the way I do business. I used to live in fairytale land. When I first started I thought I would treat all customers the same. I was wrong; people that pay me well promptly get my attention. Customers that are pains and don’t pay get charged more for being problems. Don’t get me wrong all get high quality service. I’m just not going to jump through fire hoops for specific ones. I look for people to be fair; if they are fair then we will have a good relationship. If you try to take advantage I note that you’re not a fair person and I will give no freebees or go the extra mile. Example of a sale today, fast food customer calls for a one time cleaning. She’s now operating a franchise location. She wants the corporate price agreement. Past customer for 10 or more years. I tell her a ball park on the phone; I let her know that I will need to have a tech look at her store while out that way last night. I call her today and tell her reality and she says lets go. She was going to go with the other company because my price was too high. I told her I needed time to look at the job to get to the best price. The price was higher than my competition and she appreciated the truth was disappointed with guy they had been using. She knows that we will actually clean the place and that I will spend the time I said it will take to complete the job correctly. If she was not a past customer that had been to one of our corporate training meetings in the past and now working for a independent location I would not have made time to educate her. Another reason for tele quotes what if it’s a location you’re familiar with. What if you had restored the deck or cleaned the location many times over the years. Customers and potential customers receive bids no later than 48 hours. We try for the day they call if possible. Food for thought on this whole thread, what if you had just gotten disconnected? Maybe the woman is saying the same thing about you. What a jerk for hanging up. I would have called back, believe me it’s happened when I have given the price I was accidentally disconnected. One more note: it’s really not a big deal if she did hang up. Do you really want a customer like that???????????????????????
  15. Float tank (or is it?)

    Bottom line is using a float tank 225 gallons save you time and wear & tear on your pump. DO you need one?????NO Do I recommend you have one????? YES Tanks for me give me the peace of mind my techs; are not running my pumps without water. Is this full proof? NO It’s also a debris collector not allowing large object to clog protective filters before pump. If you have a tank you can use a Y-Strainer to collect dirt that can be flush in about 1 minute every nite to avoid restriction. Giving your pump longer life and helping to keep primary protection safe and debris free. It able you to clean small areas. My techs. Can roll to a front doorway of a restaurant and usually clean that area without hooking up.(time savings of rolling out feed hose.) Every machine should have a flow tank, either a 225 or a three gallon. Its just a safety measure for your pump. It also enables you to work a little faster under restricted water jobs. Bypass is another huge protection factor as John mentioned above. NOTE: Use no collapsible hose between the tank and pump. So many people don’t. That’s a biggie.
  16. Honest debate Iraq

    Did we leave Korea? Did we leave Japan? Did we leave Germany? Did we anyone? Do you folks really believe we are going to leave this country? Get real!!!!!!!!!
  17. Stolen gas

    anyone say lock up your tanks?
  18. Gum anyone?

    Hey its ok with me too.... making a womens breast blow up and down doesnt bother me. I just thought you guys where aiming for higher standards. I also didnt realize you minded if we post other bbs links. Hope Rod ankle gets better, I messed my knee up but luckly i dont need to leave the office. Bent down on the floor yesterday to pull a fan cord out and didnt realize how much the darn thing still hurts. I hurt the darn thing three weeks ago, should have probably seen the doctor.
  19. Gum anyone?

    John, thats funny, dont put that on ***. You will be sure to get and infraction.
  20. What it costs to be in business.

    Rod get better, Keep spirits high!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Logo Theft and Fraud

    Trademarks are different than copywrite. trademarks need to be filed. its not cheap but worth it so no copy cats try to use your marketing.
  22. How PW many forums are out there?

    I would tell you about them all and list them, I'm not sure if you can on TGS? I will pull them all up on one you listed if you want to look. about 12 total that people post. there are even some that are not strickly pw that have some good stuff.
  23. UAMCC Org?????????????

    No they are moving forward, they just recently announce on *** a few weeks back. I sure Larry put the same post here. Free technical seminar for members or something like that. I get my regular e-mails from them from time to time. As far as capital this org I doubt is broke. The convention they have is designed to bring in dollars and I believe it did just that. Not to mention its run unlike others by a company’s that makes millions annually. Its set up little different, they are upfront about education programs and that they do all the training and the dollars go right in there pocket. In return your benefits are networking convention for innovative products and the best support for education in the south central US. The staff and people behind this org are collectively the experts in the industry on many levels. This org truly deals in all aspects of power washing from fleets to hood to wood. When I joined my membership packet came swift and followed my certificates. It’s a little different from other Pressure cleaning organizations that we have had in the past. Like all organizations to understand and get the full affects you need to join and take advantage of using the organization to your needs.
  24. Logo Theft and Fraud

    Actually once you create and publish the copy write starts. you own it and you can stop them. its a civil matter and if theres damage you can get paid.
  25. Before Hiring Immigrants read This NOW......

    Two serial killers they caught are White....... the one on the loose is Black. I dont know if they are legal?