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Ron Musgraves

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Everything posted by Ron Musgraves

  1. What should an Org do for you?

    where is the web committee,is there one and dont they do there stuff? thats not to difficult to answer is it? just kidding, not
  2. What should an Org do for you?

    Well said, Doc would have never let this happen. Is that what you where trying to say?
  3. Nasty nasty grout

    I have a tile throughout the entire house. I sealed it about 7 years ago and it still looks pretty good. I dont want to ever do it again. Good luck
  4. What should an Org do for you?

    Henry, I'm wrong. Thats ok:lgsad: Me crying... I would hope that you would not ask me to volinteer again since you must know my past efforts and accomplishments. I hope you would. Please do not make it practice to attack folks for speaking there minds. (not professional and unbecoming of your position) You have voliteered and frankly I hear crying. strap up your boots and dig in. I'm waiting for you to finish what many have worked hard. i paid my dues already partner on the old guard and waiting for the new visions that has been talked about by me and others for about 7 years. And i never said i was coming anywhere.( its your job not mine anymore) a person who voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service Good luck,
  5. What should an Org do for you?

    Beth, I agree... Helping others has rewards. But lets face it, helping others line pockets is not my idea of fun. Now Ev and others are making changes to make this different and i'm standing by to see. I see some things have changed from the old guard and the new looks more appealing. But in the past we have donated time and money and as for now its a mute subject. I support the org for change. its manditory for my future with this organization. Frankly theres nothing wrong with positive Critisium. Disagreement is what has made the positive changes. If all had agreed at this point we would not have change the path. All contractors knew the road that had to be taken and now they are making headway. I still disagree with the not telling member what’s on the horizon. It’s a surprise! That mentality needs to change. No ones out there trying to beat us. We don’t have another org at our heels. Change is good and I feel confident that I will remain in the future a member of this org. ( changes need to come in the next couple years.)
  6. What should an Org do for you?

    I disagree Beth, i think you can offer that with out much trouble. You do have meetings. (scratch) that. I was at a few rounds that had more attendance than PWNA convention. you have all the above, the national marketing? WHAT.... I missed something here. I never heard any national marketing about the PWNA. I missed this as a member. could someone tell me when this happened and when I could be involved the next time. OH, dont tell me about the clean across the Stadium. Thats not national, its was long distance for some but not national. ( its was a good project and a start) But by no means national.
  7. Sample proposal

    when they ask is not a problem
  8. Sample proposal

    its not that you dont have permission, the new guy will call them for no reason. I just dont give them until they are serious. I used to do this, they will call you and say no more. Please take me off that list. Anytime you need something just call, if it commercial flat work I got yah covered. Sign up on *** in the Prop thread and you will get a simple prop. or ask someone who has recieved one from me.
  9. Sample proposal

    Its good, but is too much for me. Just my opinion. I like things simple, you can protect yourself with a simple agreement. Plus in 22 years I've never had to take anyone to court. Thank Goodness. I never supply my reference unless they request. And my insurance company would have a fit if i requested all whom i write a proposal to be sent a cert. No one has every requested my business license. I'm not saying your wrong or right. Just that I can think of reasons why i dont want to do this. Customers reasons, to much clutter & willl loose sight of the meat of things. Insurance reasons: they would drop me or charge me to send request at the rate i send proposals. The past projects, I hope you have your past customers permission. I use this one but i get the permission from the customers that i use. Sending references without being asked: if i did this they would bother my references for no reasons. I want people that are very serious. when they looked at my prices and they like the package, then i send references. this is more of a courtesy to my references than anything. also competitors shop you, I sure dont want to be sending them that list.
  10. **********/board/upload/showthread.php?p=42484#post42484 Thats a thread in the public PWNA forum on ***
  11. Does the PWNA have a business Plan?

    Mathew , are you a PWNA member? I was just wondering because i noticed your certified but you dont display the PWNA logo in signature. Just curious
  12. Does the PWNA have a business Plan?

    I thought you said that there in the reply to above post. Matt asked if it was endorsed. I said *** is and was the first forum online by the PWNA. Your answer was not taken out of context or words twisted. Just a mistaken phrase. I apoligize for my mistake. I never try to twist word with anyone. So Beth, Whats your take on this subject? Do you think a long term focus is what we need. should we have business plan? I'm always elightened by your ideas and view. Please give us and opinion.
  13. Does the PWNA have a business Plan?

    Beth, When did they do it. I never heard an annoucement that they endorsed two others forums? you think they should let folks know. Mathew according to Beth this to is official forum as is the deck quide. So i would guess the delco sites not endorced by PWNA?
  14. Does the PWNA have a business Plan?

    yes it is, the first forum online with the pwna.
  15. Chemical Burns

    I gotten burned and had stuff in my eyes. My guys know wear protective gear while working with anything and safety glasses. I have had only one indsutrial claim in 22 years. Lucky i guess. its was 565.00
  16. What should an Org do for you?

    Voting this poll, all the above and more..............
  17. What should an Org do for you?

    So if you had a plan, say a 5 year plan.. You got involved with any organization then you would know what to expect for the next five years. I'm only talking a main objective. not day to day business. I realize that things need to change and evolve.
  18. Does the PWNA have a business Plan?

    Beth I didnt post that there because I though we should not have answers in three or four different places. so I used your annoucement section here to let other know I have and interesting thread and a very good question to pose to the members Myself and the board. Since *** is and official PWNA forum thats open to the public and not closed to non-members i thought we would discuss the topic there. maybe you could lock this thread down. that way we could keep responses in one place. I would extend the same courtesy to you in the future.
  19. The X-Jet debate

    Has anyone every used a water Cannon???????????
  20. Does the PWNA have a business Plan?

    No, just asking if you have any fresh ideas. or added opinions that might assist our industry leaders in making decisions. Thats all, nothing personal. Just trying to help you Jeff.
  21. Does the PWNA have a business Plan?

    yes is there a plan in writing? we know about all that stuff, do you have any new ideas? did you read the questions?
  22. Generators

    any generator power by honda is good. I like wincos, voltmaster is cheap and is used on many units because they are cheap. I had a winco that lasted almost ten years of heavy use. 2500wat Honda uses there own and its darn good. 800.00 to 1000 for 3500watt you can find briggs powered half that price that work fine. Good luck
  23. Upselling you don't know until you ask

    This is my weekest area, as a company we do not do enough up selling.
  24. Vented burner no-no

    Russ, You show the draft diverter outside? I like that, The others i saw where not. Is that correct?
  25. Vented burner no-no

    John, your pipe is solid? You shoulnt have this problem then. even if the fuel mixture goes bad.