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Ron Musgraves

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Posts posted by Ron Musgraves

  1. Regarding why such few responses: Keep in mind, there are distributors that visit this board regularly, many whom supply contractors on this board. So people don't advise you, because they don't want to step on their suppliers' toes.

    Thats a true statment.

    If your going to open a retail store any where i would research demographics and see what was needed. certainly and smart organized person can make money at this or there wouldnt be so many doing it.

    *** has had many people who have failed and many that are very successfull.

    You can learn from both, often those who have failed know why. they can keep you from making these same mistakes.

    I know that having a plan and being able to change the plan if needed is a big thing.

    I had a friend of mine that laid the plan out. he made a mistake and was affraid to make the change. the fear in the end is what got him. to this day he knows that you cannot have fear and you must be able to make small changes or large ones if you see you have made a mistake.

    I feel the reason i have done well is that we have found a successful way thru trial and error and we just keep doing it over and over.

    mistakes will cost you money and the you will make them, the one who make the least will win.

  2. I was n High School washing window and a PM asked me to clean her walks on a center and the rest is history. I continued doing this thru college and when I finished I started coaching at local Jr. high and realized I was never going to make as much money coaching as pw.

    I have owned to many businesses since and always have stuck with PW.

  3. We prefer powder whenever possible from the accident perspective.....if you have an accident and you have stuff all mixed up it's an instant HazMat situation. Powder can be sucked up with a shop vac!

    I'm not picking on celeste But i believe i can control liquid easier than powder. Often resin hides in cracks and crannies and is very difficult to clean up even with with a vaccum.

    I have always felt Liquid to be safer than powders.

    I also make and label my own chemicals and enjoy saving the money. I understand that store bought liquid is double powder.

    I also in flatwork could show you damage from over use of powders.

    I do use powders in certain areas, dumpster and compactors. ( works great and nothing to hurt)

  4. I think they already operate and serve better than most orgs.

    they are just not labeled org.

    the purpose they provide is education and knowledge.

    TGS.org ***.org PWN.org

    Main Entry: 1or·ga·ni·za·tion audio.gif

    Pronunciation: "or-g&-n&-'zA-sh&n, "org-n&-

    Function: noun

    1 a : the act or process of organizing or of being organized b : the condition or manner of being organized

    2 a : ASSOCIATION, SOCIETY <charitable organizations> b : an administrative and functional structure (as a business or a political party); also : the personnel of such a structure

  5. 22 years later and now I answer this question very different as many veterans with multiple crews would answer.

    I think you could take a slow approach and start with little invested and make little profit and numbers.

    You could start quickly and spend more money to start up. (Obviously you would make more money)

    What do you consider start up? Equipment, insurance, marketing plan and all the time it takes to get started.

    For most businesses pressure cleaning is a low cost as far as equipment purchase.

    You could spend as little as 3000.00 and as much 150 thousand.

    Marketing the first year if you want a business that will make a quarter million a year will cost around 50 to 75 G’s for the cost of marketing material and help. Keep in mind even if you do things yourself your time is worth something.

    I would not try to start a pressure cleaning business on a shoe string unless you wanted to remain part time or just want to go slow because you felt you didn’t have enough knowledge.

    Bank roll the start up properly so that you don’t need to lower prices to eat. Watch your cost weekly and don’t be afraid to hire help and train the help so you can build your business.

    I can’t tell you how many folks go out of business and I get the call Ron I can’t build my business because I’m to broke to hire anyone and I don’t have time to handle sales and customer service problems.

    Make a plan and figure what you’re doing and set goals to be achieved and then make sure you can achieve these goals. Decide how you’re going to start and no matter what some here argue and say, if you want a strong business and want to make real money and not just a living then be ready to spend a little money. Maybe 50 g’s would be a real number.

  6. You have to look at expense versus return. If you save 5% on something by buying in bulk and it takes you all season to use it up you really didn't make a wise investment. You could have left your money in the bank and probably earned a better rate

    I can agree with that, On that note I would also like to warn when buying chemicals in Bulk be careful of the shelf life. Strippers can loose strength. This can cost you more labor. I know distributors dont want to hear this thats why I become and unpopular guy.

    Very good subject.............

  7. I would love to see someone speak some good about PWNA, Wrapi and all other organizations. I would like to see real debate on how we can actually better all org, in one interest to proffessionilize our indsutry to our customers base.

    And when we do disagree with what the focus is that we all understand its just disagreement. (not the end of earth)

    These have always beens my goals, i stand and support anyone or org. trying to improve the industry. (its in all our best interest)

  8. Beth, has elevated the BBs to a new level.

    First delco,daves, PWN, *** .............about ten others and then the TGS.

    When you think about it we all have gotten better from it. good old competition!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that made this all happen.

    TGS is on top by a mile. Good job Beth......thanks Rod for letting her spend the time on the BB and less dance time.

  9. I think its always a cobination of both Chemical and pressure.

    You need good chemicals to speed cleaning up and pressure also.

    I will say that results can often be acheive with excessive of either process.

    However this is only true with concrete. ( damage can occur if you dont know what your doing)

    Using excessive pressure on fragile surfaces is damaged. Awning, homes,decks & other pressure sensitive structures.

  10. I always will support any positive advancement of this industry.

    The future will only tell the tale.

    I’m sure we will see some healthy competition between educational programs.

    It will be a battle and could better this for the contractors. We could be the people that will gain from this.

    The two organizations may work in different directions. This can also be a benefit to us.

    I can only see this as a positive thing; we should all stop abusing the people who try to run these orgs.

    I know some are questioning the reasons and why we need another organization. I believe the organizations will not be similar.

    CETA is failing and this organization seems it will definitely compete with them more than pwna.

    I think it’s a very smart move bring the manufacture and distributor and consumer together.

    I will attend the convention based on the vendor participation.

  11. Henry, I'm wrong. Thats ok:lgsad: Me crying...

    I would hope that you would not ask me to volinteer again since you must know my past efforts and accomplishments. I hope you would.

    Please do not make it practice to attack folks for speaking there minds. (not professional and unbecoming of your position)

    You have voliteered and frankly I hear crying. strap up your boots and dig in.

    I'm waiting for you to finish what many have worked hard. i paid my dues already partner on the old guard and waiting for the new visions that has been talked about by me and others for about 7 years.

    And i never said i was coming anywhere.( its your job not mine anymore)

    a person who voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service

    Good luck,

  12. Hope this helps shed some light. Personally, I encourage folks to get involved and try it...really try it. Helping can be lots of fun!

    Beth, I agree... Helping others has rewards. But lets face it, helping others line pockets is not my idea of fun. Now Ev and others are making changes to make this different and i'm standing by to see.

    I see some things have changed from the old guard and the new looks more appealing.

    But in the past we have donated time and money and as for now its a mute subject.

    I support the org for change. its manditory for my future with this organization. Frankly theres nothing wrong with positive


    Disagreement is what has made the positive changes.

    If all had agreed at this point we would not have change the path. All contractors knew the road that had to be taken and now they are making headway.

    I still disagree with the not telling member what’s on the horizon. It’s a surprise! That mentality needs to change. No ones out there trying to beat us. We don’t have another org at our heels.

    Change is good and I feel confident that I will remain in the future a member of this org. ( changes need to come in the next couple years.)
