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Ron Musgraves

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Posts posted by Ron Musgraves

  1. New pt doesn't match up well with old pt. I save old pt from tear downs for board replacement. I let the new boards stay unstained until the next maintenance and usually get a perfect match. I keep cedar boards in my yard aging for the purpose of replacement and being able to stain and this works great. I used to do this for all types but got lazy! Mahogany matches up pretty well but the stain doesn't last.

    So your saying it might look right at first, it will possibly change after time passes?

    Interesting allow them to age a bit before. This makes sense, I've finish some exotic cues before an the wood aged did always take the stain much different. Many times we stripped the lacquer off the them to redo them. We noticed the older wood had hardened an excepted the stain to last better. Cues of course not nearly as tough I imagine as a deck open to elements.

    Wood is very interesting, I'll stick to concrete.

    Ron ********** text me for

    questions 480-522-5227 Pressure Washing Institute.com

  2. wm1821 1 day 8 hrs ago | 26 views | | wm1821 REQUEST FOR BIDS The Walker County Department of Education is soliciting bids for Exhaust Hood Cleaning to be used in the School Food Service Programs for the 2012-2013 school year. Specifications may be picked up at the Superintendent's office at no charge. Bids are due in the office of the Coordinator of School Food Services by 11:00 a.m. Friday, March 30, 2012. For additional information contact the School Food Service Office at (706) 638-7969 or 201 South Duke Street, LaFayette, Georgia, 30728. wm3/21,28 function updateChars(dom_id, remaining_chars_dom_id, max_length) { var message_text = $(dom_id).value; var remaining_characters = max_length - message_text.length; if (remaining_characters

    Ron ********** text me for

    questions 480-522-5227 Pressure Washing Institute.com

  3. I use to play golf with Bobby. Bobby's Son, Phil Espisito, Norm Beaudin, and some others in Florida back when they were helping to start and promote the Tampa Bay Lightening. We had lot of fun on the golf course, but after the Golf, WOW that's when the party really started. Fun times indeed.

    I watched Phil as a kid

    Ron ********** text me for

    questions 480-522-5227 Pressure Washing Institute.com

  4. I agree. Everyone has different needs, expectations and purpose. I believe that in order for someone to feel as though he is "successful" he would ultimately feel joy in whatever dealings he is doing. Money is one measurement of success.. love for what you do, taking joy in creating and always trying to reach for a happier place and treating people well is another.

    Graig Great post. Look forward to meeting you after 10 years on the web.

    Ron ********** text me for

    questions 480-522-5227 Pressure Washing Institute.com

  5. Happy St Patrick's Day Everybody!

    Just curious to hear what you define as success in business?

    Happy Patty's day to you sir,

    Well its a bit about the money when you first start, you have to sustain yourself with stability. After that its really about loving an being passionate about what you do. Many people can say they make a lot of money but are they really happy doing what they do?

    I'm certain I could run a flower shop successfully, would i be happy? NO

    Loving what you do wanting to wake each an everyday to do what you do is success to me. If I made Half of what I make now or had to take less, I wouldn't change my job. I love my work, I enjoy selling almost as much as the time I spend with the people I love.

    Money doesn't measure success, the passion that drives you to love what you do is the meter. Money might just be something that comes along with it.

  6. I talked to customer today about staining a fence about 160 linear feet long, the fence currently has a solid stain on so i recommended cabot solid. No big deal but he wants the bottom 3-4" of the 4x4's which are placed every 8'feet to have a flashing on to decrease the weed whipping marks. Has anyone ever done this or have recommendations on this, thanks, John Peterson, Peterson Deck Restoration

    Will you be reclaiming that?

  7. John hire good people, then you can play

    It was fun talking to you twice today Ron even though they were our shortest calls in history. Between the college where doing and using a forklift for the next job today I feel great but still wish I could've been at the ACR roundtable.

    Hey me and another put or difference to bed. It's over.. To much time wasted on both our parts which I'm sure our wives can attest to.

    I can't hang with you Ron on the net. Your the Net King. I don't sit in that " computer" room anymore. Its bad enough I carry my I-Pad like a pocket book(what happened to me.lol )

    Your a good guy and your full of idea's and I will always be amazed how you do what you do and you can stay on the net in the process.. You must quadruple task.. Your wired in..

    Will talk again another time.

  8. Everett is honored to be in this and I'm honored he accepted. Try every which way you want Ron to one day be nice and then the next day say your above remarks.

    These guys on this committee are in there for a reason and an intertnet Guru as yourself has no bearing on dealing with destiny. This is out of your league Ron. The guys in here and the surrounding supporters stay true to the course where your like a dust in the wind.. I love your idea's on your good days but when you go thru that Dr.Jeckle Mr. Hide thing where the next remark from you is uncalled for it makes me feel everyday I picked the right guys..

    To be more blunt.. Just look at this group. These guys picked themselves without knowing it.. How did that happen.. Pure Destiny. There day in the Sun is coming.. They need just a little bit more info which it's coming to them soon..

    And they will have stories for there grand kids.. This you can't buy.. It's in your heart.. And Ron as much as I like you as a friend even both of our quirks.. This is not in your heart.. You let it all go on your own free choice.. And that is your destiny.. And watch how we take care of the children.. Thousands of them.. Also watch how this brings out the child in all of us.. Watch my friend.. And you can not stop it even if you or your posse keep trying to drag me down... I just get stronger.

    As far as who your posse is to help drag this down.. Well just go back to your bb.. He's all over it now starting trouble with another STUPID remark to belittle his members..

    John again your not making much sense. Trouble John ? No ones giving you anything but help John , your just taking things out of context again.

    Good morning John I hope your feeling better today.

    Ron ********** text me for

    questions 480-522-5227 Pressure Washing Institute.com

  9. John I'm sure as always there's always a person who wants or feels more important than others. That should be a clue, they are usually the ones who did the least.

    Everett is one of the most Stand up guys in the industry, lets hope the same people who tarnished his good name don't attempt round two.

    Well you got that right about the guys on this committee. The hardest thing will eventually be to pick the one who gets the award and where not at that point yet.

    I like Everetts idea about the certificates which shows every participant that completed there volunteering under the PWNA Clean Across North America campaign will be recognized.

    Every org. Has there special honors that members can achieve. This one here benefits those that give back..

    The challenging part about this Ron is trying to figure it all out and to actually get it done. Reason why this strong committee is in place.

  10. Ron this idea was brought about by the PWNA Board of Directors to name an award in Linda's honor. John Orr also expressed the same thing. The PWNA named me the first recipient of it and that was a complete surprise.. Linda was surprised by it all to.. It was a nice gesture by the PWNA but now it's down to business with this and how to do it.

    Read the article and you can see a dilemma we had as a committee. Everett took the lead on that and how to recognize all of the participants. Linda is working along with some idea's on this also. There are no losers in here. There all are going to get recognize but to give out the award itself And it's named in her and Babe Ruth's honor thru the PWNA how do you give this out to all??

    Believe me I tossed and turned on this one. When I gave out the pic/plaques last year that emotionally drained me because initially it was going to go to 1-2 people.. But I kept going back because I couldn't pick them.. And these were gifts.. Linda never did what I ended up doing with her... You know me I want to give out to so many people and she was great. Those Babe Ruth Bats she had custom made and she gave them out at the Convention she did that for me because I was devastated to be able to get her honored thru the Politicians and to not close out my dream to get Robert and Joe Honored for the Industry which I had but lost it at the very end..

    She's been a dream. I never knew at the Convention she was going to do that except she believed me I had something for her that she will be surprised and she won't know until I say it at the end of my speech down there and she also paid me back because I felt rotten I couldn't pull off the trifecta that was on my fingertips.

    So what's your thoughts on the award?? How do you spread that one out without minimizing it? Keep in mind all participants will be getting something.

    John if the award is true , there's always someone who will shine through. People in our industry do amazing things.

    I'm sure you guys will write a criteria for nominees an the rest will happen. Or allow there piers to make the final choice.

    How ever it's done if the people are actually awarded for good no ones going to care. If these are just feel good awards it will be diminished anyway an wont matter. That's the key, the people actually deserving. The story actually real, no made bs. The committee actually verifies these things. Maybe contract either mike , daryl or paul to conduct the investigation. Lol I'm sorry everything above the last sentence was true. I couldn't help that.

    Hope the positive aspects help you. I know all the guys on your committee an they will figure it out. Good crew

    Ron ********** text me for

    questions 480-522-5227 Pressure Washing Institute.com

  11. Just want to add Henry has expressed that there were others over the years who helped him make this Clean Across America a Continued success.

    Soon we will hopefully be able to continue what the Now called "Clean Up North America" be able to get more recognition for the ones that participate in the "Give Back"

    As soon as the ACR RT is over(still looking for a miracle to get there but now Kathy also got the Epidural she needed today so between that, Powerwashing and driving the kids places it's going to be tough to break-a-way) we will work to get to the end goal for the PWNA which is the award, the certificates for all who participate and how to have a selection team to pick the "Volunteer of the year award" and it won't be based on high profile jobs.. It will be based on impact for the ones they did it for..

    This will never diminish people that volunteer and never want to get recognized for that.. There privacy will be respected.

    The hope is to have more people to Volunteer for others and to be able to show appreciation for them in doing so.

    K that's all I got.. Any questions, idea's, thoughts on this feel free to post, email or call me(I'm not one to get bogged down with phone calls so I stay away from them but will return your call if requested)


    Then why pick just one? This gives me an idea. It's silly to single our anyone person on this sort of thing.

    Thanks John you inspired an idea.

    Ron ********** text me for

    questions 480-522-5227 Pressure Washing Institute.com
