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Everything posted by Craig

  1. Have any F9? I've had guys just spray a little on black streaks and wash off. They came out right away.
  2. Hiring a sales person

    That's great, Thad. Kristopher, there are quite a few selling books, audio tapes, web things etc that can help you too. I'd recommend to look into the art of selling type books and little by little, apply what you learn to every new customer. Pay close attention to what they need and don't over sell your services. Ultimately, people buy because they like, trust and respect you. These are key points. Find a way to relate to your customer and find common ground and interests. Many times you can close a deal and never even really talk about the job! After talking to them a while, gain their trust...be yourself... then tell them the price and give them a date with a couple times you can be there.
  3. My wife and I just got done watching this video on GMO's. I think it is imperative you all watch it through. It will bring you up to speed a bit on part of the problem we have in the US and what it is doing to people who are unaware of it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnlTYFKBg18&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  4. F9 Rust Remover is the World's Best Rust Remover! Front 9 Restoration 1-855-803-1133 This concrete rust removal video shows how to remove rust on colored pavers. F9 BARC pulled the rust out, did not etch or damage the paver in any way and left the surface in beautiful shape. Rust Removal with F9 has a proven track record of over 5,000 successful jobs and will help you create a niche to separate yourself from your competitors. You will be able to remove stains that were thought of as impossible (orange battery stains), plus be able to use F9 to remove rust on just about any surface. If you are a contractor, you may purchase a case of F9 to get your business listed on www.Front9Restoration.com. We are generating free leads and help your business to get first page ranking on google, yahoo and bing within a matter of days from your add! Purchase F9 from your favorite distributor listed HERE, joint the F9 TEAM and become successful in Professional Rust Removal! $$$$$$$
  5. Rust Removal Tennessee to the rescue!
  6. Stripper for acrylic paint on concrete

    Jason, Jasco 1-Gallon Premium Paint and Epoxy Remover GJBP00203 at The Home Depot Call me if you need help. We use this in conjunction with water recovery. Otherwise it's too messy.
  7. It looks like old peeling sealer. Are you going to strip it all down first? Just by looking at it that is a job that would take me 10 seconds to politely say "no thanks" and walk away. Here's why: The sealer looks old, moldy and infected. The white area that is bubbling had degraded, bubbled and peeled. What is your customer expecting from this cleaning and sealing? Just curious.. I'd like to see what it looks like after you clean it. Hopefully a lot better. But if the sealer is compromised and there is mold underneath from moisture coming up through it you'd have to do a total restoration ie, strip, clean and reseal. Those pavers are covered in calcite. It looks like years of accumulation and by how white they are the only thing that will touch them is straight HCL mixed 1:1 with water. And then you'll probably need to do it 10 times to get it about 95% off. You might luck out though... sometimes the white gets transparent enough that you only need to clean in once. Even if there is left over calcite, the sealer you use (with color enhancers) will hopefully darken and even out the tones. Personally, I would walk away from this one. It's a character builder. We could do it but I've done enough of them to pass on the rest.
  8. Best Fertilizer Rust Stain Remover

    Call 855-803-1133 to order or find a Professional Applicator of the Best Fertilizer Stain Remover on Concrete Best Concrete Rust Remover and Remove Fertilizer Stains on Concrete Fertilizer rust stains comprise some the most powerful and embedded tough rust stains to eliminate. These stains are caused by chemical fertilizer granules that are left on concrete surfaces. Water causes the chemical pellets to basically soften on the concrete, and therefore the properties inside the chemical will cause deep rust stains on top of and inside of the concrete. Using store bought acid concrete cleaners as a shot to eliminate these stains might cause further irreversible damage. What these rust removers generally do is cause what appears to be a white cloud around the stain from the oxalic acid. The actual stain continues to be there whereas the concrete around it's clean and therefore the surface paste of the concrete has been forever altered. Attempting to remove these stains as a home improvement DIY project is very dangerous and may cause health risks as a results of the handling of the acid product. F9 concrete rust remover seamlessly uses the safest product to address these concrete rust stains and the different orange rust stain challenges that we face. F9 rust removal products – F9 BARC - aren't only be safe for our skilled F9 Applicators, but are be the safest for the encompassing areas and landscape areas too. F9 Authorized Professional Applicators are skilled in professional rust removal projects. To find a contractor to remove your concrete rust stains, simply locate a Professional Rust Removal specialist on our website. F9 BARC The Best Rust and Battery Acid Stain Remover Best Concrete Rust Remover The F9 rust removal method is used at many exclusive golf resorts and communities for removing battery acid rust stains. several cities and municipalities have used the various competent skilled Professional Applicators of the F9 system to induce obviate variety of their toughest rust stains. If you have rust stains that are caused by leaky batteries, irrigation systems, chemical stains, fertiliser rust or totally different rust causes, visit us on the net at WWW.Front9Restoration.com or call 855-803-1133
  9. Battery Acid Rust Stains www.Front9Restoration.com 855-803-1133 Concrete Rust Stains may derive from a variety of sources, primarily from metals or fertilizers that contain iron. Most concrete rust does not travel over 1/16" deep into the concrete and stays in one basic location. A Battery Acid Rust Stain is an orange flash acid "burn" than might travel down your drive and into the walkway and curb. Flash acid burn seems similar to rust in appearance, but it's very different. Battery acid can cause orange stains which can penetrate up to 2" deep into the concrete. Typical sources are from golf cart and automobile batteries. Here is where the problem arises. Rust removal products were developed to dissolve the stain on the surface of the concrete, not deeply embedded orange "burn" stains. Battery Acid Rust Stains The problem with rust removers presently on the market is that they contain acids that "eat" the concrete. They strip the concrete of its cement paste and create a micro-aggregate or "etched" surface encompassing the orange acid burn. Once these cleaners eat the cement, they take a borderline amount of the stain with it and cause deep, permanent damage to your concrete. The bulk of concrete rust removers developed to eliminate rust will discolor the concrete, stain it white or would possibly even create additional orange colors. This is often not a fascinating solution. Best Concrete Rust Remover F9 Battery Acid Restoration Cleaner (BARC) is specifically developed to reverse and eliminate the greatest percentage orange battery acid staining AND rust stains on concrete, brick, pavers, tile, stone, concrete coatings and more. This includes the full spectrum of the rust family- watery, thick, topical, embedded, and fertiliser staining. BARC, the most effective concrete rust remover is recommended to be applied by an expert and does not need scouring, brushing or abundant effort, but does need professional power washing. When an expert applier of the most effective concrete rust remover pressure washes your concrete, they'll apply F9 BARC through a pump up sprayer, let it dry and rinse and remove the staining. F9 BARC chemically locks into the concrete, reverses 90-100% of the staining and restores concrete to its natural bright gray color. Locate your nearest Authorized Professional Applicator of F9 BARC to get rid of fertiliser stains, irrigation stains, rust and battery acid from your concrete.
  10. One Tough Question!

    Wondering why you would post this? Muriatic will etch the concrete, create an aggregate surface due to the amorphous paste created with the HCL reaction and lime/anyhydrous calcium silicate hydrate in the concrete. Pressure washing will ensure a permanent spot. HCL does not react with stucco to soften it, only discolor it. If you put enough HCL on the concrete you might be able to seep enough under a stucco spot to loosen the bond between it and the concrete but the amount of HCL used to do this would make a really big impact on the concrete around it. Martin- the only thing I've found to work OK is to mist the concrete with water, apply Jasco premium paint/epoxy remover and lightly scratch it out with a #1 steel wool.
  11. A 2.0 should lower your pressure a little but that's not a bad thing. 1. When it's shut off are the surface cleaner spinner bars easy to spin? 2. If they are, then your tips probably aren't angled steep enough into the concrete to spin the bar.
  12. Here's a job we did today: Customer had spent the last 5 years washing off his golf cart on his patio. These are battery acid stains, commonly known as "rust" but are not and are actually VERY deeply embedded into the concrete. This is why rust removers are ineffective at removing this kind of stain. Rust removers only handle to topical stain. The stuff we use works on both types of stains- acid burn and rust. At a minimum, we can get 85-90% of the worst staining out of concrete. Normally we are around 95-100%. This job we got 90% of the worst, 100% of the other stuff. Notice that the white stains are still there. White staining came from concentrated sulfuric battery acid and we have seen it eat through an entire 4" slab of concrete. Not much you can do for the white damage, unfortunately.
  13. It has worked on everything we've ever tried it on, including stucco, drivit, vinyl and even asphalt. Always do a test spot first and on EVERYTHING OTHER THAN CONCRETE mist the surface with water first. F9 is powerful stuff and misting a non-related concrete surface with water will help dilute it down. Also, use less material on those surfaces too. -DO NOT USE ON METALS OR GLASS!- It can etch these surfaces. ;) Another add, we've used it on stone and slate surfaces too, excellent results.
  14. How is everyone been lately?

    Hi Hugh- Long time Bud. Give me a call if you have a chance early this week. We have some things going on in your area I want to clue you in on. Thanks,
  15. Sounds good. Remember- if you buy a case you get a FREE listing on F9 BARC : The Ultimate Concrete Cleaner under Professional Applicator. We have marketing materials to get you started too.
  16. Hi Ed and Sally, We used F9 BARC, by Front 9 Restoration. Front 9 is our manufacturing company and we have been working on several highly specialized chems for several years. I also own Eco-Friendly Power Washing, Inc. so we are in the field every day, just like everyone else and primarily working on specialized cleaning, restorations and product development. Take a look at this link. These are the results of most products available on the market: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.454284401263322.106534.379340482091048&type=1 These are before and after's of BARC on cement: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.204440412958469.47077.202131603189350&type=3 Here are before/afters on asphalt: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.3357617029840.2124218.1551431206&type=1&l=eff8b39193
  17. Effloresecence remover

    Did this job ever get done?
  18. Reasons NOT to use anything but F9 BARC for removing rust, fertilizer and orange battery acid stains on your concrete: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.454284401263322.106534.379340482091048&type=1&notif_t=like These were all take on ONE STREET where I live- in only 10 minutes of walking. Aside from the permanent damage, there are ways for a professional to "fix" this that would look decent. If you come across this, run your surface cleaner over it a few times in at least two different directions. This will help even out the surface damage. If you have BARC, apply it and it will even out the color damage.
  19. Unbelievable Concrete Damage!

    You nailed it, Chris. A big opportunity we have as an industry RIGHT NOW is to educate the public and get the news out that we have an answer for these kinds of stains (battery stains). In the past, battery acid stains have been thought of as rust because they look the same. And more people have battery acid stains on their concrete than rust stains. So when Mr. Homeowner goes to the store and gets a rust remover he winds up causing damage because he sees a product formulated for "rust" and the rust is not going away. Therefore, he uses more and more product causing more and more damage. Meanwhile, we are trying to kill two birds with one stone. We have formulated a product that doesn't depend on what the perception of your customer is. BARC's formulation includes both rust and battery acid stains so even if they or you don't diagnose the problem correctly, someone will have a cure for it! Isn't that the ultimate goal?
  20. Unbelievable Concrete Damage!

    Hi Chaz, You're right, someone else's misuse of another product doesn't make mine the end all be all for rust removal. Funny thing is, the people who did this to their driveways DID NOT misuse the products they bought, they were FOLLOWING THE INSTRUCTIONS. Also, if you take a closer look at the pictures you will find that this is not just 1 single job, this is 10 different areas. What I didn't mention is that these "jobs" were performed by 3 homeowners who took matters into their own hands, 1 landscape company and 2 separate "pressure washing companies." The pictures I took were of just the worst damage areas. On this street with 100 homes, I'd say 40 of them had damage of some kind. Sorry if you feel I'm being pretentious in my mission to help other contractors. I can't change the way you feel. I'm here to let anyone who is familiar with these types of problems.. people who deal with this kind of stuff everyday, find a solution. The truth of the matter is that F9 BARC has been proven, over and over again, in over 3,500 jobs in one of the most heavily dominated golf course demographics in the world. Both I and other contractors in my area have tried every product we could find and have used them, side by side against the results F9 BARC can achieve. We have not found another product that can come close to it in terms of versatility and results. This kind of damage is world wide. Golf course communities have thousands of homes with driveways that look like this.
  21. Calcium can be both white or black. It can even take on the colors of the landscape rocks if the rocks are watered and then flows down the side of the concrete. Most of the time it will eventually turn black from impurities. Magnesium staining usually looks gray- light and dark. I've had HOA's give tickets to their homeowners for magnesium stains in their concrete because they thought they were oil stains. The white you see in the picture is from cigarette disposal bins. I remember thinking, "why is there calcium buildup around these things.. they don't have water coming out of them.." It was very strange. The reason that rings were forming under the bins was that the alkali-silica reactions were coming up through the concrete and not forming from topical water exposure. I think the employees were baffled too. You can see where they kept moving the bin all the way around the palm tree, but the reactions were happening everywhere.