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Scott Stone

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Everything posted by Scott Stone

  1. All about spelling and grammar...

    Well it is obvious that you are waiting for him to pay shipping and handling...
  2. All about spelling and grammar...

    Thanks, that explains a lot more than you wanted it to. Have a good day.
  3. All about spelling and grammar...

    I guess we will have to agree to disagree. You will notice that you never addressed number 4 though, and more interestingly, and probably more noticeable is for the third or fourth time, taking into account private, and public requests, Don has not addressed them either.
  4. All about spelling and grammar...

    First off, it is whom, not whoem. Second, this is not a government, and I find it hard to believe that you are so intellectualy vacuous that you tried to make it a governing body, and then apply the bill of rights to TGS. As far as I know, there is no Bill of Rights associated with TGS. Consider it a benevolent dictatorship, since Beth and Rod can do whatever they please, including shutting it down for no reason. The childish tirades, which you continued, was directly at you, not anyone else. I stand by that. Finally, if I cleaned up your attack, I would think, as you have so finely demonstrated on this site, I have little doubt that you would call it censorship. And now, finally, you have demonstrated the reason for locking a thread.
  5. All about spelling and grammar...

    You forgot number 4.
  6. All about spelling and grammar...

    1. This is a private forum, as such the first amendment to the constitution does not apply. Go read it, the government cannot censor things. 2. If you are trying to promote professionalism by launching into me with your childish tirades, you missed your mark. 3. I hate disputes. They make me sick, but, I also hate to see anyone attacked without a VERY good reason. I promised myself when I was a kid that I would not allow it in my presence, and now that I am older it bothers me more than ever. 4. You never stated the purpose or goal of your attacks.
  7. All about spelling and grammar...

    Okay Don and company, I have a question that I asked Don in a PM and I know he saw it, but did not have the courage to answer. What are your intentions in the attacks that you guys launch?
  8. All about spelling and grammar...

    If I was just going to lock it because I wanted to, it would have been done long ago. I explained why I would want to lock it, but in order for you to have plenty of fodder for your petty little diatribes, I will leave it open, and if you really want to be intellectually honest, you will notice that I was not the first one to suggest that it be locked. IN addition to all that self centered BS, if I really wanted to be an a-hole, I would have just deleted it from the get go, instead of just locking it down.
  9. All about spelling and grammar...

    If no one else responds by later tonight, I will lock it. I want people to have a chance to dispute me. If I lock it, it will only be to keep people from digging it up and posting on it in three years, thinking it is a current thread.
  10. All about spelling and grammar...

    Ron called me and wanted me to look at this thread. I want to thank all of you for wasting my time. We all know that the sales, the really good sales, are about personal presentation. We really are not expected to be educated, nor are we expected to be successful by most of our customers. Theoretically, we are all just a bunch of hacks to most customers. Part of my schtick is that I can compose a sentence and that I do not pull up in an old truck for a corporate meeting, or proposal conference. I even try to appear clean and neatly dressed. It makes a difference. All of these diatribes about spelling, and grammar are useless on this typ e of forum. It is expected that this forum is not going to have perfect spelling and grammar, even though our customers may be trolling here. I think that it is more important that in official communications that everything is in proper order, and that all of our bases are covered. That is what most judge us by, because quite honestly, many corporate CEO's and their underlings cannot spell worth a darn, and rely on their secretaries to take care of it. I am certain of this because of the area I live in, and the people I associate with on a daily basis. Most have an income of over $250k a year, and many just cannot spell to save their lives, but they do know how to run a business analysis, and how to read a spread sheet. Just my opinion. I think entirely too much time was wasted on this thread.
  11. Satellite views

    It is funny, I clicked on my home, and my truck was home. I clicked on my yard, and I was there, too. It is about 5 miles away. Also, the yard map was done in early 2006, and the home map was done sometime earlier. I prefer Google Earth.
  12. Jon, Big bad Jon

    Just an update for those of you that know Jon F who used to be a moderator here, until he decided he was too old and that it was time to become a bookworm. A couple of weeks ago, he went in for knee replacement. From what I understand, from Jon himself, he had a couple of setbacks, and it is a little harder to recover than he thought it would be. He went into a care facility for a short time to try and get things under control. He got good enough to go home, but is still hurting. He is happy though because he had to take showers with his wife, he is unhappy because she helps him fully clothed... He is doing better though, and if you want to drop him a line pm me and I will send you his email address.
  13. Jon, Big bad Jon

    I am funniest when I am tired. I am very tired. I always tease Jon. He is the first guy that came to me to learn pressure washing. I about killed him. We are still friends.
  14. You gonna keep battling with Don?

  15. Bartering

    I don't barter. Bartering is taxable, and I don't want to have to lay out cash for something that I have no cash benefit from. And since she wants to do the work either way, there is no way in this world I would do it for a barter, especially since it is not something that I need.
  16. First Insurance claim

    Call your agent. They should be doing all the legwork. When you talk to them, make absolutely certain that you tell them that you did not see any damage until you were done washing and the house was dry. If you tell them that you noticed damage, but kept going, they might deny your claim. Ask me how I know...Actually, don't ask. It is too painful to discuss what idiot employees did.
  17. I did, I found a deck in Mesa. There is a guy from my church that needs to have it done. It is pressure treated pine or fur. It looks like it has a red peeling paint or stain. Probably some type of paint. It needs a little bit of work, and is about 440 sq ft. This is not a paying job for me. I am just willing to help an old guy out to make it is something that will last a while. He would really like it to be done in one day, and likes the look of cedar. Anyone have a suggestion on methods and products?
  18. I found a deck in Mesa???

    Not yet... Anyone want to give a sample?
  19. I found a deck in Mesa???

    And for the coating? Can I put a stain, or will it need to be a pigment coat? Walk me through this, please. It is a government job...Okay, church freebie.
  20. I found a deck in Mesa???

    So I finally got out my trusty camera to take some pics. Went over, and had to take the people to the hospital, and then got some pic's. So here they are.
  21. I need to build something

    I am wanting to build something for pressure washing. I just cannot decide what I want it to be. I have the skills to build most anything, but cannot come up with an idea. So, here are the guidelines of what I want to build: 1. Needs to be built for less than $200 2. Needs to be saleable 3. Needs to be a somewhat original idea. 4. Has to be DURABLE! Not a throw away item, or a consumable such as chemicals. So does anyone have an idea?
  22. Using God To Get Business ?

    I am absolutely opposed to using religion as a trading card. I don't even do work for people in the congregation that I attend generally. IF I do, it is always just enough to cover fuel and expenses. I make it clear that is all I am charging them for, make sure I avoid any future similar work.
  23. 1. I disagree, FOR AN ESTABLISHED CONTRACTOR, I buy new vehicles. We put an average of 3000 to 4000 miles a month on a vehicle. One day or night down because of a breakdown is far too expensive fo rme to justify the risk of a used vehicle. Just one night every three months would more than pay for a truck payment, if you have to have a truck payment. Additionally, there are tax credits that lower the effective price of buying a new truck, if you are wise with you purchase. Imagine an effective price of $14k for a new 3/4 ton pickup with a full warranty. Well worth it to me. 2. I agree wholeheartedly with this. There is nothing worse than equipment that is sitting. I also have stopped buying used equipment. Every time I do, it ends up costing far more than the money that I saved. 3. Down economic times are not the time to cut back advertising. You want to make the investment and advertise more. You will notice that when major stores are getting ready and or have filed bankruptcy, their advertising is at least sustained, if not ramped up a little bit. Cutting back on ads is a VERY false economy. 4. Agreed, Routing is important. Most of my jobs for my crews is arrive and set up one time, and it will take all day. That is the way I like it, and it really improves efficiency, but it is not possible for everyone. The one or two nights a week where there is a series of stops, I do them. It is worth it to me, because these are easier accounts, and it shows my guys that I am doing the same type of work they are, and it does create loyalty. Additionally, I also take the crazy yucky jobs, instead of sticking them with them. 5. I pay all my people well. Just the way I roll. It actually works outt o a percentage of the job, because that is how I figure the job. They are paid hourly, though. So, to make it clear, I Figure out how long the job will take in manhours, multiply my manhour rate by a set number, arrive at the price. I want all my people to be able to buy a house. 6. Buy in bulk, as long as you are going to be able to use the bulk in a reasonable amount of time. I do not like storing stuff for months, or years. The only exception is parts, mainly because I can get them for a quarter of the cost that I can buy them locally. 7. Absolutely, develop a routine and be absolutely a jerk that it be followed to your specifications. It reduces errors, injurys and problems. I also make it imperative that I receive a text message or phone call that tells me each day what was accomplished, equipment problems and the hours worked. Even with a time clock and defined task, I get the text with all this information. But then, I roll different than a lot of people.
  24. I found a deck in Mesa???

    I dont even want to go there. It will be a few days before I can get a pic. Seems it is our anniversary this week, so we are going out of town...To pick up our oldest son at school. And I thought Hawaii sounded good.
  25. I found a deck in Mesa???

    It is sitting directly on the ground. I will get some pictures. It is not pretty,