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Integrity Curb Appeal

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Integrity Curb Appeal last won the day on June 16 2008

Integrity Curb Appeal had the most liked content!


About Integrity Curb Appeal

  • Rank
    TGS Platinum Member
  • Birthday 08/21/1974

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Profile Information

  • Interests
    Volunteering in my community, Kart racing, spending time with my family. I also really enjoy problem solving and innovation in the exterior cleaning industry.
  • Location
    Lexington KY
  • Gender
  • Company Name
    Integrity Curb Appeal
  • First & Last Name
    Scott Jackson
  • City & State
    Lexington KY
  • Occupation
    Business Owner
  • Biography
    I have been in the exterior cleaning business since 2006. I have a wife and two great kids. I enjoy volunteering in my community and spending time with friends and family on the lake. Besides owning my business I have owned a restaurant and spend 20 years in the restaurant industry. I am also on staff at my church as an Exec DO and serve as the CFO. My personal mission is to help those whom I lead, to succeed.
  1. Hey Russ, do you have any burners for sale that would heat a tsf2021 pressure and flow? Thanks, Scott Jackson in Lexington

  2. Remote valve shut off (downstreaming)

    I made a setup of my own that not only allows me to remote control my injector, but I also mix my chems on command. I have a 1/4 inch "t" downline past my solenoid. One line draws SH and the other draws soap. I have a proportioning valve in the soap side so that I get the correct ratio. I never have to mix chems before going on a job. I have my soap in a bag with a back flow proof valve on the bag. I nver have to unhook it. I just change the bag when it is empty. I have recently had a couple of people ask me to build them the remote control system. Is this something that is marketable?
  3. Keeping Restora in the stores

    Tegrey, Where can I get Restora? Scott
  4. Please email me if you service this area. I received this lead tonight via form on my website, and it is a state away... Scott Jackson IntegrityPSI
  5. Oxidation on vinyl siding

    You need to search downstreaming and sodium hypochlorite. High pressure can damage vinyl, and low pressure not only performs better with the right chems, but it is easier and quicker. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. Scott
  6. We all talk about not wanting to apply a solid

    Next one of these, I am on it!
  7. We all talk about not wanting to apply a solid

    I can completely understand the spinde deal. I am curios to know how you charge when replacing spindles for a job. It must be less labor intense then cleaning them. Do you ever save the good ones and strip them in a chem bath for the next job? SJ
  8. We all talk about not wanting to apply a solid

    This is the finished look. The stain is still damp in a few places. Thanks again for the advice Rick Petry!
  9. Oxidation on vinyl siding

    What chems are you using? How longis it taking you to clean vinyl siding? Are you usung high or low pressure?
  10. Oxidation on vinyl siding

    How are you applying your chems? If the S-hypo is too strong... and the sun is beating down... then it may be crystalizing on the siding. Are you downstreaming or x-jetting? If ds-ing, what is your draw percent?
  11. pine knots..

    It happens frequently. The knots are like straws that soak up the stain. I have not found a way to remedy this. You should just communicate this up front. With WTW I would think you could just apply more on the spots. With RS, it just keeps soaking in.
  12. We all talk about not wanting to apply a solid

    Let's say the sanding alone is about 26 hours. We will not talk about the labor for stripping. I was only onsite 12 hours of the stripping process, but I had 2 guys there 3 days straight. I talked to the homeowner about changing back to a solid, but she insisted that it could never look as bad as it did before we started. My goal is 100% stripped, and we may come in about 99.5% The underside of the top layer took 3+ coats of boosted stripper. I will apply 30 gallons of sealer the beginning of next week.
  13. We all talk about not wanting to apply a solid

    I am doing the house directly next door as well. It is a two tone. The decking is semi and the rails were actually painted. The homeowner insists on repainting the rails. pic attached.
  14. We all talk about not wanting to apply a solid

    It was a tannish yellow before, and we will be going with a light brown.
  15. Have you ever convinced a homeowner to strip a solid and apply a semi-transparent... then asked yourself WHY?????? did I do that? The test spot was promising, but there were areas of multiple coats that we found after getting down and dirty. Well.... It is now stripped and ready for sanding tomorrow! But after it is all said and done... I will have to say. Great choice! This is gonna look good.