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Hourly/Daily rate

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I have a builder that needs an hourly or daily rate for post construction cleanup of several 3 story condo buildings. He only needs the balconies, breezeways aand now dirty sidewalks. There is also several other areas such as dirty new asphalt parking lots, smaller out buildings. They were doing it and just are giving up , they cant keep up

I got an hourly rate in my head per man and I told them I use 2 man rigs

I want to know how I should write this up. Should I require a 4 hour min per man? or should I require an 5, 6, 7, 8 hour min per man?

I need to cover myself. I dont want to schedule a days or even a half a days work and get there and theres painters painting or just something else that makes it impossible to do our work. I dont need a crew with nothing to do

HELP PLEASE. I need some exact wording that I can add to proposal/contract to cover me for miniunum hours if we are scheduled

ANY OTHER WORDING or things I should be thinking about or adding into a proposal/contract??????????????

Help a guy out PLEASEEEEEEE:lgsideway. I just never have done jobs by hourly rate

Does anyone do a daily rate????

Thanks ALL


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Stand your ground and stay away from daily/hourly rates. Speaking from experience, this is not a good idea to allow a builder or painter or anyone for that matter to dictate a wage for you. Chip

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We've been burned - badly - on an hourly rate based job. Whatever you do, if you're going to go OVER your estimated time frame - clear it ON PAPER - do not fall for a spoken word or handshake period. Definitely let them know that if you are scheduled to work on a specific day/time - if you can't get on the job, you will bill them for a minimum amount for your own rescheduling trouble.

If you're not going to have an attorney draw something up, just put everything you can think of in plain people english (don't try to get legalese in there).


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RUN, Jeffrey, RUN.


I base things on time & material when I bid work, I see that just doing straight bidding/proposal I might get burnt too. The sidewalks area mess with dirt and I told the it may take a couple washings. Theres just a whole lot of different factors if I don't do it by hourly. There's little things that may need to be done etc etc . I thought it may be to my benifit

Like I said WHY? How is it bad for me, just trying to figure it out. Could you explain the pit falls of me doing it hourly????

Im not letting him dictate my rate????? I tell him my rate he either takes it or not????


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You could do it hourly - it's going to be scary.....x number of guys @ x$ per hour - then you have to figure the amount of chem for the whole job & divide it by the number of hours you think it will take, factor in a hose breaking (can't charge them for that time even though it was on their job) The biggest thing is when they see the hourly rate and don't drop dead over that, MAKE SURE you've properly estimated the NUMBER of hours to cover your butt. It SUCKS to be in the middle of a job just to find out something was not as it seemed and your man hours almost double and "oh gee, I don't remember you telling me 46 times that you're going to take longer than planned so we're not inclined to pay more than your ESTIMATE" It HURTS!

Sounds like it's a job that you want so you may have to bend a little, but just make sure your backside is covered really well.


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You could do it hourly - it's going to be scary.....x number of guys @ x$ per hour - then you have to figure the amount of chem for the whole job & divide it by the number of hours you think it will take, factor in a hose breaking (can't charge them for that time even though it was on their job) The biggest thing is when they see the hourly rate and don't drop dead over that, MAKE SURE you've properly estimated the NUMBER of hours to cover your butt. It SUCKS to be in the middle of a job just to find out something was not as it seemed and your man hours almost double and "oh gee, I don't remember you telling me 46 times that you're going to take longer than planned so we're not inclined to pay more than your ESTIMATE" It HURTS!

Sounds like it's a job that you want so you may have to bend a little, but just make sure your backside is covered really well.



In your dealings did you have to give them a time estimate?

I talked to the super and I told him its strickly on time . We show up the clock starts running. I told him we have 6 & 8 gpm machines and techs that do this kind of work every day and it will probbly go faster than his guys and some 4gpm machines.

I dont plan on giving time estimate for any of the projects he wants. We get there do it and pay me for it. If he isnt happy or thinks we take to long (which I dont think will happen) If he's unhappy fire us.

Its not a job i really dieing to get, but it seems like it could be done under my terms and could be profitale.

Sounds like many have problem with hourly, thanks for letting me know. I'm am writing it up in a contract, they read it and go for it or not. We'll see.


What was cool about getting this call it was from a referall from the Sunbelt Rental saleman. He's told others about us to before. Time for a gift cert for him. Nice guy

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Think about bringing in a sweeper truck guy for the lots. It can save you heaps of time...if not use firehose off the hydrants.

I'd just quote them what day and time work is to commence with a binding signature section after an hourly rate services description area. I put language in mine that allows me to invoice for services completed at days end regardless of project completion.

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If I gave hourly rates I'd never get any work, simply because I know what I average an hour now, and people do not like to hear those type of numbers when looking for an hourly rate. If you make it to please a customer then more than likely you won't be pleased. Tell them a flat rate price and when the jobs done they can figure the hourly rate from there.


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