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Mold under finish


Seems like just about all finishes that I strip gather incredible amounts of mold under the stain. Stripping isnt normally a problem, but once I clean and brighten the wood often times it is evident there is still black mold on the surface.

Usually the stripper takes care of the mold, but it seems like on some finishes it will work enough for me to get the stain off but doesnt go deep enough to kill the mold underneath

Short of doing two strips is there something else that can be done to better remove the mold along with the finish.

Ive heard that the oxalic can give the mold a rough environment to live in, but is it enough to kill it off while brightening? Is there something I could add to either my stripper or oxalic to get rid of mold under the finish (obviously bleach would be a no no with the ox)

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Yea behr and sikkens mostly. Is their a risk using bleach and following with oxalic?

You just need to rinse the bleach real good b4 the oxalic.

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