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Everett Abrams

PWNA Convention in Dallas, Texas

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Annual Convention and Trade Show

February 11-14, 2004

It has come to our attention that there are many folks that have not, or are still deciding whether to go to the Convention. It is not too late to do so. You can come to the Convention as a walk-in and register there. So if anyone was still sitting on the fence or thinking it was too late, it is not. If you have trouble with getting a room there are plenty of hotels in the area and I have heard there are still some good flying deals out there. If I can be of any help or answer questions feel free to call 1-866-440-3325.

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I had a little time available to make the call to 1-800-393-7962 and a guy answered and I mentioned about the schedule and that I was told that there were some changes made and that I would like to see the new schedule and the guy said that the schedule is on the website and I mentioned again that there were some changes made that do not show on the posted schedule. He asked me to hold and then Jack Pitzer came on the phone and I told him the same thing and he asked me for my phone number and said he had to go through a pile of papers and would call me back. He called me back and said that there was "NO APPRECIABLE DIFFERENCE" in the schedule and I asked to see the changes that were made and he told me "THERE AREN'T GOING TO BE ANY CHANGES". I told him how I liked last year and I wish that there was a lot of classes I would like to go to but they were all scheduled together just like this year and I could only go to a few that I really wanted to attend. I told him that I was new to the business and wanted to learn all I could and this would determine if I was going. I said Thank You and then hung up. The people with a lot of experience will get to do things at the Convention without worrying about missing classes because they have a lot of experience under their belts but what about us new people? I thought that the PWNA is trying to get new members. I thought that they might try to attract new members that are also new to the business. If I just saw this site for the first time and heard about the Convention, I would look at the schedule and then think about what it will cost to fly there, rooms, Convention cost and what benefit I will get out of it. One or two classes the whole first day, one the second and one the third day then come home. For a beginner who is very hungry for information I would really be disappointed and would seriously think about going. I went last year and there were more things to do but part of that was due to the joint convention with the Window Washers. On Friday there are bootcamps for Wood, Kitchen and Environmental and then on Saturday these seem to be repeated. Could we have the first day classes repeated during the times of the bootcamps on Friday and Saturday? Are the Bootcamps that are not the Certified Bootcamps repeated on Thursday and Friday or they two days long? This is where we could have some of these great first day classes repeated. I am not trying to bad-mouth the PWNA, but just expressing my opinion as a beginner. I hope people will read this, especially the beginners.

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You are not alone in your frustrations of the conventions schedules.

There is a lot to attend and not enough hours in the day to give them all.

In dealing with past conventions feedback, PWNA is trying to keep the convention time limited to 3-4 days so as not to take people away from their businesses too long.

In addition, other issues are being dealt with in order to cover as much as possible from what I understand and as we all know, you cant please everyone.

I would talk to them further and see what else they can offer.

We learned quite a bit during the conventions we attended and I emphasize the plural.

It took us several of them to get what we were looking for out of them. I know that is expensive for many, but we did so out of understanding that the org is a volunteer based one and they are doing the best they can.

Patience helps.


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I am sure that some of the members of the PWNA will be some of the instructors of the classes and I would like to know that IF I GO to the Convention, Would you mind if I record the class? Henry has a great idea so we can share information. OR... Will there be someone there professionally recording everything so we can not only pay for the Convention, but pay for recordings of the classes for things we could not attend also? Can we record Board of Directors? Does anyone who is doing presentations mind if we record?

Please let me know because not only us beginners, but some of the most experienced would like to know also. Again, not trying to bad-talk the PWNA but this issue was brought up back in November and now it seems like we are now just bringing it up. The PWNA is a great organization and I am learning from it but with the above post of two different Board of Directors saying different things, it seems like there is a big lack of communication or what I do not know. In the future when I have a lot of experience under my belt and I really know my stuff, I would not mind volunteering to be teaching and if there were enough people wanting the class repeated at a later time I would not mind doing so BECAUSE IT HELPS US ALL LEARN AND BECOME BETTER. In doing so, we will raise the bar to a higher level and bring more recognition and respect to what we love to do. It is really great that everyone is sharing the information that it took people years of learning by trial and error, lots of money, and probably blood, sweat and tears. I really do appreciate it because where I live there are some companies that do pressure cleaning and would not help you unless you are paying them and they will not share anything with you because they have the mentality of you taking money from them even though they cannot be doing every job in town at the same time. Some of them are friendly but they still give out dis-information to set you off-track and to potentially destroy your machine by telling you to do things and saying it is okay to put everything through your pump and it will not damage anything. I tell them what I have learned and I may seem paranoid but I will not put bleach or caustic through my pump. I will not upstream. That is my preference and I know a lot of people upstream soaps but I prefer not to. I know this is long but sometimes you have to get things off your chest.

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I would not record the sessions they offer without their permission. Speak to Jack Pitzer, the Executive Director about it before doing it. I am sure you can take digital photos. I have seen camcorders in use, but I know that formal recordings are a whole other issue.

I can't speak for the Board of Directors - I'm not on the board anymore. But I do know they want the attendees to get as much out of the convention as possible, and if you speak to them I know they will listen, and respond to your request.

As for the Borad of Director's meeting, in the past they have been closed. The first official open and public meeting was in Atlanta last fall. As such all the topics were shared freely, and non-board members were in the room the whole time for all conversations.

I would hope that the convention meeting will also be open to the public. If it is, then it is a great opportunity to learn how the Board works, and to see how much really does get done in a meeting. There is alot to discuss and consider.

I think it is healthy for the org to be open. They should not have anything to hide. The BOD is made up of people who are nominated by a committee, but elected by the membership. Members are the reason they are there to work. Members who are not BOD members should also participate and get on committees or offer help as they can for the betterment of the org as they are able. It's going to take many, many people, rather than a handful, to make the kind of changes we all want to see with the least impact on any one person's business shedule.


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