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Is a THEIF out there stealing your website content? I caught one.


My website builder just notified me of a company that has copied most of the contend from my website and we are sending this company a letter to remove the content or possibly have very serious action taken against them. Here is the site: Hawaii Pressure cleaning. com

They have copied a lot of information word for word and just changed a couple of things like the location.

I was notified that if you catch someone stealing your information or content you can notify them to remove the information or they can have their url turned off and permanently banned from major search engines like Google and Yahoo and MSN.

A letter is being sent to notify they have been caught stealing content and I was told that they have done the same thing with other sites but then move on to other sites and steal their stuff until caught.

You just go to Copyscape .com and type in your website and it will show who out there has copied your stuff, even if it is just a few words.

This is B.S.! Can't they just do their own thing or do like the rest of us and pay??????

If the content is not removed, I will ask that everything that can be done will be done to them for this.

You all should use this site and see who out there is copying your stuff, you never know.

and this cool little website will show you who copied what and how much.

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I checked both of the websites...its sad people do that.

I had no idea their was a site out there that done this. Thanks for sharing and goodluck.

The problem for them is that when you copy content word for word, Google will not index that page. Whoever had the content first is the one indexed.

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yep I found out today that my neice who is a high school senior that wrote my introduction paragraph , copied most of the wording from a plus power wash , how embarrassing ! To Brian I owe an apology , but I cant get to the computer to fix it at this time.

It happens to everyone I just feel its flattery as well but some dont and we need to respect that too.

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