Just curious what everyones' thoughts were on the subject of VOC laws when it comes to coatings. The thought process is that if less fumes exhaust into the atomoshpere - the better it is for the environment, right?
Well what happens when we put on two consecutive coatings of 350ml/l VOC coating - that doesn't equal the performance of one pass of a 550ml/VOC coating? Double the time a Company truck was on the road servicing the deck, double the amount of caustics, surfactants, and acids that were applied to this deck, and double the amount of energy used up and pollutants at the factory end. And not to mention two consecutive coatings of 350 is really equivalent to one coating of 700ml/l. So what did the environment really gain? It looks like a loser to me.
Just curious what everyones' thoughts were on the subject of VOC laws when it comes to coatings. The thought process is that if less fumes exhaust into the atomoshpere - the better it is for the environment, right?
Well what happens when we put on two consecutive coatings of 350ml/l VOC coating - that doesn't equal the performance of one pass of a 550ml/VOC coating? Double the time a Company truck was on the road servicing the deck, double the amount of caustics, surfactants, and acids that were applied to this deck, and double the amount of energy used up and pollutants at the factory end. And not to mention two consecutive coatings of 350 is really equivalent to one coating of 700ml/l. So what did the environment really gain? It looks like a loser to me.
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