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ESI's efc cleaner


Well I splurged this year on some pre-made chems instead of making my own. So I had to clean this pine wood siding on a store front for a friend - with tons of layers of loose layers of latex paint, never any prep. I took off the worst offenders with a turbo tip, but didn't go close enough to kill the wood. Then I used a pump sprayer and mixed efc-38 and 8 volumetric ozs. per gallon and soaked the siding. I have to say I was really impressed - with only 500psi, it took off years of greyed damaged wood and mildew leaving only clean wood behind.

This one lady, customer of my friend, came while I was working and wants me to estimate her natural cedar shaked home. She told me the story of how she is wildly allergic to a myriad of chems - and I gave her the whole spiel about landscape friendly cleaners, but she was persistant in her allergies. So I explained that this cleaner is the 'Evironmentally Friendly Cleaner' and she was like who cares what some manufacturer calls their products. Then I explained how it was mainly Hydrogen peroxide combined with soda ash and some phospate detergent builders. And her eyes lit up, she is harvard grad, and she instantly said she had no problems with hydrogen peroxide and knows about phosphate cleaners and has no probs with them either. And to boot she liked how I was using low pressure to clean the surface effectively. So we'll see.

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Well done. I have quite a few enviro-minded clients here in the Bay Area. Fortunately, I haven't seen a solid yet in 2 years. Lots of grayed-out redwood decks that seem to love a strong percarb-simple cherry cocktail. Clients really appreciate the extra care. Lots of nearby watershed, try to avoid caustics if I can...even it takes me longer to get the decks cleaned up.

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How lucky can one be?

Fortunately, I haven't seen a solid yet in 2 years.

Any room for another wood contractor out there? Never mind, you have earthquakes and wacky leftists to put up with. And Kevin is not too far away!

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How lucky can one be?

Any room for another wood contractor out there? Never mind, you have earthquakes and wacky leftists to put up with. And Kevin is not too far away!

True Rick, I know, lucky me,eh? Funny though, I live smack in the middle of Berkeley, and I havent seen a wacky leftist in over 6 months! MOst of the leftists round here are too busy making a living to afford the high cost of living, not much time leftover for wackiness. Bought my first house 3 yrs. back, paid a median price...800K! Crazy. As far as the quakes, yup we've got em! Havent felt one of those in over a year though...pretty fun usually! I'll take the quake every few years if it means putting up with 70 degree averages bayside with a nice pacific breeze at the end of the day.. hehehehe

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I can't get the coastal redwoods to grow in MA, but the smaller Dawn redwoods grow like weeds around here now - Giant Sequoias also do well. There is a cemetary in Cambridge, MA - and they even Bald Cypress growing very well. I do have a small Coastal Douglas Fir growing in my yard now, which I am excited about - as I was hiking through Muir Woods and noticed along the path a 10 foot diameter Douglas Fir that was as tall if not taller than the surrounding redwood trees - so they get tall too.

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