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Beth n Rod

Links to VOC regulations etc.

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Thanks for those links Beth.

The new VOC regulations have effected the KEC industry a little. ZEP sells the best stainless steel polish on the market and because of these new laws, they are not permitted to sell it in SoCal anymore. It's a real bummer. I'm not trying to push a ZEP product, but I'm just saying that other vendors are probably effected by this. So restaurant owners are going to have to accept the fact that their hood will not be as pretty as it was before after using a quality stainless steel polish after cleaning.

Of course there are alternatives, but they are ALL inferior. I don't want to get into the whole liberal, tree hugging thing on this thread, but this is exactly what happens when the good people stay silent and don't stand up to morons. Sorry, don't mean to rant, but it just makes me mad that now we have to use an inferior product because of something soooooo stupid.

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