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Private Forums


Why is it that the Log Home resto forum is "private" to members only while the "Wood and Deck" forum and the "Residential washing" forums are not? We have just as much interest in keeping confidential info within our industry as private as the Log forum don't we? I just realized this while browsing before I signed in and was surprised. I mean any Joe Smuckatelli can come on and get info from these forums that need to be protected just as much as the Loggers. This concern anyone else?

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There is a long thread which was probably just before your time on here where this topic was discussed. "Private" is used loosely when it involves a forum. As soon as someone joins, its no longer private. I am unsure of Beth's policy regarding validating companies but I can speak for the ***** forum. Starting January first, we will research anyone that we do not recognize and omit their membership from the forum if we cannot verify their business information. This is the first step towards privatizing the forum (some sections, not all) for ***** members. Its a fine line you have to walk when taking this step. The PWNA caught a ton of flack for going "members only". If you find that thread, you will find a bunch of dissension on privatizing some forums here as well. One advantage to keeping it open is that the pages are indexed in Google. This can help potential customers find you. That too is a double edged sword as anything you write from lockeroom humor to political affiliation can be construed the wrong way and turn someone off.

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Why is it that the Log Home resto forum is "private" to members only while the "Wood and Deck" forum and the "Residential washing" forums are not? We have just as much interest in keeping confidential info within our industry as private as the Log forum don't we? I just realized this while browsing before I signed in and was surprised. I mean any Joe Smuckatelli can come on and get info from these forums that need to be protected just as much as the Loggers. This concern anyone else?

We had this discussion a year ago, and a year before that too. Not having it again. We have been down the privatizing road, the not privatizing road, etc. I'm not going to explain it for a third year. This is where we are. It is what it is.


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