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Selling snow to a snowman


Some days are better than others. Some days I can sell snow to a snowman.

Other Days sand to a desert.

Then there are the days I can't give it away. Selling is a necessary evil in this game.

Some guys like it, some guys hate it. I'm both, but you just can't rely on ads and SVC.MGC. for your leads all the time.

Today I did a resi for the VP of an HOA in a somewhat upper tier neighborhood.

Ironically, she was a call back from 2 yrs. ago. So the sales part had already been done.

I only met her Husband last time around. I met her today. As I was setting up, another member of the same HOA drove by and stopped to inquire about services offered.

Long story short, that member called my customer and said they should use my services for 15 entryways into that particular village to clean the monuments at each entryway. They also have 10 more villages that will need service as well. Cool.

I spoke with my customer about the project after completing her resi and drive.

They are willing to do quarterly cleanings and supply water meter up front. Afterwards they will want the other villages serviced as well.

Just sharing.

Keeping the head down and nose to the grindstone.

Best wishes.

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