I washed a house for a customer last saturday. It was not very dirty so I used a weak solution of 1.5 gallons 6%, 10oz simple cherry, 4 0z F13, meguiars car wash(mistake?) and a splash of dawn mixed in a 5er. When I got to almost the last side of the house, I soaped it down. It started thundering, lightning and raining. I was rushing to get it rinsed down so I could get out of the lightning. I went back yesterday and now there is a white residue in patches on that side of the house? I would guess I didn't rinse well enough.
What can I do to remove this? At this point, she has had her windows cleaned sincde I left. She hasn't noticed it or atleast said anything. Will rewashing that side and brushing remove it, or am I painting that side of the house?
I should mention I applied with and M5. Thank You for the advice.
I washed a house for a customer last saturday. It was not very dirty so I used a weak solution of 1.5 gallons 6%, 10oz simple cherry, 4 0z F13, meguiars car wash(mistake?) and a splash of dawn mixed in a 5er. When I got to almost the last side of the house, I soaped it down. It started thundering, lightning and raining. I was rushing to get it rinsed down so I could get out of the lightning. I went back yesterday and now there is a white residue in patches on that side of the house? I would guess I didn't rinse well enough.
What can I do to remove this? At this point, she has had her windows cleaned sincde I left. She hasn't noticed it or atleast said anything. Will rewashing that side and brushing remove it, or am I painting that side of the house?
I should mention I applied with and M5. Thank You for the advice.
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