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rearranging your schedule for rainy days


I usually schedule a customer and they know that if there is bad weather even prior to their job that I may need to call them to reschedule if I get behind on work. My question is what about when you need to rearrange your scheule at the last minute due to unpredicted rain and you want to do the powerwashing jobs on a day (such as today) so that you can still keep working. Usually I can call a customer and they are ok with it but lately (and today) I couldnt get a hold of a customer that I have scheduled to wash on Thurs to see if I can do them today. Does anyone schedule their customers for a day but then let them know that you may be over up to so many days before that date (say 3 or 4 days) to do the washing?

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I have power washing jobs scheduled for Thurs and Fri. Today I had to send my guy home early because it started to rain and we could not do the staining jobs today and I could not get a hold of the two house wash customers to see If I could do them today instead of Thurs and Fri. Thats what I was talking about If I wasnt clear. Oh well.

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Jim, I have had similar feelings in the past. In a short answer, we schedule much like Beth & Rod. We never just "drop in" unannounced, but give ourselves a little wiggle room for weather.

But I started to look at rainy, stormy days a little different. Instead of looking at crumy weather as lost time or down time, wasted day, etc. I started to look at it more like...I didn't have to pay several guy's salary that day. I didn't break anything costing me more money that day. But the fact remains that you didn't bring in any money that day either. True..sort of. But it doesn't have to be that way. On rainy days, I bid jobs and make business calls both over the phone and in person. I'm armed with business cards, flyers, and my laptop with a video demo/slideshow that is very compelling. You may not bank any money initially that day, but you're planting seeds for tomorrow. Which in turn will make you money eventually.

Anyone that knows me will tell you I am a type "A" personality all the way. Everything had to be done and done right away. I didn't have time to waste, etc. You know, I had a couple of things happen to me personally, that forced me to slow down a bit....and you know what. I'm busier, and my business is healthier than it's ever been...and I feel better.

There is probably less wrong with how you schedule work, then your perspective of "wasted time". Use it to your advantage.

Good Luck man, it took me a long time to really believe that, but I've found it to be true.

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Jim, I have had similar feelings in the past. In a short answer, we schedule much like Beth & Rod. We never just "drop in" unannounced, but give ourselves a little wiggle room for weather.

But I started to look at rainy, stormy days a little different. Instead of looking at crumy weather as lost time or down time, wasted day, etc. I started to look at it more like...I didn't have to pay several guy's salary that day. I didn't break anything costing me more money that day. But the fact remains that you didn't bring in any money that day either. True..sort of. But it doesn't have to be that way. On rainy days, I bid jobs and make business calls both over the phone and in person. I'm armed with business cards, flyers, and my laptop with a video demo/slideshow that is very compelling. You may not bank any money initially that day, but you're planting seeds for tomorrow. Which in turn will make you money eventually.

Anyone that knows me will tell you I am a type "A" personality all the way. Everything had to be done and done right away. I didn't have time to waste, etc. You know, I had a couple of things happen to me personally, that forced me to slow down a bit....and you know what. I'm busier, and my business is healthier than it's ever been...and I feel better.

There is probably less wrong with how you schedule work, then your perspective of "wasted time". Use it to your advantage.

Good Luck man, it took me a long time to really believe that, but I've found it to be true.

I thought type A personality was very impatient thus having a much higher risk for heart disease? :) (dont mind me I had to do a power point presentation on personality types and diesease connection for a college course this spring)

As for the OP's dilemma, I always try to set the expectations after winning the job and mention weather generally controls the work schedule, customers understand that. I try to pick a particular day but mention the variables that can push it back/forward. Most people just want to know that it would be done within the week and therefore everything else is irrelevant... I noticed some older/retired homeowners generally like to know the date/time for the most part b/c they want to be home while you are performing the job, which is just fine with me!

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A few years ago I would be able to tell you exactly when we were coming out and what part of the day we would be there. Now people are scheduled "for the week of.." Yes, we can pop in unannounced. I have a certain workload that has to get done per week. I'm not sure if I understand the mentality of "I'm saving money because I'm not paying payroll", there really is no logic to that. A crew costs me $42 per hour to run and they are getting billed out at $150+ per hour. I currently have 21 full and part time employees that rotate through the weekly schedule. I personally don't go out when it rains but we have to keep rolling as a company. Its a tough balance and this spring has been a real challenge.

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