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solid stain clean for stucco and asphalt


Made a stupid mistake (see, accident) and got some solid decking stain on asphalt and stucco. The asphalt i attempted to clean with mineral spirits followed by hosing it down and the stucco i put mineral spirits on a rag to get it out, but didn't really work. Those were the only things I had for cleaning with me.

I am gonna guess the stain isn't coming out of the stucco, but I am hoping somebody can tell me otherwise!

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Stucco is capillary so it tends to suck up whatever hits it. I'm not familar with the product you used (other than trying to strip it, which is a nightmare). Your next plan of attack may be to dry brush some paint on there. I' not a painter so that may not be the right word. Take a piece of the stucco to a paint shop and have them match the color. Water down the paint and using a dry paint brush get a little on the tip and work it in over the stain. A little at a time and working the area to blend it. It takes some time but with good technique you can almost completely cover it.

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dodged a bullet on this one...went back again today, doesnt look sooo bad. the homeowner asked me where the stain was! I still think its noticeable but they put the BBQ in front of it so...phew

First time using that stain (I know wrong forum) I found it to be too thick and dam $$$$.

Anyways, the only thing left is the asphalt...would a bleach mix and powerwash do the trick?

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