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Unemployment still 10%


Here is an article talking about the unemployment report.

Economy loses 85K jobs, unemployment rate steady - Yahoo! News

Employers basically got rid of 85,000 jobs in December but November job losses of 11,000 got revised to actually 4,000 jobs being added, first time since the recession started in '07 that the country actually had a net positive gain in jobs. So I guess some industries are still shedding jobs and other industries are beginning to ramp up.

2010 doesn't look like it's going to be an easy year - if things do really improve and the news agencies get really positive, it won't be by the summer imo. So what are you guys doing to hedge your 'bets' for this year? I am adding another service to my company unrelated to pressure washing. As well I am increasing advertizing like 400% - and another website.

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Unfortunately as of about 3 weeks ago my wife fell into those percentages again. After being laid off for almost a year she had found another job and only worked there 8 months before getting laid off again. They laid off 153 people all together and from what we hear they have laid off more since then. Some of these folks got laid off right before Christmas (as did my wife) and many had been there for 10-20 yrs. Merry Christmas!

We are possibly thinking of adding another service as well but at this point we are just still talking about it... Trying to weigh out the pro's and cons.

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That sucks, Larry, hopefully your wife enrolled into unemployment as soon as she got pink slipped? Imagine if Republicans were in total control - there would be no unemployment benefits.

Why is that?

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And better yet,what is wrong with that. Next you will be thinking that welfare and gov't insurance are good things. Larry is a hard worker and is making plans with his business to offset the loss of his wife's job. That is what everyone should do. If you can't make it own your own, rollover in the bushes somewhere and let those that can prosper. I would hate to think that anyone on this board would ever stoop so low or belittle himself by using unemployment.

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. I would hate to think that anyone on this board would ever stoop so low or belittle himself by using unemployment.

That is just low, William. When you work at a company you pay for your unemployment - it is your insurance against layoffs.

I proudly took 39 weeks of unemployment back in '02 after I got laid off. Larry don't be a dumba$$ and listen to guys like William. As well I am sure your wife would utter the phrase 'get lost' if someone even uttered to her it was shameful to take unemployment. Unemployment insurance is like health insurance - we all pay into the system and if god forbid we need it, it's there for us.

William I am sure most people would rather work than collect unemployment, that's just insulting to folks who have worked hard for their little stamp in this world - and get tossed due to volatile economy. People aren't the like the rinds of oranges that you can discard into the dust bin when ever you feel like it.

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39 weeks. I swear I could have had a job doing something in one hour. Just because you are forced to pay unemployment or SS doesn't mean you should take it. You have to do what is right sometimes even if it is inconvenient or hard. I will refuse to cash my SS checks just like my Dad does. People that don't workor contribute to society are like orange peels, disposable. Life is harsh. Read Seawolf. The captain's view on life should be shared by all.

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Not to mention, William, not everyone shares the business knack. Most folks that invest in themselves to go to college to acquire a skillset that big business needs and then get tossed from their sales job, marketing, engineering job after 10 years of employment working hard for their companies are like fish out of the water when they are laid off. If the only thing folks did was wash houses or mow lawns or clean carpets for a living - then we would be a sad sad country. Guys who dedicate themselves to a company working 50-60 workweeks have no capability to fallback on anything - only very few individuals can. Sure I could have gotten a job at Starbucks or something - but I worked hard at my studies - I contributed my intelligentsia to engineering companies - that unemployment was well deserved every bit as my hourly paycheck was deserved, I paid for it, capitalism exists for the very reason I supported it. Without folks like me - who is going to network an array of computers together for a workforce - who is going to engineer a signal processing model to make navigation in cars safer.

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I was laid off back in April and I immediately signed up for unemployment. BUT in my entire life, including now, I have yet to take a draw on the unemployment. I have not received a dime from the Government. Tightened the belt and found work to do.

You see I discovered that the benefit I was going to get was less than 1/4 of what I was making and I got taxed on the money to boot so it is just not worth it. I guess I just have too much pride to take the money. Especially with the spiraling deficit and the impending stupid decisions by our current congress.

Republicans wanting to get rid of the entitlement? Of course they do, why should people be allowed to wallow in their own self pity for 6 months or more waiting for the money to run out then panic. Force them to get off their rears and find work. There are all kinds of jobs out there, people are just not willing to cut their life style.

The Constitution give you the right to pursue happiness. It DOES NOT guarantee you happiness and that is the thinking of a liberal mind. Everyone does not deserve to be happy. Do you think that the Octomom should be getting funds from the government. Hell she already had 6 kids.

The scariest words in the English language are

"We are from the Government and we are here to help."

We are becoming a nation of pacifists and we are starting to get walked all over in the world views. Take a look at the power that England once was as compared to now.

See how it comes around Dan? I remember a thread last month where you were touting the unemployment rate dropping. Myself and others told you to wait and now look. Not to mention the ones that had holiday seasonal jobs that will be laid off this month.

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Originally Posted by offduty viewpost.gif

. I would hate to think that anyone on this board would ever stoop so low or belittle himself by using unemployment.

Well then I guess you can call me a STOOPER because within hrs of being laid off she had already filed and has already received checks.

Out of this $ some of the household bills are being paid as well as the portion of health benefits that we have to cover to maintain our health coverage. Florida only pays a measly $550.00 every 2 weeks. The extra $1200.00 per month right now (which is not much) comes in VERY handy to keep us going especially when business for me gets slow just as it is right now. The Government has NO PROBLEM taking our money so guess what. I have no problem taking there $ especially when we need it to survive. No one is gonna look at us as being martyrs if we refused help from the government when we become homeless and are living in a tent out in the woods.

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Not to mention, William, not everyone shares the business knack. Most folks that invest in themselves to go to college to acquire a skillset that big business needs and then get tossed from their sales job, marketing, engineering job after 10 years of employment working hard for their companies are like fish out of the water when they are laid off. If the only thing folks did was wash houses or mow lawns or clean carpets for a living - then we would be a sad sad country. Guys who dedicate themselves to a company working 50-60 workweeks have no capability to fallback on anything - only very few individuals can. Sure I could have gotten a job at Starbucks or something - but I worked hard at my studies - I contributed my intelligentsia to engineering companies - that unemployment was well deserved every bit as my hourly paycheck was deserved, I paid for it, capitalism exists for the very reason I supported it. Without folks like me - who is going to network an array of computers together for a workforce - who is going to engineer a signal processing model to make navigation in cars safer.

I thought you washed houses.

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Originally Posted by offduty viewpost.gif

. I would hate to think that anyone on this board would ever stoop so low or belittle himself by using unemployment.

Well then I guess you can call me a STOOPER because within hrs of being laid off she had already filed and has already received checks.

Out of this $ some of the household bills are being paid as well as the portion of health benefits that we have to cover to maintain our health coverage. Florida only pays a measly $550.00 every 2 weeks. The extra $1200.00 per month right now (which is not much) comes in VERY handy to keep us going especially when business for me gets slow just as it is right now. The Government has NO PROBLEM taking our money so guess what. I have no problem taking there $ especially when we need it to survive. No one is gonna look at us as being martyrs if we refused help from the government when we become homeless and are living in a tent out in the woods.

Larry, I feel for your situation, but you are not taking the gov't's money. The gov't has no money. It has my money, and yours. I have cancelled cable, lived on canned food and deer meat, cut out all non-essientals in the past when one business endeavor dried up and I had to try something new. There is always a way. I am sure a low paying job at Walmart would bring in the same amount as unemployment. I am not in your shoes and you are to nice of a guy for me to unload my own thoughts on. Dan, you are fair game though. Good luck to you Larry and I hope all works out for you.

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Let me see, I am pretty republican. I have never seen the republicans say they want to get rid of unemployment. In fact, that comment defies common sense.

I have employees, I pay the FUTA on their salary. In all reality it is part of their compensation package. The state just "invests" that money until it is needed by the employee. Since the employee is paying for it, through the employer, I would think that anyone that did not take advantage of it would be foolish. The same with Social Security. That is a huge scheme by the government to get an interest free loan, banking that a person will die before they retire. I pay a total of about 15% up to the limit every year to FICA. I darn well better get my money out, if it is still there. If you choose not to, that is fine, but you are just losing money that you were forced to pay for your retirement, unless you are on a state retirement system, then it is a totally different deal.


Sorry you lost your wife lost her job. I hope she is able to find another quickly.

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Scott, not saying my ways are not foolish, they are just my ways. I can be down right hard headed at times. I just don't want anything from the gov't that I am not ok with giving to them. I'll pay my fuel taxes to keep the roads paved, pay my taxes to keep a strong army, and I'll pay my SS because I am required to, I just don't want it back out of principle.

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The difference between Republicans and Democrats.

Republicans - Economy tanking = give people stimulus money.

Democrats - Economy tanking = give banks 5 times more money than the Republicans gave the people back.

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The difference between Republicans and Democrats.

Republicans - Economy tanking = give people stimulus money.

Democrats - Economy tanking = give banks 5 times more money than the Republicans gave the people back.

Right on.

Oh also don't forget they got bailed out from the bad loans THEY wrote. THEN they got bailed out with OUR money now THEY get to write off the losses they took as a tax break further screwing the tax payer....

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