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Our prayers go out to the families in the Tuscon Shooting


After hearing the news for the past couple days about the several people that lost there lives in the shooting. We ask everyone to please take a few minutes and pray for everyone that has been hurt, or lost someone in the shooting. Me being a father I could not imagine the pain and suffering that the 9 year old girls parents are going through planning there daughters burial.

After listening to the news today they mentioned that Fred Phelps from Westboro Baptist Church plans on protesting at Cristina Greeneā€™s funeral. If you remember this is the " SO CALLED church'' that protests at our soldiers funerals that get killed protecting our families, and now they are protesting this 9 year old girls funeral. Here is a link to the video from Fred Phelps announcing that they will be there. I truly can't believe this. http://tucsoncitizen.com/three-sonorans/2011/01/08/video-fred-phelps-westboro-baptist-church-plans-on-protesting-at-cristina-greenes-funeral/

Please just remember to take the time to pray for this girls family and the others that where hurt or killed.

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I mean if losing your kid, the one thing in this world that you would do anything to protect is not bad enough on you. The day of there funeral have to weep for your lose then hear those people outside screaming that they deserve what happened, would be even worse. Me being a man of god attending church every sunday would find it very hard not to approach them in a negative way.

I know when we had a local soldier die in war in afghanistan for us they said they where coming to North East Tennessee, However they never did. LOL I guess they found out how crazy some of our locals are/ can get.

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If people IGNORE him, he will eventually slip into obscurity. He seeks attention. He wants press. Don't give him any and he will move on. He recently threatened to protest at a local area high school here that was performing "The Laramie Project" and believe me, lots of parents were outraged. A good friend of mine is in a Harley club, and they planned to ride and gun their engines to drown him out, they got a permit to protest themselves at the same time, etc. The Westboro group didn't show up. My guess is they made a big stink to get in the media, but figured that it was too small and insignificant of an event to actually attend. BUT....since the media knew, they got press even though they were NOT THERE.

We need to ignore the hate mongering idiots.


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