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who will be next ??


near the end of another season and there are quite a few packing in..just goes to show how hard this game is to make a go of it...its not as if you could just get someone to step in your shoes take over from you while you ran it from home.

just a few...ronp,jon,dale, mbryn.alpha craft.....

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That sure is pretty sad to see guys leaving the buisness i wish ya'll luck and maby ya'll can return to it soon!

P.S keep some equipment if ya can you never know :)

Is it maby the cost of living is higher in some areas?

I know it can be tough and takes alot of hard work/hrs. to make big $$.

Having 2 incomes in a family always helps in the beginning till a company gets well established.

Most of your companies are not gonna break the bank but can earn a decent living.

Also for the companies that are well established are ya'll willing to sell your Company name and customer base?

If so and you decide to return better start brainstorming another name :)

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MBryan is not leaving as far as I know. He did post on "***" Hood Business for sale but they are located in GA and MBryan I believe is located out of CA. ALso that business he list for sale was actually put up for sale in 2001.

This is my 9th year Powerwashing which I'm starting to think is probably longer then average. I'm having to much fun to walk away............Ok that was a stretch. I should say the Money aint bad which would make it tough for me to walk. I'm in the process of buying a Van to add to my arsenal.

I will say this----The instant retirement from Dale Millere made me think a little about maybe I'm spending to much time doing 2 jobs and not seeing my family as often as I like. Then again my family is living pretty good and were all happy so there is no reason to right my ship when its just fine as it is.:)

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I've been at this for nine years now too. Good thing work is seasonal here in Michigan, because burnout is very real. By the time the season ends, I've had just about all I can take.

I usually get started 1st week of April, and unless the weather is bad, don't get a weekend off until September at the earliest. It's not uncommon for me to work seven days a week for months on end.

Of course just because I work seven days, doesn't mean every day is a full day. I always manage to get to my kids' baseball games in the evening, which is important to me. I've also found it best to schedule quotes for certain days of the week rather than haphazardly every night.

Although I'm making a decent living, it's not extravagent, in fact not even what I made as a System Administrator for a big computer firm. But the other rewards are just too great, and for now I can't see myself doing anything but this. I pray my health stays good though.

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Guys let me set the record straight here, I did not leave for lack of work, I had good accounts.

I am leaving, retiring if you please for health reasons and believe me if that were not the case I would still be cleaning the gum and scum off concrete.

I will be coming around here and will always be available for advice but won't be on any computer for about a month or two soon.

Still it is sad to see guys throw the towel in and quit and I wish them well in their new venture.

I will post my new address, phone numbers and Email address hopefully before I go under the knife but this Email address will be good for awhile.

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jon i know you have a full work book and plenty of work....what i was getting at is it is a hard game and even if you(anyone)wants to get out....it is nigh on impossible to get someone to run your biz for you(anyone)unsupervised........goodluck for the future jon and its nice to have you around....paul.

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I still come around every now and then to read. I hate to hear about Jon. I am selling new and used Cars and Trucks. I am at Jim Keras Chevrolet, Pontiac, and Buick in Somerville TN. I enjoy selling and the car business was my first choice when getting out of pressure washing. 100% Commision sales and as far as Uncle Sam is concerened I am self employed thats what Car salesman are classifed as through the government. The thing about Car sales is you can make $2000.00 a day or nothing its all about what you put into it kind of like the pressure washing field. I got into this strickly for insurance purposes and the hours I put in I dont have time to run a business. Alot of you know my kids background and Insuarance was the reason I closed my business.

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I thought you hooked up some side deal washing after you left Hummer.

OTP I have a guy (our detail guy) that works at the dealership that I am at now that cleans using my equipment and I take a 50% cut of the profits for him using my equipment. Most of what he is doing is detail work and a few houses that I get from repeat work that I already had. I am not activly looking for new work.

Beth the kids are doing great thanks for asking.

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Here's another one for your list Paul UK,

Business for Sale - Time to hang up the hoses. I have sold everything else and have kept in place 1 full operational rig. Those interested, please email me at onecallpowerwash@comcast.net

One Call Power Wash & Fleet Service

If interested, call 410-326-1980

$28,000 total


One Call Power Wash & Fleet Service



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