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Guy B

Anyone Here "Vape"?


Sounds like a silly question I know, but just wondering?

I have been smoke free since July, none, nada. I didn't like the patches, gum and other stuff.

So now I vape, do you?

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Sounds like a silly question I know, but just wondering?

I have been smoke free since July, none, nada. I didn't like the patches, gum and other stuff.

So now I vape, do you?

Congrats vape is better then nicotine burning up your lungs. I quit April 2001 a month before I turned 40. A few months we had 9/11 here and that was tough not to cave. There's very few things I'm afraid of and one of then is taking a drag of a cigarette. I haven't taken one. Not one.

Nicotine is on the addiction level as bad as heroin and kills a ton more people.

Good luck Guy and I mean that. What your doing is dealing with the psychological end of cigarettes where the hand movements etc are a huge part of the addiction. I actually did twice the price of packs back then where I smoked lettuce lace cigarettes and I failed. Went to a psychologist on a smoke quitting program and failed. Also went with my wife and friends to a hypnosis class and failed.

I loved smoking my pack+ a day. The problem was I dealt with in law enforcement getting people buses to take then to the hospital because they were smoking thru their necks and they couldn't breath.

The only way for me was to quit cold turkey and never go back.. All bull jazz aside I feel your pain cause I been there.

Good luck and God bless... Is the best advice I could give out on the cig addiction. Look your kids in the eye and maybe that gets you to never go back.. Most people fail. Good luck.

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I quit because I was loosing my voice (Not Because Of Cigs) because I had a polyp on my vocal cord. Let's face it, me without a voice is like a bird without wings, not good at all. The Doc said it wasn't cancer but needed to be removed. He asked if I smoked which of course I fessed up to. He said there would be scar tissue after surgery and that he wouldn't advise smoking again. That was all the sign I needed and stopped that day.

My Wife works for the Hospital System in our area and told me the other day that the Doctor that did my surgery has terminal cancer and is not expected to live very much longer, he never smoked.

Life is full of twisted irony. After 30 yrs of smoking, seems it should be me that has cancer instead of a Man that has done so much for so many people. I am Blessed.

To quote Jeff L........Life Is Good!

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Yep, i do. Plus I have caved in and smoked the real deal more than once after professing to quit.

I have done the gum, smoke patch, crack patch, stress patch, yoga, exersize, holding my breath, "Cindy watching", whatever.

Anything, I do it all man, to try and beat it. The urges NEVER stop man. always there like a monster.

Little victories is how it works for me.

Its weird. i know of an indian who smoked filterless Pal Mals and drank a six pack of schlitz daily and made it to 105.

I keep a pack of dunhills around for when I cave in. Thats a REAL cigarette man. might as well try and enjoy a failure to it's highest degree.

Fight the good fight man, .... you're not the only one.

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Quitting smoking is one of the hardest things I ever done. I loved smoking. It was a perfect companion.

I must have quit 30-40 times before I quit for good. I use to go to a bar or restaurant and within one drink I'd light up again. Never failed. Drinks & smokes go hand in hand.

Finally when I quit for good I would never even have a drag because I was "afraid" I'd cave in again. As time went by it got easier. Eventually after a long while the thought never comes to me anymore about having a cigarette..

My friend "The Cigarette" is dead to me. Even if I got diagnosed with something terminal I am never going back because now I got my 2 Girls who look up to me for never smoking. There all that matters when it comes to this. That's one of the ways I quit. I just thought about them:)

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If you're looking for the best disposable vape in the UK, you have to try Boss of Vapes. Their flavors are unmatched, and the convenience is perfect for on-the-go vaping. Plus, their sleek design fits easily in your pocket. Give it a try and see why so many people are making the switch!

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