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Custom made portable hose reel...

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I will be entering into my second year of power washing as soon as the nights stop dropping below freezing. Last year I delt with coiling all my hoses by hand and hanging them in my trailer. I have a small trailer I made last year that I plan on posting pics of this season; may help some other newbies. I do not have much room left in my trailer, but I would like to squeeze a portable hose reel set up into it. I am tired of coiling hoses! I use a cold water rig and hook up to owners water. Then rapid reel portable hose reel is out of the question due to size.

I will list/describe what I am thinking about doing and I would appreciate your feedback.

I am looking to purchase a small PW frame from Barens:


and then attaching this hose reel: http://shop.doitrightonline.com/item.asp?pid=73

by bolting it to the frame. I need to get the demensions of the frame and reel I guess to make sure it fits. Then if there was room on the handle I was thinking about mounting a feed line hose reel like this one: http://www.rewci.com/la15ca5hacah.html.

Thanks for your help. If anyone has a solution for a compact portable hose reel system I would appreciate the input.

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could always get a garden hose cart that is built on wheels, such as something like http://www.homedepot.com/prel80/HDUS/EN_US/diy_main/pg_diy.jsp?CNTTYPE=PROD_META&CNTKEY=storehome/pg_storehome.jsp&BV_SessionID=@@@@1779887810.1111291512@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccehaddeeffikfkcgelceffdfgidgmk.0&cm_ven=CJ&cm_cat=887519&cm_ite=Homepage&cm_pla=958792

and many places have high pressure reels that can be carried as well, with a handle on them.....I understand what your trying to do, do you remove your unit from the trailer while using it? If you do, I see the desire to pull all the hose off too.......

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There are high pressure reels specifically made to attach to your cold water machine to allow for fast wind ups. I saw some nice ones made by Steel Eagle, while I was at the trade show in Columbus. I think they started at about $200, but were really good quality with a nice powder coat finish that should stay looking nice for some time.

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I do remove my unit from my trailer and am trying to make a cart that has all my hoses together to pull around. I can not add any reel attachment to my machine due to how I built my trailer and I am dealing with a vertical space on my trailer that the unit would sit. I will post pics of my trailer when I dewinterize it; it is about 4wX4HX5L with a tilt up roof, ramp, and storage shelf came out pretty nice.

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Attaching the reel to the washer is the typical way to add a reel system. Seems your trailer is limiting what you can do, and that might not be good.

The cart system you envision can be built. It still requires a separate trip to transport from the trailer to the jobsite. The less trips back and forth I have to make to set up/teardown, the better I like it.

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Like Tony said, the less trips the better your day will go. If you have room to put the cart in the trailer, you should have room to mount a reel on your pressure washer and a garden hose reel on the wall of your trailer. With a few extra fiittings ( maybe a double male, or a double female garden hose fitting) you can do a reverse lay and have the outlet of the hose reel plumbed right to your washer and pull the hose off the garden hose reel to hook into the house spigot. Turn the water on and go to it.

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I have just seen a few pics on here of the surflow set-up on a hand truck and think I will go that route. Yes my trailer is limiting me but so is my vehicle; hoping this will change in about 2 seasons. I am making the most out of what I have vehicle wise and try to go top quality with all equipment.

I will post pics of my trailer later, but I need to find a hand truck with a 45" height or around there. I am planning to bolt the reels to the hand truck and have them stacked, high pressure hose on the botttom and my feed hose on top. I need to make a feed hose whip to my washer though. The pics of the surflow system look nice and gave me the idea; thanks who ever posted them.

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I don't think a hand cart will make a stable mount for two reels. It'll probably tend to tip over when you're pulling the hose out. Unless you've already tested it, don't assume this idea will work ideally.

A nice heavy duty hand wagon with pneumatic tires may be an even better choice. Northern Tool has some nice ones.

Due to the limitations of your trailer, it seems you may be forced to custom fabricate something if you want it done right. If you can't weld, find somebody who can. Be sure they can fabricate well, because it may sound easy to just weld this piece here, and there, but it really takes a craftsman to cut the metal stock, smooth the edges, clean, and finally weld, laying nice beads. Plus make it look good to boot!

A side point....

I like all my equipment to look as well as function exceptionally. Although jury-rigged equipment can get the job done, I prefer my equipment to reflect a professional image. Let the college kid with a pressure washer in his trunk retain the amatuer look.

Although it takes time to build a business and get the extra cash required, it reflects very nicely to show up on the job with a nice clean truck and trailer, and professional grade, industry standard equipment. If we as powerwashers want to promote a positive image for the trade, then we need to play the part, as well as offer superior service.

Sometimes if you step back and look at your overall operation, you can identify that changes need to be made in the basics before proper changes can be made in other areas.

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When I first started I had a plastic water hose reel and a cox reel mounted to a red wagon. It worked good(and looked neat) until the 1/4in axles bent on the ends. I think the hand wagon A-Plus mentioned would work good if you have the room for it.

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heavy duty hand wagon with pneumatic tires(good advise A+)

Set up a unit the best you can with what you can afford.A good and profesional attitude outways any setup.An arrogant SOB with all the bells and whistles will have his unit on Ebay within a year...

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I like the wagon idea, however the room I am dealing with is a vertical space. I am looking at using and mounting the Quick reels on the hand truck. As far as stability, I realize this is an issue....I could use two outrigger supports that fold out from the lip if I leave it standing or I can lay it down. I am just making it more convenient for myself to move and wind-up the hoses and have them in a centralized location. Once built I think it will look nice and be functional. I need to make the most out of what I have and do agree with the knowledge able and professional attitude, that will win them over.

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