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Know it all


Just a quick story about a PITA homeowner

Last week I did about 10,000 sq ft of concrete walkways around a clubhouse of a very rich neighborhood. At the clubhouse was a large cooldeck coated pooldeck. I was almost finished with concrete and I had one of the homeowners come up to me and ask about several rust stains bleading up through the pool deck. It was about an area 20x30 and it was only at the seems in the concrete. He started complaining about this rust, it wasnt much. He was a real jerk how he talked to me. He kept saying rudely that why arent I cleaning these ruust stains and I told him, I wasnt asked to(The pool deck was other wise clean) He started bitching about this is the first thing his guest will see and I should do it now, I told him to talk to his Property Management Co. He complaining more, He said cant I just hit it with a little pressure. I told him pressure wont remove it, I need rust remover. I had rust remover OX, but none mixed up and I didnt feel like mixing it, to help this jerk out and I wasnt going to do it for free, and I wanted to get out of there and go home. Just to prove to him pressure wasnt going to do it, I brought my hose over and applied pressure to rust. This jerk said he pressure washed plenty and he KNOWS it will come off with pressure, I didnt say anything, I was getting pissed, I wanted to turn the gun on him!!

So i take gun and apply pressure, NOTHING, didnt really touch the rust and I pointed out to him it actually started to remove the coating. this jerk basically called me a liar and said it wasnt removing the coating, he once again said he's done plenty of PWing, and he could get it up with pressure. I asked this jerk" How long did you own a pressure washing company" He said he didnt. I told him I have for years and I know what I'm talking about, he was pissy and said it wasnt taking the coating off. I looked right at him and said you must be blind and I'm done here. He started to complain about the property manager and why I wouldnt take this rust off. I told him sir Ive been very patient with you, but the way you are talking to me I dont like and if you want this rust taken care of, i suggest you cal Prop mang. and I walked away as he was still bitching.

Well I get back to my truck and this jerk comes over and asked me to come to his house, he has a brick patio with rust all over it. well I told Mr. know it all. Im backed up with work and I no longer do residential. He said could i just check it out. I told him straight out, NO, I dont want to work for him, he looked stunned and mad, I closed the truck door and drove off. Some people I wish I could just punch!

Well I talked to the property manager a couple days ago to tell him, everything was finished and I mentioned about this homeowner Frank, who was a PITA and he said the guys a jerk. He also said Frank had called him that day and wanted the rust removed and he wanted me to do it , because as Frank the PITA said I know what I'm talking about(Go Figure). Prop mang asked how much to remove it, I told him $100 because it was a little bit of a distance from my area. I told him, the rust will just keep coming back. Prop mang. said do it and do it once a month.

Thanks Frank the know it all PITA homeowner

Whats your PITA homeowner story?

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....And then there was the story of the little old lady who was adamant that all I needed was to put TSP in water and spray her house, because bleach was just too harsh. She claimed it would clean paint and glass. She said she'd do it herself if she could get up on a ladder (she couldn't climb a ladder if Jesus Christ Himself was holding her hand). I walked her over to my truck and showed her on my window what happens when TSP comes into contact with glass and told her that there was no way I would take that kind of liability.

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