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What a day


Woke up this morning at 3:15AM had the crew coming in at 4AM to start work, we had a walkway bridge to do that crosses over the Blvd down at the beach. we had to get out there early to avoid traffic. Its a 4 lane road and we had to clean mold & mildew & rust stains off the over the road section plus we had several other areas of the front of the large hotel to do. Set up cones and had vest lighting , flash lights and flagmen. So we are washing away at 4:30 all we see is cops & a hooker or 2. We get the road way done and it looks great. Well theres another area we need to do, but when I bid the job it was a grassy area with a tree or 2 , well ow there full blown constuction of a lazy river they are building, cant get lift in the area its all sand and soft dirt. I'm aggravated the area we need to clean is 15-25 feet above us and needs some pressure to clean it. I go to GM and tell him we cant get in the area they send maintenance chief he says try lift if we get stuck the pool construction guys can pull us out with loader. Against better judgement I went in 10 ft and started getting stuck, I said the hell with that.

How are we going to get this all kinds of stuff in our way. Talk to GM and tell him this is going to take more time and time is money. He wants this done bad, I'm getting real good money for job so I tell him, if he wants it done we'll do it it he covers my labor cost, he agrees on another $150.00. I put the guys on ladders & step ladders and we get it done, everything took less than 7 1/2 hrs. GM comes out of meeting and thanks us, says he's amazed how clean we got it, thannking me and the crew and he bought us lunnch. He told me he thought we wouldnt get it done, because of the construction and he thanked us for the extra effort. I told him I didnt want to leave something half done. We finished wrapping up everything and GM came over to me again and said he'll be calling for more work.

Now this job paid $2650 for 7 1/2 hrs great pay day for sure. We left there and went and did a pool deck/clubhouse/pool furniture and that paid $550. great pay day all around.

Theres money to be made in PWing so you guys that are wondering if its worth it and are just starting out. PWing is worth it and giving a little extra sometimes is noticed. I wanted to charge him more than just the extra $150 but i was getting good money so I said what the hell lets just get this job done and done properly

Well this property has a 237,000 sq ft parking garage that I bid on a month or so ago and he said at the time he wanted to see how we work and he'll think about the garage, at the time he was saying its alot of money and I told him its a lot of garage.

I get a call at 5:30 tonight its the GM. Guess WHAT????? He said fax him over contract for parking garage to be done in November. He said he was impressed with the quality of work and the extra effort and that we didnt walkaway with it half done. I thanked him and said that how we do biz. I GOT THE JOB !!!!!!!! So COOOOLLLLLLLLL

Extra effort hard work and show them what you can do, will get you the work

I get excited when a property appreciates a good contractor like US

Told my wife about it and had her give me a pat on the back, I love when a plan cmes together

I Love PWing



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Congrats on landing that big fish!! We should all strive to be the kind of business you are operating. Jeff, maybe you should write a motivational book or something. I'm happy for ya, and also glad that you're not my competition:D

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Congrats on landing that big fish!! We should all strive to be the kind of business you are operating. Jeff, maybe you should write a motivational book or something. I'm happy for ya, and also glad that you're not my competition:D

Thanks i was real happy about the parking garage, I wasnt really sure I'd get it.

I like what I do, its fun to watch how things play out over time


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Victory is sweet ,isn't it.It isn't all about the CASSHEE(got to have as much as is wise),but your name,your reputation as a worthy workman,are Priceless.The cash will always follow your operation's INTEGRITY!

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