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M$ Windows - shocking revelation



8GB Ought To Be Enough For Anybody

REDMOND, WA -- In a shocking move, Microsoft has revealed that the new

Xbox console will only contain an 8 gigabyte hard drive. This implies that

the machines will use a version of the Windows operating system that fits

within only 8GB. Squeezing Windows into such a small footprint must

certainly be one of the greatest technological achievements ever crafted

by Microsoft's Research & Assimilation Department.

"I can't believe it," said one industry observer who always happens to

show up when this Humorix reporter needs to quote somebody. "To think that they were able to strip away the easter egg flight simulators, the

multi-gigabyte yet content-free Help files, and all of the other crap that

comes bundled with Windows is simply remarkable. I don't even want to

think about all of the manpower, blood, sweat, and tears required to

distill Windows into only 8 gigabytes of bare essentials. Wow!"

Hard drive manufacturers are deeply disturbed over the news. Explained one

PR flack at Eastern Analog, "We depend on Microsoft to continually produce

bloated software that becomes larger and larger with each passing day. We

can't sell huge 100GB drives if Microsoft Windows only occupies a measly 8

gigs! They will never buy a new drive if Microsoft doesn't force them!"


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I was in computers for 15 years before PW'ing. And those exact thoughts crossed my mind hundreds of times. I can remember installing Windows 2.0 from 5 floppies and later 3.0 into a ridiculous 30Mb. Now we can barely install it in a gig or so...

And if you wondering what that bloat is, just consider EVERY printer/modem/soundcard/etc driver for every piece of hardware ever

made is hiding in there. All that fat just so you won't have to actually use the driver disk that came with your new scanner...

Cmon, do we REALLY need 45 full color wallpapers, only one of which we will ever use. Or can we just pick one at install time and keep the rest on the disc?

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Hey Philip,

In another life I was also in the software business. Churning out code for customers on the M$ platform. When Red Hat came out with the 5.1 series of Linux, switched and never went back.

Still have to boot into a Windoze partition for Quickbooks, emailed MS Word estimates, and the occasional shooter session with Far Cry. Otherwise, Linux takes care of all my network and desktop needs.

Diamond Jim,

Never forget the first time I touched an Apple. Took me 15 minutes to figure out how to turn the thing on! Problem with Apple is their hardware is just so expensive. I give them credit though as I believe their OSX operating system is built on Open Source code base.

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A Apple a Day keeps " Bill Gates" at bay.....
Not any more. Apple rolled out an Intel machine last year, and an Apple version of windows is in development for release early 07 IIRC. So, it appears that even Apple has gone WinTel.

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