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Arrrrg..! Good wood to the dump...


Cypress. 5- 6 yr. old cypress. ~900 sq. ft. footprint of cypress. Email as follows:


I am sad to say that I am ripping the deck down. My friends workers are beginning demolition today. I am so fed up with the deck, and it will be somewhat reasonable just to change the entire deck, and forget about any future stainings and work.

I will save some of the cypress for you to experiment on.

Thanks ,



Sorry to hear that, cypress is a high quality wood. Hope you have a better experience with composite decking. Don't bother saving a piece of wood, I can always pick up some at the lumberyard.

Its been fun and I know who to call if I ever want to trade some sugar!

Best wishes,



Rick Petry



Customer is a sugar trader in the pits of the NY futures market. Ripping up and trashing cypress for composite crap? My fault, its shameful, not being able to save a terrific wood. Shuflo busted this AM, cedar needs some work, and today was more than discouraging.

Any wood psychologists out there? Thinkin' about going back and playing the market and ponies...

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Absolute sacrilege. I'm glad you cleared up the "trading sugar" thing. I wasn't sure what I was reading. Hang in there, man. You get to start fresh tommorrow. Gimme a call sometime soon. We haven't chatted in awhile and I wanted to trade some info (I'm out of sugar) 610-662-4036

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Hey Celeste,

I stripped a cedar balustrade and percarbed a Trex deck floor yesterday. Stuff makes you feel more like a janitor than a woodie. I won't take jobs that are 100% composites without any wood work. Unless its August when it generally gets real slow!

Not only did I want to work on the cypress because it is a new species for me, his trashing of the wood and installing composite may be my fault. Due to scheduled work, I just could not start the job until late May or early June. This guy is real hectic, fast talking and probably a bit impetuous. Wants everything perfect and wants it done RIGHT NOW. Oh well...

Temperature is rising and I gotta go stain some cedar. See you later.

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