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I'm a believer...


So I am trying like heck to strip my deck - and I am just dumbfounded as to

why it won't come off - at which point I make my solution like 12 oz. of sodium hydroxide, 6 oz. of tsp/sodium metasilicate, 1.5 oz. of tergitol, and a bunch of antifreeze, propylene glycol, all per gallon. And throw that on - I scratch the old coating, and it scratches off - but my pressure washer with it's 40 degree tip isn't taking it off with 2750 psi held a foot away - and if I hold it closer, it gouges the wood. So I say screw this - and hold it close, reminding myself I wanted to sand down the old part of the deck anyways.

Well the next day - I go back to making my normal solution of

6 oz. lye

3 oz tsp/sodium metasilicate

1.5 oz. tergitol

propylene glycol

And I spray all the balusters - then I get a phone call, and forget about what I sprayed on. It is wet up here in New England, so it didn't dry out. So half an hour later I come back to pressure wash it off. Then my hose on the pressure side of the pressure washer springs a leak, damn! Well I have to rinse, so with the decreased pressure I start rinsing - I can put my fingers just 4" in front of the spray - that's how much the pressure drops! So I have to hold the gun right up to the wood. And the stuff came off like butter! without any damage to the wood! Eureka! And I didn't even scrub it! lol.

So I will be buying one of those tips that will radically reduce pressure, but give more GPM's along with a new hose. So dwell, and rinse real close with reduced pressure, I am now a believer.


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